Old Reason demo song - Charlie Clouser "Four Notes"

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13 Sep 2017

So anyway, here's the Reason 4 demo songs, including COMMANDO!


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15 Sep 2017

No love at all? I'll remember that!
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20 Sep 2017

So who can hook me up with Reason 1,2,3 demo songs? I'll do the rest.
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20 Sep 2017

I finally received a response from Ph regarding permission to redistribute Reason demo song files.

They said it's not Propellerhead's permission to give, as they have no authority to license these songs to 3rd party forums or websites. The songs are still the intellectual property of the artists who provided them and so we’d have to get permission from each artist on a case-by-case basis to redistribute them here or anywhere else.

I personally don’t have the resources to locate and communicate with all artist involved, but there may be others here who may want to take this on.

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21 Sep 2017

Noel G. wrote:
20 Sep 2017
I finally received a response from Ph regarding permission to redistribute Reason demo song files.

They said it's not Propellerhead's permission to give, as they have no authority to license these songs to 3rd party forums or websites. The songs are still the intellectual property of the artists who provided them and so we’d have to get permission from each artist on a case-by-case basis to redistribute them here or anywhere else.

I personally don’t have the resources to locate and communicate with all artist involved, but there may be others here who may want to take this on.
Just cut the bullshit will you? They've agreed to pack those songs with the Reason demo's. That's more than enough.
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21 Sep 2017

Besides you have to have reason to even open them.
:reason: :record: :refill: :re: :PUF_take: :rebirth: :PUF_figure:

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21 Sep 2017

Wickline wrote:
21 Sep 2017
Besides you have to have reason to even open them.
That too. Noel is stalling and talking out of his ass.
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21 Sep 2017

Just found the Reason 1 demo songs. Now I need 2 and 3.
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21 Sep 2017

Got the 2.5 demo songs as well, including "Four Notes"
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21 Sep 2017

Gorgon wrote:
21 Sep 2017
Just found the Reason 1 demo songs. Now I need 2 and 3.

Got the 2.5 demo songs as well, including "Four Notes"
Sorry can't help you out with 3 - started Reason at R4, but really looking forward to checking out all the demos over the years!!
You'd think Propellerhead would have no problem with the demoes. It would showcase the awesome capabilities of Reason.
Noel G. wrote:
20 Sep 2017
I personally don’t have the resources to locate and communicate with all artist involved, but there may be others here who may want to take this on.
I'd love to see how some of the Forum Song Challenge winners created their magic! You must have learned so much!

If you could ask them if it would be ok to let the community see how they did their files, that would be AMAZING!

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21 Sep 2017

stratatonic wrote:
21 Sep 2017
You'd think Propellerhead would have no problem with the demoes. It would showcase the awesome capabilities of Reason.
Guys... i'm going to jump in and comment to clear up what is clearly some confusion. People didn't seem to read or understand what Noel was saying about our permission or lack of permission to post the demo songs so let me try and clarify:

The question to Propellerhead from Noel was "Would you guys mind if I hosted every Reason demo song from all old versions on my site?"

That answer has two parts for us, which break down like this:

1) Would we like to see a resource like that and are we stoked that someone like Noel does so much archival work for the Reason community? Absolutely! We love what Noel does at Reasonistas and by any objective measure you gotta love someone's initiative to compile this.

2) Are we able to actually give that permission or are we even the right people to be asking? No.

That second question is where the confusion is lying with some people in this thread, so let me be clear in this:

This music is not ours to give permission about. We simply licensed this music from artists over the years, who granted us permission to include it with the version of Reason we were shipping at the time. It's a license agreement... and agreements have terms... and you can't decide on new terms down the road simply because Noel is a nice guy and he has the best of intentions for the community. That wouldn't be fair to the musicians who gave us very specific and limited permissions to use their intellectual property. It's still theirs.

So it's not that we told Noel: "you can't use it." It's that we told Noel "it's not a question that we can answer because it's not our intellectual property." He'd have as much legal standing to ask Ableton if he could host these songs... or McDonalds. Just like they have no legal standing to grant permission on these artists' music, neither do we. Make sense?

If your local movie theater shows Star Wars on the big screen, they're licensing the right to do that from the studio who made that movie. If I contacted the local movie theater and asked them for their permission to screen Star Wars at an event I'm hosting do you think they'd say "sure go for it!" or "um, dude... that ain't our movie. We got permission from Disney and you should too if you want to do that."

It's the same situation. So what we told Noel was: "1) Sounds like an awesome idea. 2) It's not our permission to give, so you'd have to reach out to the artists themselves for their blessing. 3) The only thing we could possibly give our blessing for is the hosting of the files in .reason or .rsn format which of course we have no problem with that.

But the music contained in those files isn't something we have say over.

Hope that makes sense! And I hope that some of you, now that you're getting it, go "Oh actually that's pretty cool of Propellerhead to be aware of and respecting artists' intellectual property. I knew I always liked that Ryan guy. I should send him a birthday card this year." :thumbs_up:

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22 Sep 2017

ryanharlin wrote:
21 Sep 2017
stratatonic wrote:
21 Sep 2017
You'd think Propellerhead would have no problem with the demoes. It would showcase the awesome capabilities of Reason.
Guys... i'm going to jump in and comment to clear up what is clearly some confusion. People didn't seem to read or understand what Noel was saying about our permission or lack of permission to post the demo songs so let me try and clarify:

The question to Propellerhead from Noel was "Would you guys mind if I hosted every Reason demo song from all old versions on my site?"

That answer has two parts for us, which break down like this:

1) Would we like to see a resource like that and are we stoked that someone like Noel does so much archival work for the Reason community? Absolutely! We love what Noel does at Reasonistas and by any objective measure you gotta love someone's initiative to compile this.

2) Are we able to actually give that permission or are we even the right people to be asking? No.

That second question is where the confusion is lying with some people in this thread, so let me be clear in this:

This music is not ours to give permission about. We simply licensed this music from artists over the years, who granted us permission to include it with the version of Reason we were shipping at the time. It's a license agreement... and agreements have terms... and you can't decide on new terms down the road simply because Noel is a nice guy and he has the best of intentions for the community. That wouldn't be fair to the musicians who gave us very specific and limited permissions to use their intellectual property. It's still theirs.

So it's not that we told Noel: "you can't use it." It's that we told Noel "it's not a question that we can answer because it's not our intellectual property." He'd have as much legal standing to ask Ableton if he could host these songs... or McDonalds. Just like they have no legal standing to grant permission on these artists' music, neither do we. Make sense?

If your local movie theater shows Star Wars on the big screen, they're licensing the right to do that from the studio who made that movie. If I contacted the local movie theater and asked them for their permission to screen Star Wars at an event I'm hosting do you think they'd say "sure go for it!" or "um, dude... that ain't our movie. We got permission from Disney and you should too if you want to do that."

It's the same situation. So what we told Noel was: "1) Sounds like an awesome idea. 2) It's not our permission to give, so you'd have to reach out to the artists themselves for their blessing. 3) The only thing we could possibly give our blessing for is the hosting of the files in .reason or .rsn format which of course we have no problem with that.

But the music contained in those files isn't something we have say over.

Hope that makes sense! And I hope that some of you, now that you're getting it, go "Oh actually that's pretty cool of Propellerhead to be aware of and respecting artists' intellectual property. I knew I always liked that Ryan guy. I should send him a birthday card this year." :thumbs_up:
Hi Ryan, thank you for jumping in and providing further clarification. We appreciate it.

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22 Sep 2017

stratatonic wrote:
21 Sep 2017
Noel G. wrote:
20 Sep 2017
I personally don’t have the resources to locate and communicate with all artist involved, but there may be others here who may want to take this on.
I'd love to see how some of the Forum Song Challenge winners created their magic! You must have learned so much!

If you could ask them if it would be ok to let the community see how they did their files, that would be AMAZING!
Hi stratatonic, we've never asked song challenge participants if we could publicly share their Reason song files, although I think some have shared them voluntarily here: viewforum.php?f=10.

Most download links to the song challenge song files have expired and I've deleted them from my hard drive after they've been checked for compliance with the rules.

I think anyone here can send a pm to the producer of a song they liked from a previous song challenge to ask if they could share the Reason song file. I will ask that question of every participant in the next song challenge though and we'll see what happens. Thanks for suggesting it.

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22 Sep 2017

Why don't you just host them and take songs down if certain artists request it? They gave the song out at one point so things probably haven't changed much (if at all). I'm no lawyer though...

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23 Sep 2017

RandomSkratch wrote:
22 Sep 2017
Why don't you just host them and take songs down if certain artists request it? They gave the song out at one point so things probably haven't changed much (if at all). I'm no lawyer though...
The artists gave Propellerhead Software permission to include their demo song files with Reason, but not here or anywhere else.

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02 Oct 2017

anybody have Olivia olivia broadfield early hours demo song? i want to do a mix of it but i need the file... if you do can you PM me the link or email me it

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20 Oct 2017

Hey guys,

I registered just to thank you for listing the names and artists of the Reason demo songs!

I was searching for a TGM song that came with a Reason package. Just saw that it was »Pluto«, great!

Best regards,

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01 Oct 2018

Thank u Noel.
I just visited the Reasonistas site but i couldn t find the demo song files.
can u help me?
Noel G. wrote:
27 May 2016
Public Service Announcement: This is what happens when you've been around the Reason community too long.

We actually worked together at the PUF to collect "all" Reason Demo Song files for Reason (and Record) from version 1 and now up to version 8. It seems were missing the demo songs for Reason versions 2 ad 6.5 (were there any for 6.5?).

I'll upload these to Reasonistas if you guys/gals can help me verify the list.



Reason 1.0
Reason 1.0 Default Song.rns
Yoga-You And I.rps
Reason 1.0.sitx

Reason 2.0
Reason 2.0 Default Song.rns
Charlie Clouser - Four Notes.rps
JM - Mobilstudio.rps
Krister Linder - Industrial Insect.rps
Luxurious - Maya.rps
Ok - Blue Then.rps
Stolf - Why Red.rps
TGM (The Green Man) - Pluto.rps
The Adjuster - Mr Demo Song.rps
Thiago Pinheiro - One More Reason.rps
Thomas Kurppa & Eric Ericson - Automatsakring.rps
Unknown Source - Realization.rps
YMC - A New Direction.rps

Reason 2.5
Reason 2.5 Default Song.rns
Fredrik Hagglund - What more Reason.rps
Mikael Andersson - Mystic.rps

Reason 3.0
Andreas Tilliander-Marychain.rps
Bonamici-La Famiglia.rps
Brasko-One Reason.rps
DJ Babu-Dilated Junky 1.rps
Dj Hyper-RawHide.rps
Dj Mattrick-48 Hours From Tulsa.rps
Frykberg & Jansson-Blow.rps
G.W. Childs-Tell Me.rps
Griffin (Chris)-Redemptive History.rps
James Bernard-Holdin It Down.rps
L. Carlson-Hi-Fi Cops.rps
Ming&FS-Don't Feed The Monkey.rps
NeoVerse-I Dig Guitars.rps
Orkester Demo.rps
Phobos-Spirit Zen.rps
Reason 3.0 Default Song.rns
Simon 'Subs' Duggal-Mystical.rps
Symbiont-Swedish Nightlife.rps
T. Karlsson-Organ Donator.rps

Reason 4.0
AP=X - Xplore Your Mind.rps
Bjarne O. - Fighting Evil.rps
DJ Babu - Dilated Junky 2.rps
eXode - Radiant Emission.rps
Flip Matrix - Flip'd Out.rps
Gosub - Sordon's Theme.rps
J Chris Griffin - Chords All Night.rps
James Bernard - Age of Technology.rps
Jeremy Ellis - ThorFunk.rps
Josh Mobley And Woody Ranere - Narrow Escape.rps
Karlofs - The Darker Side of Happiness.rps
Kevin Hastings - Stay By The Phone.rps
Orkester Demo.rps
Reason 4.0 Default Song.rns
Rob Hubbard - Commando.rps
Turbotito - Sydney Heat.rps

Reason 5.0
Beyer & Lekebusch - Kretsloppstest.rps
Demo Song.rns
Sharooz - Polyform.rps
The Salazar Brothers - Blazin Beat.rps
The Salazar Brothers - Scientific Beats.rps
The Salazar Brothers - Smooth Hustle Beat.rps

Reason 6.0
Abiram Brizuela - Evolution.rsndemo
Anosou - All I Want is Everything.rsndemo
Chaka Blackmon - Purple Ribbons.rsndemo
Freeway feat Lina Hansson - Unglamorous.rsndemo
High Koast - Hot Jewel.rsndemo
JB - Bajo Caida.rsndemo
Little Jinder - Everything.rsndemo
Nanuh - Good Morning.rsndemo
Olivia Broadfield - Say.rsndemo
Reason 6 Factory Soundbank Preview.rsndemo
Techno Squirrels - Faster.rsndemo

Reason 6.5
Missing or none released?

Reason 7.0
Abiram Brizuela - Evolution.rsndemo
Ali Payami - English.rsndemo
Jocke Skog - The Hitter (just add vocals).rsndemo
Loopmasters - There's A Dubstep In My Closet.rsndemo
Mr Bubblehead - Slow Motion.rsndemo
Olivia Broadfield - Say.rsndemo
Rikanatti - The Remedy.rsndemo

Reason 8.0
Abiram Brizuela - Evolution (orchestral).rsndemo
BLKMGK - Power.rsndemo
Cntrl - Astoria.rsndemo
Cntrl - Metamorph.rsndemo
JB - Bajo Caida.rsndemo
Olivia Broadfield - Say.rsndemo
Qua z mo - I Just Wanna Be.rsndemo
Van Goghs - A Simple Song.rsndemo

Record 1.0
Atom - Outside In (Mixed and produced by Gary Bromham).rsndemo
Chaka Blackmon - Purple Ribbons.recdemo
Josh Mobley - Push Me Down.record
Labtekwon - Rhyme Reason Record.recdemo
Nora - Recall.reedemo
The Baguettes - We Get It On.recdemo
Tobias Froberg - What A Day.rsndemo

Record 1.5
Josh Mobley and Blackjack - What's The Reason.recdemo
Magnus Frykberg - 700 Dreams.recdemo
Memphis Groove.recdemo

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01 Oct 2018

Keeping this thread alive, I see? :lol:

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22 Jul 2020

howdy noel.

thank you for all you do.

would you kindly provide a link to thiago pinheiro's 'one more reason' ? i even grabbed my r2.0 discs to reinstall, but it's not in the demo songs. perhaps it came w/ 2.5 ?

greatly appreciate sending this track my way as i cannot find it anywhere.

thank you.

Noel G. wrote:
27 May 2016
Public Service Announcement: This is what happens when you've been around the Reason community too long.

We actually worked together at the PUF to collect "all" Reason Demo Song files for Reason (and Record) from version 1 and now up to version 8. It seems were missing the demo songs for Reason versions 2 ad 6.5 (were there any for 6.5?).

I'll upload these to Reasonistas if you guys/gals can help me verify the list.



Reason 1.0
Reason 1.0 Default Song.rns
Yoga-You And I.rps
Reason 1.0.sitx

Reason 2.0
Reason 2.0 Default Song.rns
Charlie Clouser - Four Notes.rps
JM - Mobilstudio.rps
Krister Linder - Industrial Insect.rps
Luxurious - Maya.rps
Ok - Blue Then.rps
Stolf - Why Red.rps
TGM (The Green Man) - Pluto.rps
The Adjuster - Mr Demo Song.rps
Thiago Pinheiro - One More Reason.rps
Thomas Kurppa & Eric Ericson - Automatsakring.rps
Unknown Source - Realization.rps
YMC - A New Direction.rps

Reason 2.5
Reason 2.5 Default Song.rns
Fredrik Hagglund - What more Reason.rps
Mikael Andersson - Mystic.rps

Reason 3.0
Andreas Tilliander-Marychain.rps
Bonamici-La Famiglia.rps
Brasko-One Reason.rps
DJ Babu-Dilated Junky 1.rps
Dj Hyper-RawHide.rps
Dj Mattrick-48 Hours From Tulsa.rps
Frykberg & Jansson-Blow.rps
G.W. Childs-Tell Me.rps
Griffin (Chris)-Redemptive History.rps
James Bernard-Holdin It Down.rps
L. Carlson-Hi-Fi Cops.rps
Ming&FS-Don't Feed The Monkey.rps
NeoVerse-I Dig Guitars.rps
Orkester Demo.rps
Phobos-Spirit Zen.rps
Reason 3.0 Default Song.rns
Simon 'Subs' Duggal-Mystical.rps
Symbiont-Swedish Nightlife.rps
T. Karlsson-Organ Donator.rps

Reason 4.0
AP=X - Xplore Your Mind.rps
Bjarne O. - Fighting Evil.rps
DJ Babu - Dilated Junky 2.rps
eXode - Radiant Emission.rps
Flip Matrix - Flip'd Out.rps
Gosub - Sordon's Theme.rps
J Chris Griffin - Chords All Night.rps
James Bernard - Age of Technology.rps
Jeremy Ellis - ThorFunk.rps
Josh Mobley And Woody Ranere - Narrow Escape.rps
Karlofs - The Darker Side of Happiness.rps
Kevin Hastings - Stay By The Phone.rps
Orkester Demo.rps
Reason 4.0 Default Song.rns
Rob Hubbard - Commando.rps
Turbotito - Sydney Heat.rps

Reason 5.0
Beyer & Lekebusch - Kretsloppstest.rps
Demo Song.rns
Sharooz - Polyform.rps
The Salazar Brothers - Blazin Beat.rps
The Salazar Brothers - Scientific Beats.rps
The Salazar Brothers - Smooth Hustle Beat.rps

Reason 6.0
Abiram Brizuela - Evolution.rsndemo
Anosou - All I Want is Everything.rsndemo
Chaka Blackmon - Purple Ribbons.rsndemo
Freeway feat Lina Hansson - Unglamorous.rsndemo
High Koast - Hot Jewel.rsndemo
JB - Bajo Caida.rsndemo
Little Jinder - Everything.rsndemo
Nanuh - Good Morning.rsndemo
Olivia Broadfield - Say.rsndemo
Reason 6 Factory Soundbank Preview.rsndemo
Techno Squirrels - Faster.rsndemo

Reason 6.5
Missing or none released?

Reason 7.0
Abiram Brizuela - Evolution.rsndemo
Ali Payami - English.rsndemo
Jocke Skog - The Hitter (just add vocals).rsndemo
Loopmasters - There's A Dubstep In My Closet.rsndemo
Mr Bubblehead - Slow Motion.rsndemo
Olivia Broadfield - Say.rsndemo
Rikanatti - The Remedy.rsndemo

Reason 8.0
Abiram Brizuela - Evolution (orchestral).rsndemo
BLKMGK - Power.rsndemo
Cntrl - Astoria.rsndemo
Cntrl - Metamorph.rsndemo
JB - Bajo Caida.rsndemo
Olivia Broadfield - Say.rsndemo
Qua z mo - I Just Wanna Be.rsndemo
Van Goghs - A Simple Song.rsndemo

Record 1.0
Atom - Outside In (Mixed and produced by Gary Bromham).rsndemo
Chaka Blackmon - Purple Ribbons.recdemo
Josh Mobley - Push Me Down.record
Labtekwon - Rhyme Reason Record.recdemo
Nora - Recall.reedemo
The Baguettes - We Get It On.recdemo
Tobias Froberg - What A Day.rsndemo

Record 1.5
Josh Mobley and Blackjack - What's The Reason.recdemo
Magnus Frykberg - 700 Dreams.recdemo
Memphis Groove.recdemo

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07 Dec 2020

evolvetek wrote:
22 Jul 2020
howdy noel.
thank you for all you do.
would you kindly provide a link to thiago pinheiro's 'one more reason' ? i even grabbed my r2.0 discs to reinstall, but it's not in the demo songs. perhaps it came w/ 2.5 ?
greatly appreciate sending this track my way as i cannot find it anywhere.
thank you.
Hello evolvetek, we'll look into it with Reason Studios and get back to you. Thanks.

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08 Dec 2020

If you want to ask Charlie personally, go to the VI-Control forum. He's on there.

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04 Jul 2021

Sorry for bringing up this old topic but I m looking for Olivia Broadfield - Early Hours demo song. I found a lot of songs by installing reason 6 and 7 but not this one. Can someone help me out?

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