I. Hate. Buying. And. Installing. VST.

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03 May 2017

I thought R9.5 was for those *already* with VSTs :mrgreen:

...what's this "oh now I have to buy VSTs" all about !?!? :puf_wink:

Anyway, speaking of installers+updaters, to me from best to worst:

1) Arturia's ASC: Think RE's "Sync All" but for Arturia Apps+Plugins but you can easily customize the install path of both the VSTs and Libraries (like Spark); ...no additional process is installed. Runs when you call it, and that's it. Clean, simple, no weird hidden needless specific one-purpose disk drivers (like NI) or DRM drivers.

2) PH's RE system: "Sync All" :thumbs_up: (though it should have an "Install?" checkmark per RE) and... no easy custom install path (need some skillz for that) nor licence transfer :(

3) NI's system: almost like ASC but no easy custom install paths for libraries/patches and... not sure about the license transfer process (is it free?). Installer needs an ISO mount driver (at least on Windows) unnecessarily kept active as (YET ANOTHER) running process.

4) Line 6: errr... when it works, it's almost like NI, kinda. Not sure about license transfers.

5) IK: like... Line 6.

6) all the simpler one-installer-per-VST with no weird terminate-and-stay-resident DRM processes. Here, from the top of my head: AAS, u-he, GForce, Synapse, Korg, etc... with simple install, simple license activation but no auto-update system nor clear easy deactivation for re-activation on a new computer.

7) all the rest with single installers but also installing "standard" DRM processes (iLok/eLicenser): UVI, AIR, SONiVOX, etc...

License managers:

1) Arturia's ASC (Cloud+Computer): easy license activate/deactivate and up to 5 simultaneous computers activated per license; license transfers are free (though by request); No DRM running process :)

2) PH's RE system (Cloud/Computer/Dongle/Device): automatically activated after Shop buy; Easy deactivation/reactivation or temporary session activation online; No licence transfer allowed; No DRM running process unless you install CodeMeter for PH Sticks/Balance.

3) iLok (Cloud+Computer/Dongle): at least licenses are kept online so it's easy to deactivate and reactivate on another computer; DRM process always running in the background. License transfers possible (if vender allows) but there's a $25/25€ fee :puf_unhappy:

4) NI's system (Cloud+Computer): Easy 1 step activation. Not sure about deactivation nor licence transfer process (never tried).

5) Line 6 (Cloud+Computer/Device): is convoluted sometimes. No DRM running process that I know of.

6) eLicenser (Computer/Dongle): installs a DRM running process and the only way to transport a license is through a USB dongle with no cloud support for it (like iLok, PH and Arturia do). I think license transfers a local (so, free) but always require USB dongles in the process. Also, not sure why eLicenser has a site to register the dongles... what use to me is that? If only I could do license transport/transfer through the Cloud.

7) all the others (Computer): one time activation, hard to deactivate for license transport to another computer.

Any other cloud/dongle licensing system you know not listed here?

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03 May 2017

Koshdukai wrote:I thought R9.5 was for those *already* with VSTs :mrgreen:

...what's this "oh now I have to buy VSTs" all about !?!? :puf_wink:
Heheh! On a serious note, what I'm finding is that I am now more open to picking up old stuff that I've long been eyeing. I've always preferred to work in Reason, and now that I don't have to use all of my wares in Studio One anymore, it's like - the gate is open, the dam is down, and the water is finally unleashed. I've probably bought more VST since 9.5 dropped than I have the entire past year. :S
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03 May 2017

Last vst I bought was reaktor 6 update last year, then gave it away.
Still have my old ass omni license tho
Reason, FLS and Cubase NFR user.

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03 May 2017

I think the trick with VSTs is to limit yourself to a handful. About 10 years ago, I was going "VST Crazy", and felt like I was spending 90% of my time keeping the computer up-to-date rather than making music.

About 5 years ago, I had an epiphany: Simplify by picking just my top 5 VSTs, and uninstalling the rest. I've been happily making music ever since (using EMI/loopback in Reason with second DAW)

I'm thrilled that my workflow will be easier now that Reason supports VST, but I'll have to watch myself to make sure I don't go VST crazy again...

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03 May 2017

Installation woes are a small price to pay for the enormity of access to VST in Reason.

The 9.5 release of Reason also transforms the upgrade from 9.x from being OK in terms of value (for the players) to absolutely outstanding.

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03 May 2017

groggy1 wrote:I think the trick with VSTs is to limit yourself to a handful. About 10 years ago, I was going "VST Crazy", and felt like I was spending 90% of my time keeping the computer up-to-date rather than making music.
THIS. So much time wasted. And I never liked the implementation of VSTs. I've used a lot of different DAWs and eventually got sick of them all. I eagerly awaited audio recording to come to Reason. It took FOREVER. But once it did, I switched and haven't looked back.

Now, VSTs are just another option that I could grab if I want something specific but they're not remotely critical... Yet. The Superior Drummer VST might cause me to abandon the insane NNXT drumkit I've been building. I need a more realistic kit with round robin hits. It's hard to make the same sampled hit not sound like a sampled hit when repeated...

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03 May 2017

Rick75 wrote:The 9.5 release of Reason also transforms the upgrade from 9.x from being OK in terms of value (for the players) to absolutely outstanding.

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03 May 2017

Really, there is stuff i want, 2 or 3 plugins (mainly overbridge and the circuit vst editor) and i am happy to get them. But i really really think about any purchase twice because of this intall issue. Changing the system for whatever reason must be such a pain in the ass if you got as many VSTs as i have REs. And when you pull out an old song you have to pray that everything is in place and if not that you still got the logins, serial what is there to make everything work again.
But that is just me and i acknowledge the fact that many people want to use the "top notch", newest shit in town stuff.

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03 May 2017

Bingo! +1. I concur. Agreed. 2nd'd, and the E'motion carries.

<What happened to the like/+1 Button.>
groggy1 wrote:I think the trick with VSTs is to limit yourself to a handful. ... I ...felt like I was spending 90% of my time keeping the computer up-to-date...

I'm thrilled that my workflow will be easier now that Reason supports VST, but I'll have to watch myself to make sure I don't go VST crazy again...
I think most of the May-August VST posts will be just that:
"My VSTs Ain't installing/showing up/working!"

For MAC users... REMEMBER: There are two(2) FOLDERS these files can go, and some programs (a few) only place the plugin in one. (nothing changed on sierra, to my knowledge).. So... to make life easy, make sure they are in both places.
( There aren't many, but there are a few)

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03 May 2017

groggy1 wrote:I think the trick with VSTs is to limit yourself to a handful. About 10 years ago, I was going "VST Crazy", and felt like I was spending 90% of my time keeping the computer up-to-date rather than making music.

About 5 years ago, I had an epiphany: Simplify by picking just my top 5 VSTs, and uninstalling the rest. I've been happily making music ever since (using EMI/loopback in Reason with second DAW)

I'm thrilled that my workflow will be easier now that Reason supports VST, but I'll have to watch myself to make sure I don't go VST crazy again...
Like you the novelty wore off a number of years ago and now I only get stuff that I really dig, I've been like that with the Prop Shop and Re's as well so I don't have a whole rake of stuff I don't use I just really appreciate what I have and having been running a couple of DAWs alongside Reason ever since I've been a Reason user I'm not likely to be going on a VST acquisition spree after this update. On the contrary, I'll likely be into the novelty of using the VST's I do already have in the Reason environment. I've also got wise to most of the VST installation caveats by now too so I ain't worried about that stuff.

Gone are the days that my plug-ins were like a championship Pokemon collection and I had to have everything I could get hold of.

But hey, if this is all new to anyone get amongst it and have fun!!!

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04 May 2017

EnochLight wrote:
Faastwalker wrote:
JiggeryPokery wrote:The only VSTs I've reinstalled so far is my prize-winning copy of Imposcar 2, it was straightforward enough.
Funny you should mention ImpOSCar 2. It was one of only about 3 VST's I've ever bought! Thought I'd reinstall it in readiness for 9.5 but I couldn't find my files or the serial key, which I remembered it came with. I contacted GForce and they were good enough to add a new download and serial to my account (I did about 3 patch banks for ImpOSCar when it was released). Next I had to log into my account ...... I didn't remember I had an account until they told me! I couldn't remember the password so I did a password reset to my email. Nothing! I tried a few old passwords and by sheer luck I managed to get in. Turns out the email on my account was one I added about 10 years ago! Have not used it for about 6 years. Anyway, download the files, unzipped, ran the installer, wasn't sure which version of the plug-in to actually install so installed them all, pointed the files and patch banks to all the default locations, installed. Ran the standalone version, entered the serial key ..... nothing! Dead as a door nail. I can't seem to make the standalone work at all. Hopefully the VST plug-in will actually work in Reason 9.5. I don't have anything else to test it with. But yes, VST's. A right pain in the arse!! I might still pester Dave Spiers for the RE port of ImpOSCar 2!! :o
Did you download and install the 64-bit version? Also, did it install in a folder directory that your DAW is reading?
I installed EVERYTHING, 64-bit and 32-bit versions (option to do so from the installer). I don't use another DAW. Just Reason for me. I've signed up for the 9.5 beta. Will be interesting to see if it works okay in that. But the standalone doesn't make a sound or appear to receive MIDI input. Best I got was one time I clicked on the virtual keyboard with the mouse, a note got stuck down but no sound came out! The standalone appears to be borked good and proper ;)

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05 May 2017

Flandersh wrote:When reading the title, I thought about hearing about tips for learning to hate buying and installing VST, since that sounded like a great idea for financial savings.

That said, In general I do not have any special problems with VST, neither in buying, installing, or stability. It is for the most part done in a moment to buy and install, and it crash the host very seldom. For a few plugins, I think the the installing or authorizing process have been rather awkward; among them a kontakt player based product, and some plugins where the challenge and response mechanism didn't work smooth.
It should. Some may be surprised after some VSTs that what is in Reason my be equal or better. The issue some times is people assume what is included in a DAW is inferior to 3rd party plugins.

Every time I open up Sonar it does a brief plugin scan and lets me know how many plugins I have. It's over 900. Some of them are doubled as VST3.

The most annoying plugins to install is WAVES.

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06 May 2017

Exactly why i left VSTs years ago. I will be using a grand total of 2 VSTs with 9.5. Serum and Reaktor. I will NOT install any more, honest!

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07 May 2017

XysteR wrote:Exactly why i left VSTs years ago. I will be using a grand total of 2 VSTs with 9.5. Serum and Reaktor. I will NOT install any more, honest!
I won't be far behind! I've been thinking about what VST's I'd like to use with Reason. I've not been near them for years so not much springs to mind apart from one of only 2 software synths I ever bought, ImpOSCar 2. I think Softube's 'Modular' runs as a VST plug-in. I might be interested in that. I also downloaded the free iZoptope 'Vinyl' plug-in. I can't think of anything else really. VST's are mostly alien to me these days!! I'm with Ernst on VST's. It's a standard & everyone uses them .......... but they don't work the WE think they should work. RE's in Reason work better than VST in anything else. Somewhat ironically it seems Propellerhead have got the VST implementation on point & certainly more elegant than any other VST support I've seen. We still have to buy them, download them, unzip them, install them, input the serial key. But once that's done Reason VST implementation appears to be more sublime than anything else out there.

EDIT: One other VST I'd like to get is the SonicCharge Microtonic drum synth thing. But that's a lot to do with the new Teenage Engineering PO-32 that works with it;


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07 May 2017

Faastwalker wrote: EDIT: One other VST I'd like to get is the SonicCharge Microtonic drum synth thing. But that's a lot to do with the new Teenage Engineering PO-32 that works with it;

You won't regret it. Microtonic is probably the best drum machine synths out there. And at least it's activation/authorization process is seamless.
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07 May 2017

Tumble wrote: Want to know this too. Thinking about getting on the Waves wagon, but the shell thingy sounds like it might be as intrusive as iLok.
Turns out it's about as turgid as expected- needless bloat and weird directory locations.

Guess I'll buy Satin instead. Turns out it uses a fucking fraction of CPU compared to J37 and Vinyl.

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08 May 2017

EnochLight wrote:
Faastwalker wrote: EDIT: One other VST I'd like to get is the SonicCharge Microtonic drum synth thing. But that's a lot to do with the new Teenage Engineering PO-32 that works with it;

You won't regret it. Microtonic is probably the best drum machine synths out there. And at least it's activation/authorization process is seamless.
I would love to have seen it as an RE. Especially when the PO-32 appeared, which gave it renewed interest for me. Very cool how that works. Anyway, It's definitely something I'd be interested in as a VST for use in Reason ....... but I'd prefer an RE of it any day of the week. This seemed likely at one point, in the distance past, when SonicCharge was an RE developer. Oh well.

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08 May 2017

i wish there was a button that would just automatically convert my plugins to RE's, installing vsts suck

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09 May 2017

I hate it when software installs pollute a computer, require authorizations, run theads that never stop.
VSTs will be purchased very sparingly.

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