What is your honest opinion about Facebook?

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25 Jan 2017

Some of these replies got me rofl.

Thanks for making the thread OP.

And yeah, Facebook is strange. I remember when constantly being on the Internet and having a huge online presence made you a nerd and a social outcast. Now it's almost like the opposite is true.

A lot of people honestly judge their own personal life against the carefully curated and controlled online lives of their Facebook friends. I've known people get generally down and depressed about their Facebook profile picture only getting 5 likes vs one of their friends who gets 150.

People take Facebook far, far too seriously. I would celebrate if it suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth. Its blatant disregard for privacy and rampart commercialism give it a bad taste in my mouth.

Reddit is where it's at. I see Reddit as like Facebook, but about ideas and witticisms, and not egos.
Ambient garage vibes.

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25 Jan 2017

I have to use facebook for work, and am required to have an active account which I update regularly

I quite like it for keeping in touch with people I'd normally never see or hear from - mostly friends & family in other countries, or old acquaintances whose lives have diverged so far from mine that they might as well be in another country. It's nice to get updates, see photos of their kids, chat occasionally etc etc

Problem is that FB somehow brings out the worst attention-seeking impulses in people (including me, if I'm honest), and can turn people who are perfectly fine IRL into complete assholes. Example: I know this girl who's had a tough sort of life, got a few issues, is inclined to be a bit self-absorbed but I've always cut her a fair bit of slack because she doesn't have it easy and deep down she's a good person. On facebook she is the whiniest, batch, look-at-me-est pain in the ass you could possibly imagine. And she lives out her entire life on FB. Recently she went to see Nick Cave in concert, and live-blogged the entire thing on facebook with bad tempered comments. From the lengthy bar queue when she arrived at the venue, to the crappy seats when she sat down, to the boring support act, to the even longer bar queue at intermission, to the long wait for Nick Cave to come onstage, to the crappy sound when he did come onstage, to the annoying people around her who kept talking, to the fact that he didn't play this or that favourite song of hers, she was harrumphing into her fucking phone the whole time, as well as posting dumb faraway out-of-focus shots of the band. Look, everyone! look at my life!! I find that sort of thing totally depressing, and the way it makes me kind of hate someone whose company I actually enjoy when face to face. And she's not the only one, I've got dozens of friends on FB who are like that

Also it bugs me the way everyone carefully curates their self-presentation (again, including me, although I do have the excuse that it's part of my job) so that the whole thing becomes an exercise in PR, and it just makes you feel like everyone in the world is a big full-of-shit phoney

Twitter is even more annoying - although as a means of discovering new music it's awesome

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30 Jan 2017

Also it bugs me the way everyone carefully curates their self-presentation (again, including me, although I do have the excuse that it's part of my job) so that the whole thing becomes an exercise in PR, and it just makes you feel like everyone in the world is a big full-of-shit phoney
^^^^This and the weird etiquette pretending to make no effort like a rock star or something. Seems to be just an extended nosey neighbour, showing off and gossip network for some/most, which I have no problem with, knock yourself out like, just saying what I see.

Look at my wonderful life :lol:
Reason 12 - Horrible plastic M-Audio Oxygen 49 and a battered pair of Sony MDR V6 cans


30 Jan 2017

My girlfriend got locked out of her Facebook this weekend. They want her to send identification to them for verification which ain't gonna happen because she doesn't use her real name on Facebook. :lol:

Yesss! :D

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30 Jan 2017

So I banned myself from Facebook at the start of the year. Had a hugely productive, happy few weeks. Had a "relapse" this weekend when I reinstalled the app and had the least productive couple of days so far this year. So, off it comes again. Seriously it takes serious willpower. I would go as far as to say it's an addiction, /5 least for some people who are susceptible tonit.

Like me.

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30 Jan 2017

I've now been off the FB for one month. Just like the guy above, I got myself lots of quality Reason-time. FB is not a must by no means for me.
The problem was, that when I had all the contacts listed on the right side, I felt un-private and I got really uncomfortable, and also when all of the Ads and automatically started videos brainwashed me every day. I have a soul and FB is not good for it.

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31 Jan 2017

It makes your World smaller !

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31 Jan 2017

The_Grass wrote:It makes your World smaller !
Exactly! :thumbs_up:

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