*Don't know if anyone has posted about this already but if so please move/delete*
I am really excited about the new VST announcement and am already looking for VST's to purchase. Some will be on a wishlist! While looking around autotune came to mind. Due to a lot of my recording buddies not liking the results from reason's pitch correction solutions. Then it occurred to me that some high end VST's require iLok usbs and/or accounts. Been a reason user for way too long and only know authorizer! Having no experience with these hardware authentication devices and just want some thoughts on them. I am aware not all VSTs require iLok but the thought of having to waste another usb port on a dongle sucks! If anyone can enlighten me on their experience with iLok let me know please! Thanks!
VST's and iLok
Almost all iLok authorizations can be tied to a computer, they don't need a dongle - usually you get 2 or 3 licenses per plugin, depending on the manufacturer.
I've never had any problems with iLok or gobbler (which uses ilok for managing plugin software / subscriptons like authorizer does)
I am pretty excited to use softube heartbeat and modular in Reason, both are iLok.
I've never had any problems with iLok or gobbler (which uses ilok for managing plugin software / subscriptons like authorizer does)
I am pretty excited to use softube heartbeat and modular in Reason, both are iLok.
Depends on the plugin. Some allow for computer authorization. Some require the actual dongle. USB hub is your friend for these situations.
Yeah, was thinking about getting one too recently. I have an eLicenser, and an iLok. Unfortunately blocks 2 USB ports now, and they're also quite wiede, so the iLok even blocks 2, because you can't plug anything else aside of it... might get a powered USB hub, which should work with my audio interface too.QVprod wrote:Depends on the plugin. Some allow for computer authorization. Some require the actual dongle. USB hub is your friend for these situations.

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