When was the last time Reason had an honest to God bug?

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22 Dec 2016

Just curious really, been on the Reason train since 6.5 and I cannot remember there ever once being a serious bug. Has there ever been a wide spread, work stoppage kind of bug affected all/most users?
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22 Dec 2016

Siberian Khatru wrote:Just curious really, been on the Reason train since 6.5 and I cannot remember there ever once being a serious bug. Has there ever been a wide spread, work stoppage kind of bug affected all/most users?
Great question!

In the roughly 16 years that I've been using Reason, there's never been a show-stopping "crash" bug in any of the releases that have affected me. The maintenance "point" updates do tend to address smaller operational bugs that do affect some users, though. YMMV, as may everyone else's..
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22 Dec 2016

EnochLight wrote:
Siberian Khatru wrote:Just curious really, been on the Reason train since 6.5 and I cannot remember there ever once being a serious bug. Has there ever been a wide spread, work stoppage kind of bug affected all/most users?
Great question!

In the roughly 16 years that I've been using Reason, there's never been a show-stopping "crash" bug in any of the releases that have affected me. The maintenance "point" updates do tend to address smaller operational bugs that do affect some users, though. YMMV, as may everyone else's..
I'd say that one has to consider the reliability when deciding which DAW to use. I'm no professional by even a remote stretch, but fixing issues aggravates the crap out of me and kills creativity in nothing flat. Reason seems rock solid to me so far in my 3-4 years of using it. Never even crashed once, but then too I don't press it very hard lol...
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22 Dec 2016

I had a scenario with 7 or 8, I can't remember which, where Reason would occasionally freeze, I'd kill the task in Task Manager, and then Reason would no longer launch after that until I reinstalled it.

But overall, yeah, it happily chugs along.
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22 Dec 2016

I don't think I've ever seen a crashing bug in a retail version of Reason, though there's actually a UI bug on macOS that I've been meaning to report for quite some time: If you go full-screen and then close a file, the "space" stays open and you have to manually close it in Spaces. Far from a show-stopper, but an annoyance if you use Spaces on the Mac.

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23 Dec 2016

After upgrading to R9 i needed to start R9 several times before it works. And with Authorizer, that kept me from starting Reason.

But compared to other software that often crashes after 5 minutes, Reason is very stable and has only a few little anyoing bugs.
Reason13, Win10

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23 Dec 2016

Which DAW has given you a problem without adding a plugin? Problem comes with badly coded plugins crash comes form them. I bet with anything if you manage to crash a DAW without a plugin. Reason had no plugin support for over 20 Years. So, that gave them the so called Reason stability name. And after 20 years when they introduce their own format, they sandbox it. I bought plugin from well known developers and they have never crashed a DAW. So when you talk about stability what exactly are you talking about? the knee for reason compressor doesn't work isn't that called broken. Much more than a crash a compressor which doesn't work. I can't add sustain the way I wanted it. It has just broken. In fact it is broken in a way any other DAW has ever been broken. Oh Yah Harrison Mixbus 2. A compressor which doesn't even work. That one was even dead broken until they fix it on version 3.

All I'm trying to say is be reasonable we are almost on 2017.
Gulale aka Bereket

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23 Dec 2016

Reason is the most stable DAW I ever worked with.

Reason has bugs though. Like any other DAW. Main bummer for me: locked songs because a beta version of a RE was used. This is something other DAW's do better because you will be able to open the song and change the plugin. Not with Reason which is a little troublesome sometimes (you need to deleted all REs and find the RE which is causing this issue... very time consuming).

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Soft Enerji
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23 Dec 2016

I've been using Reason since v4. I vaguely recall it crashing once or twice after Record came on board but I could be wrong about that. Overall Reason has to be the most stable DAW out there. I got Sonar 7 around the same time as I got Reason and it seemed anything could crash that but I also stuck with the Bakers and Platinum is rock solid too.
I love my Reason and I love my Sonar :-)

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23 Dec 2016

Loque wrote:After upgrading to R9 i needed to start R9 several times before it works. And with Authorizer, that kept me from starting Reason.

But compared to other software that often crashes after 5 minutes, Reason is very stable and has only a few little anyoing bugs.
On what system are you on? Have you tried a clean install?
Budapest, Hungary
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23 Dec 2016

tiker01 wrote:
Loque wrote:After upgrading to R9 i needed to start R9 several times before it works. And with Authorizer, that kept me from starting Reason.

But compared to other software that often crashes after 5 minutes, Reason is very stable and has only a few little anyoing bugs.
On what system are you on? Have you tried a clean install?
It required 3 restarts and after it came up i needed to change the audio driver. Since that i havent got any problems.
Reason13, Win10

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23 Dec 2016

Soft Enerji wrote:I've been using Reason since v4. I vaguely recall it crashing once or twice after Record came on board but I could be wrong about that. Overall Reason has to be the most stable DAW out there. I got Sonar 7 around the same time as I got Reason and it seemed anything could crash that but I also stuck with the Bakers and Platinum is rock solid too.
I love my Reason and I love my Sonar :-)
Funny you should mention SONAR, because it's sort of what prompted this observation. I too have SPLAT and I use it increasingly often trying to broaden my learning. Last night I had a massive crash while using the RegionFX Melodyne on one of my vocals. Looking into it a bit I discovered that apparently the latest version of Windows 10 was causing a lot of people to have plug-in issues (I have Windows 7 myself) and I got me thinking I'd never even once heard of a significant issue in Reason.

Someone earlier said it was at least partly due to the lack of plug-in support in Reason until V6.5 and that the implementation of plugins used in Reason is in a proprietary sandbox. While all of this is true, I look at that as an advantage because plugins for all intents and purposes work like native devices within the Reason environment, right down to undo and redo. And still, I've never once had even a hiccup in Reason. It's kind of remarkable really - so I was remarking :-)
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23 Dec 2016

I can say, hand on heart, that since I started using Reason back in 2000 I have never had it crash on me. Which is pretty crazy really, if you think about it.

The only things I've encountered that could be classed as bugs are that once in a very, very long time, Reason will say that a bunch of Rack Extension files are missing. And I hold down the return key until all the dialogues disappear, then restart and everything is fine (talking maybe once a month, if that). And also Radical Piano crashes if I try and play a note before the samples have loaded. And even then, it never takes Reason down with it. I just delete and re-create it and everything is fine.

Cubase, my other main DAW, is way less stable. Although I'd say 50% of the time it's because of poorly written plugins. But it doesn't seem to have a way of separating the plugin processes from the main app. So if one dies, so does the other.

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23 Dec 2016

Well the authoriser used to make my PC blue screen randomly when Reason was open for lengthy periods. It only stopped when I upgraded both Reason and the authoriser to version 9.

Took over 1 year with unchanged hardware to get to the bottom of that one.
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24 Dec 2016

When? Quite recently! Reason is very stable, but I have had a few "CTD's" over the years.

I found one in Reason 8: it would crash to desktop (i.e., exit instantly with no warning or error or ability to save work) if you dragged a send effect into a Mix channel insert section. (It's an odd thing to do on purpose, admittedly, but I did it accidentally, so it was a nasty little bug ;) ). It was fixed in 8.2 or 8.3 iirc.

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Soft Enerji
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25 Dec 2016

Siberian Khatru wrote:
Soft Enerji wrote:I've been using Reason since v4. I vaguely recall it crashing once or twice after Record came on board but I could be wrong about that. Overall Reason has to be the most stable DAW out there. I got Sonar 7 around the same time as I got Reason and it seemed anything could crash that but I also stuck with the Bakers and Platinum is rock solid too.
I love my Reason and I love my Sonar :-)
Funny you should mention SONAR, because it's sort of what prompted this observation. I too have SPLAT and I use it increasingly often trying to broaden my learning. Last night I had a massive crash while using the RegionFX Melodyne on one of my vocals. Looking into it a bit I discovered that apparently the latest version of Windows 10 was causing a lot of people to have plug-in issues (I have Windows 7 myself) and I got me thinking I'd never even once heard of a significant issue in Reason.

Someone earlier said it was at least partly due to the lack of plug-in support in Reason until V6.5 and that the implementation of plugins used in Reason is in a proprietary sandbox. While all of this is true, I look at that as an advantage because plugins for all intents and purposes work like native devices within the Reason environment, right down to undo and redo. And still, I've never once had even a hiccup in Reason. It's kind of remarkable really - so I was remarking :-)
I can't recall a crash in SPLAT at all which is why I made the point. I play around with melodyne but don't use it extensively. I may be going off topic here but are you using the base version that came with Sonar? I upgraded to Editor when I got the 50% deal not long after install. Just wondering if there could be issues there?

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25 Dec 2016

Reason's stability is "out of this world" - believe me, i am a software developer and i know what i am talking about :)

Using it from version 1 (now 9), can't remember it crashed once ...

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25 Dec 2016

Soft Enerji wrote:
Siberian Khatru wrote:
Soft Enerji wrote:I've been using Reason since v4. I vaguely recall it crashing once or twice after Record came on board but I could be wrong about that. Overall Reason has to be the most stable DAW out there. I got Sonar 7 around the same time as I got Reason and it seemed anything could crash that but I also stuck with the Bakers and Platinum is rock solid too.
I love my Reason and I love my Sonar :-)
Funny you should mention SONAR, because it's sort of what prompted this observation. I too have SPLAT and I use it increasingly often trying to broaden my learning. Last night I had a massive crash while using the RegionFX Melodyne on one of my vocals. Looking into it a bit I discovered that apparently the latest version of Windows 10 was causing a lot of people to have plug-in issues (I have Windows 7 myself) and I got me thinking I'd never even once heard of a significant issue in Reason.

Someone earlier said it was at least partly due to the lack of plug-in support in Reason until V6.5 and that the implementation of plugins used in Reason is in a proprietary sandbox. While all of this is true, I look at that as an advantage because plugins for all intents and purposes work like native devices within the Reason environment, right down to undo and redo. And still, I've never once had even a hiccup in Reason. It's kind of remarkable really - so I was remarking :-)
I can't recall a crash in SPLAT at all which is why I made the point. I play around with melodyne but don't use it extensively. I may be going off topic here but are you using the base version that came with Sonar? I upgraded to Editor when I got the 50% deal not long after install. Just wondering if there could be issues there?
Yes, just the included version now at 4 I think. I was doing some editing, different regions one after the other and it just tanked. It happens in software development (I am a developer and DBA) but I just can't recall even a long thread on anyone's crash issues here or in the old PH user forum. As far as issues with SONAR, not many and it's a pretty solid program overall I think, but occasionally it does have these kinds of issues for some users. Like the recent Windows 10 upgrade apparently made a few features in SONAR go kaput http://forum.cakewalk.com/UPDATED-Insta ... 26221.aspx.

Merry Christmas to all BTW!
:reason: 11 Suite/12 Perpetual License :re: Too many to count :refill: A few choice items

Nektar Panorama P4
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25 Dec 2016

dislcaimer: I'm a little drunk after the christmas lunch :p
Gulale wrote:Which DAW has given you a problem without adding a plugin?
Well... I don't have all the day but this is my experience :p

The last PRO Tools (i don't know wich version) crash at first time start in a totally clean machine. The solution was disabling a bunch of useful processor functions in the bios (hyper-threading and virtualization). Never finished the trial period for the frustation caused by the software itself. I usually don't hate "brands", but Avid caused me a lot of rage.

Ableton Live 8 series ('till 9.1) - Just moving objects in the macro rack while playing big sessions caused random crash. After the 9.1 is a great software again.

Cubase 8 (Before 8.5) - Latency problems and random interface issues. With the 8.5 is back to full stability.

I still like Ableton and Cubase, but i always go back to Reason. It's not a matter of stability. The previous bugs never stopped me from making music. I prefer Reason because i don't want a folder project, a sample folder, a vst folder, a program folder, a temp folder and a secret porn folder. I want a single file with everything, so i can switch PC, OS, Hard Disk as i want.

Anyway is really important play with other DAWs. My workflow is totally improved (and my wallet is totally empty :p ).

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25 Dec 2016

My experience is different though. I have Studio one 3, Harrison 32c, Bitwig and Reaper. The only Software which gave me a hard time because of plugin considerably up on release was Harrison. Others they are freaking Stable the only thing that crash them if they crash, it is Plugin. For instance If I want to crash Mixbus all I gotta do is add slate VMR on any bus and try to remove it. Boom crash. I know that bug so I won't remove it I will just bypass it. What I'm saying is I haven't encountered a DAW which crashes by itself. When you have UAD on top of that it makes the crash below zero. I think it is like the DAW will have plenty of power to calculate whats going on.

Is Reason stable? Yes it is. Is other DAWs are stable? Yes they are.

People just install a bunch of junk on their computer man. I have favourite plugin developers. Waves, UAD, Fabfilter, Sonnox, Softube and Sound toys. Nomad factory and Others second favourites. they crash a DAW by this or that. My favourites Never did. From my experience.
Gulale aka Bereket

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Soft Enerji
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25 Dec 2016

Siberian Khatru wrote:
Soft Enerji wrote:
Siberian Khatru wrote:
Soft Enerji wrote:I've been using Reason since v4. I vaguely recall it crashing once or twice after Record came on board but I could be wrong about that. Overall Reason has to be the most stable DAW out there. I got Sonar 7 around the same time as I got Reason and it seemed anything could crash that but I also stuck with the Bakers and Platinum is rock solid too.
I love my Reason and I love my Sonar :-)
Funny you should mention SONAR, because it's sort of what prompted this observation. I too have SPLAT and I use it increasingly often trying to broaden my learning. Last night I had a massive crash while using the RegionFX Melodyne on one of my vocals. Looking into it a bit I discovered that apparently the latest version of Windows 10 was causing a lot of people to have plug-in issues (I have Windows 7 myself) and I got me thinking I'd never even once heard of a significant issue in Reason.

Someone earlier said it was at least partly due to the lack of plug-in support in Reason until V6.5 and that the implementation of plugins used in Reason is in a proprietary sandbox. While all of this is true, I look at that as an advantage because plugins for all intents and purposes work like native devices within the Reason environment, right down to undo and redo. And still, I've never once had even a hiccup in Reason. It's kind of remarkable really - so I was remarking :-)
I can't recall a crash in SPLAT at all which is why I made the point. I play around with melodyne but don't use it extensively. I may be going off topic here but are you using the base version that came with Sonar? I upgraded to Editor when I got the 50% deal not long after install. Just wondering if there could be issues there?
Yes, just the included version now at 4 I think. I was doing some editing, different regions one after the other and it just tanked. It happens in software development (I am a developer and DBA) but I just can't recall even a long thread on anyone's crash issues here or in the old PH user forum. As far as issues with SONAR, not many and it's a pretty solid program overall I think, but occasionally it does have these kinds of issues for some users. Like the recent Windows 10 upgrade apparently made a few features in SONAR go kaput http://forum.cakewalk.com/UPDATED-Insta ... 26221.aspx.

Merry Christmas to all BTW!
Maybe something to do with the base version then. I'm still on Editor 2 but plan on upgrading to 4 soon.........ok back on topic. I think the main problem with any DAW crashing is plugins. The fact that Reason don't use "plugins" is what makes it so stable........but I'm no expert :-)

Merry silly season everyone!

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07 Jan 2017

@JiggeryPokery - Sorry for resurrecting the thread! Yes it was recent on version 7 my blue screen thing seemed to be something to do with the authoriser not syncing with the OS clock according to the logs.

Can remember early DRM bollocks doing similar things.
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08 Jan 2017

The buggiest thing in Reason: the Chip64 Synth. If a bug free environment is important to you, think twice before you buy it.
So far I've experienced 3 different types of bugs/errors happening.

I've had the synth crash a couple of times so I've had to restart Reason. Can't remember what caused it though.

The pitch has been out of tune after opening up a project. Seems like it doesn't keep some preset settings the way it should and I had to reset some knobs by tweaking them to get the right pitch again. The same thing happened everytime I opened the project.

And sometimes it only plays one note even though I've set it to a 6 (or more) polycount.

It's a shame on an otherwise cool little synth.

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08 Jan 2017

Numerical Sound: I recall some issue with using Right Audio In only Crashing the System.
Weirldly lasted for a good little while. Sandboxing days..
We'd have accurate, - maybe useful - records of this if the Puf Forum was accessible.

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08 Jan 2017

TritoneAddiction wrote:The buggiest thing in Reason: the Chip64 Synth. If a bug free environment is important to you, think twice before you buy it.
So far I've experienced 3 different types of bugs/errors happening.

I've had the synth crash a couple of times so I've had to restart Reason. Can't remember what caused it though.

The pitch has been out of tune after opening up a project. Seems like it doesn't keep some preset settings the way it should and I had to reset some knobs by tweaking them to get the right pitch again. The same thing happened everytime I opened the project.

And sometimes it only plays one note even though I've set it to a 6 (or more) polycount.

It's a shame on an otherwise cool little synth.
I had similar problems with 4MER. Carve also crashes from time to time. Bevore Ochen fixes all those bugs, i wont buy something from him again.
Reason13, Win10

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