One synth EP Challenge (No competition or prizes - just for fun)

Great fun, great prizes! Good luck!
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29 Jan 2017

Here is my release of Nostromo.
It's a Ambient 4 track Ep.
A Controle Freak. Loves Logic&Reason&Luna ;) , remote controllers.

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29 Jan 2017

The Orbis has played it's last notes on this EP... :wtf: Looking forward to playing other instruments again :mrgreen:

I need help mixing next time!

Alio Modo: SoundCloud
Born to lose, live to win.
Don't forget to back up your projects! :thumbs_up:

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29 Jan 2017

Sorped wrote:The Orbis has played it's last notes on this EP... :wtf: Looking forward to playing other instruments again :mrgreen:

I need help mixing next time!
Cool. Very minimalistic EP. I gotta try that approach myself sometime.

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29 Jan 2017

artotaku wrote:Here is the release of my EP for the One Synth EP challenge.
Songs 1 to 3 are 100 % Antidote (except FX).

As I had some time left I decided to make a medley of all tunes but with more punchy trance style drums. All synths sounds but drums are Antidote
I haven't played any of the games you've covered but this totally took me back to the old Amiga 500 days. Made me think of Battle Squadron.
Nice work!

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29 Jan 2017

TritoneAddiction wrote:
artotaku wrote:Here is the release of my EP for the One Synth EP challenge.
Songs 1 to 3 are 100 % Antidote (except FX).

As I had some time left I decided to make a medley of all tunes but with more punchy trance style drums. All synths sounds but drums are Antidote
I haven't played any of the games you've covered but this totally took me back to the old Amiga 500 days. Made me think of Battle Squadron.
Nice work!
Thanks, me neither ;-) I was more interested in the music instead of the games. Lots of the game tunes were also used in demos and crack intros, that´s where I first heard them.


30 Jan 2017

Kuranes wrote:Holy shit, I did it. I made that E.P. Thought I'd go insane in the process; more than once I cursed myself for having set such a close deadline. But I did it. For sure, this thing is far from being perfect. I learned a lot, and especially I learned how much I still suck in many aspects of music production.

But I brought some melodies with me, that possibly might drill their ways through your hearing to fill your hearts with awe and wonder, fear and relief.

Some of those melodies are very grim melodies. Echoes of my disbelief in the face of events I never believed to be possible. When you hear it, you'll know what I mean.

Here's my E.P. "Kaleidoscope". Except drums and voice-samples, all sounds were produced with Lectric Panda’s mighty NOSTROMO!


Full Tracklist:
Finally got around to listen to this EP and I'm impressed! Wonderful sounds and I'm loving the hints of dark reality. Very nice and warm mixes too. The EP is cohesive and it is a great, story-telling piece! :thumbs_up:


30 Jan 2017

teddymcw wrote:Sup Tritone and crew?! Had a great time putting these together. Feedback is more than welcome. Thank you again!

Currently listening with my Beyerdynamics at a decent volume. The sun just went down here but it's still pretty warm. There's a fan providing a nice breeze as it oscillates and I'm feeling pretty chilled out now as I vibe to your tunes. :D Great musicality, arrangements are smooth and the project provides a peaceful, comforting vibe - makes me actually think of a teddy bear! This project makes me feel like I lived during a better time of innocence if that makes any sense.

Very nice. :)

I think I better stop right there and come back later. :thumbs_up:

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31 Jan 2017

Peter wrote:
Great musicality, arrangements are smooth and the project provides a peaceful, comforting vibe - makes me actually think of a teddy bear! This project makes me feel like I lived during a better time of innocence if that makes any sense.

Hahah! Thanks very much. Thanks @siln as well. That does make almost too much sense btw. Have to say that is not my only mode of musical expression but it seems to be a default when decompressing from the day. The throwback of some rich Korg sounds and more chilled out vibes seems to provide a consonant sanctuary of sorts. I'll have to make a more Skinny Puppy inspired album with Proton before long now :)

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05 Feb 2017

Here's a preview of my EP. I wrote this track on December 1, 2016 with Nostromo and decided it needed a little film treatment, so I made this video in After Effects. The track is called "Marooned".

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05 Feb 2017

Despondo wrote:Here's a preview of my EP. I wrote this track on December 1, 2016 with Nostromo and decided it needed a little film treatment, so I made this video in After Effects. The track is called "Marooned".

Can't wait to hear the full EP. This is fantastic.

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07 Feb 2017

Alright! Really wanted to finish off mixing the Antidote challenge to get to play with the recent happenings in Reason, and listen to others.

Some other criteria I set for myself if interested:
- Work with at least slightly different styles from previous work
- Work with a capella tracks including full length if possible
- Design more patches from scratch, shape any presets
- Mix for clarity using more advanced techniques, no matter how many time the CPU fails
- Attempt some sort of mastering process
p.s. Have to admit to cheating on one track, using only 60% Antis since I wanted to revive one old track w/o changing some sounds.

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18 Feb 2017

Libraquaricorn, TheMiles, Mystile

You're all late. Time to finish those EPs! We're waiting...

Jan 6 - Libraquaricorn - Oberon
Feb 1 - TheMiles - FM4
Feb 14 - Mystile - Parsec 2

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01 Mar 2017

TritoneAddiction wrote:Libraquaricorn, TheMiles, Mystile

You're all late. Time to finish those EPs! We're waiting...

Jan 6 - Libraquaricorn - Oberon
Feb 1 - TheMiles - FM4
Feb 14 - Mystile - Parsec 2
Wow you are really keeping everyone in line! I like that. Well my deadline is here, and I'm no where near finished. I'm sorry to disappoint everyone. I fell behind on a lot of things, including the last two "official" song challenges for Kraft and Proton. Those are the first song challenges I've skipped in a long time. Actually I got the deadline wrong for Kraft.

So I failed on the deadline bigtime, but as is the case with all the song challenges, it's about making music, even if it's late D: If this disqualifies me from our song challenge, so be it. But I'll still make it, just late.
My new deadline is for the RYM2612 is TBA. Same for JPS Harmonic Synth is TBA.
Yes, I am lame! Go ahead and throw lettuce and tomatoes at me.

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01 Mar 2017

TheGodOfRainbows wrote:
TritoneAddiction wrote:Libraquaricorn, TheMiles, Mystile

You're all late. Time to finish those EPs! We're waiting...

Jan 6 - Libraquaricorn - Oberon
Feb 1 - TheMiles - FM4
Feb 14 - Mystile - Parsec 2
Wow you are really keeping everyone in line! I like that. Well my deadline is here, and I'm no where near finished. I'm sorry to disappoint everyone. I fell behind on a lot of things, including the last two "official" song challenges for Kraft and Proton. Those are the first song challenges I've skipped in a long time. Actually I got the deadline wrong for Kraft.

So I failed on the deadline bigtime, but as is the case with all the song challenges, it's about making music, even if it's late D: If this disqualifies me from our song challenge, so be it. But I'll still make it, just late.
My new deadline is for the RYM2612 is TBA. Same for JPS Harmonic Synth is TBA.
Yes, I am lame! Go ahead and throw lettuce and tomatoes at me.
booo :thumbdown: :think: :crazy: :-x :-? :wtf: :problem: :eh:


01 Mar 2017

TheGodOfRainbows wrote:Yes, I am lame! Go ahead and throw lettuce and tomatoes at me.
...just for you.


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01 Mar 2017

modecca wrote:
TheGodOfRainbows wrote:
TritoneAddiction wrote:Libraquaricorn, TheMiles, Mystile

You're all late. Time to finish those EPs! We're waiting...

Jan 6 - Libraquaricorn - Oberon
Feb 1 - TheMiles - FM4
Feb 14 - Mystile - Parsec 2
Wow you are really keeping everyone in line! I like that. Well my deadline is here, and I'm no where near finished. I'm sorry to disappoint everyone. I fell behind on a lot of things, including the last two "official" song challenges for Kraft and Proton. Those are the first song challenges I've skipped in a long time. Actually I got the deadline wrong for Kraft.

So I failed on the deadline bigtime, but as is the case with all the song challenges, it's about making music, even if it's late D: If this disqualifies me from our song challenge, so be it. But I'll still make it, just late.
My new deadline is for the RYM2612 is TBA. Same for JPS Harmonic Synth is TBA.
Yes, I am lame! Go ahead and throw lettuce and tomatoes at me.
booo :thumbdown: :think: :crazy: :-x :-? :wtf: :problem: :eh:
Boo indeed ;)

No disqualifications for anyone missing their deadline. For me personally this is mostly about not dissapointing oneself and being able to trust yourself when it comes to promises you've made to yourself. But as everybody knows shit happens sometimes and some things takes longer than you first expected.
Of course it's still better to release some new music a bit late than to not release any music at all.

Maybe this will turn it to a huge shame thread where everyone is shaming everyone :)
Well there's already one shame thread going under "Propellerhead General".


02 Mar 2017

Please put me down for Nostromo April 1st. April Fools Day because I'll be a hot damn fool if I don't start getting some sounds out of that beast.

I'll also try to get around to giving the rest of the entries some feedback. I know I only got to listening to the first few EP's. The Proton album challenge I set for myself (done within the Reasonistas Song challenge) as well as listening to everybody there took a lot out of me.


04 Mar 2017

I took a page out of Teflon Tomb's book to give a preview of my project. I might go off the deep end after this project so I figured I'd get it down on paper.

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04 Mar 2017

Peter wrote:I took a page out of Teflon Tomb's book to give a preview of my project. I might go off the deep end after this project so I figured I'd get it down on paper.

Nice! Can't wait to hear how this turns out.

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04 Mar 2017

Take a journey through time and space on a mission of discovery, exploration, mystery and danger.

I am proud to announce the completion and release of my Nostromo only EP. It is called "REDSHIFT" and can be heard and purchased here on my 'Despondo' Bandcamp page:

Produced, Mixed and Mastered in Propellerhead Reason 9.2 using only the Nostromo Synthesizer Rack Extension (except drums).

Thanks for listening!

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04 Mar 2017

Despondo wrote:Take a journey through time and space on a mission of discovery, exploration, mystery and danger.

I am proud to announce the completion and release of my Nostromo only EP. It is called "REDSHIFT" and can be heard and purchased here on my 'Despondo' Bandcamp page:

Produced, Mixed and Mastered in Propellerhead Reason 9.2 using only the Nostromo Synthesizer Rack Extension (except drums).

Thanks for listening!
Man, some seriously beautiful tracks here. love it.

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04 Mar 2017

rcbuse wrote:Man, some seriously beautiful tracks here. love it.
Thanks for the compliment! Couldn't have done it without your REs! :-)


05 Mar 2017

TritoneAddiction wrote:Well here's my Chip64 EP.
Your compositions are amazing and I greatly admire your work from where I stand in minimalism! :D

This makes me want to call in sick to work and play video games. I get a bonus if I don't miss any days though. ;)


05 Mar 2017

It was pretty interesting to hear this coverage from one of my favorite synths. The YouTube uploads and connecting the music with image covers makes it a well-rounded experience. :thumbs_up:


05 Mar 2017

Really like the smooth, contemplative vibe you have going here. Easy listening while also inspiring for somebody doing focus-based work although I'm just having a morning beer and doing some image editing at the moment. :D Good work. :thumbs_up:

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