Wow 10 tracks, that's a full album man.teddymcw wrote:Sup Tritone and crew?! Had a great time putting these together. Feedback is more than welcome. Thank you again!

I've listened to the whole album (once), so here's some comments based on that.
There's a smooth and gentle sound to the whole album, even with the drums. I like that. It's good that not everything in electronic music has to be over the top and in your face (even though I enjoy that too).
The whole album sounds very cohesive like you knew what you wanted this album to sound like from the start.
Great sounds coming from the Korg synths. No sound feels out of place. Drums fit together well too.
Depending on what you're going for with this album (only you know that) I might have some constructive criticism. As usual please take anyones opinion on any creative work with a grain of salt and run it through your own filter before taking it to heart.
For me it's regarding the mixing/arrangement. As a listener it's sometimes hard to know what to focus on in some songs. What's the important element? Sometimes I feel the pads and melodies (sometimes more than one melody at once) are equally prioritized which can make the listener unsure of what to listen to and the song can become a bit more ”backgroundy” as a result.
If you want something to stand out more or make something more ”catchy” I would try to decide the most important element at any moment and enhance that. Sometimes that means other things have to be turned down a bit. So basically what I'm saying is, you could guide the listener what to listen to with your mixing decisions.
As an example, your track ”Risse” at around 0:58 and forward. There's a lot of stuff going on there that could be considered important, melodies, vocals, pads. Right now the pad is the loudest instrument which makes the melody take more of background role.
The opposite happens in Smokin with Lydia at 1:01 and forward. Here the melody gets all the attention it deserves because there's nothing fighting over it to be heard. The bass does it's own thing and has a different frequency range all together so there's nothing to get in the way of the melody. I'm not saying you can only have a melody and bass and that's it, but I thought that was a clear example.
That's my thoughts/first impression of the album. Take it for what it's worth.
Good job on completing a nice sounding record