What madness is happening over at props??

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23 May 2015

avasopht wrote:Don't do a sale, you're greedy.

Do a sale, you're greedy.

Do a big sale, you're greedy.

Do a moderate sale, you're greedy.


This is why Propellerhead ignore negative forum feedback from the neurotic. See my post above.

I'm just happy I'm living on more than $1 a day and can afford to pay full price, and that I was born at a time in human history where we have not only immediate access to knowledge but to creative expression.
Exactly! I find it funny that (the same) people go on and on about this stuff. But no one is mad about Waves doing it...Every. Single. Weekend. lol

@Grantham You keep using words like "reward" or "punishment", but I would say that whatever "word" you feel like, during or after or before a sale is still something that is SELF-INFLICTED.

You also mention "a lot of annoyed users on some forums"... Realize that they are likely pirate users of version 5 or earlier, still "miffed" at the fact that version 6 and beyond is not crack-able. They feel mad and left behind. That's why they have (perpetually negative) comments on sonic state or w/e ...and never in the official channels like the old PUF (or even un-official like this one!!)

Furthermore, if one was to look at KVR recently, you would *think* that "wow people really hate reason" when I fact, KVR was merely getting trolled by sock puppets of only two people with 10 different accounts.

The overwhelming majority of complainers are bullshitting. Especially the loudest and most unrelenting ones. Careful what you read on the internet! :)

Buy stuff and enjoy using it, or don't! You win some you lose some with the sales. Getting upset about it is silly.
:reason: "Reason is not measured by size or height, but by principle.” -Epictetus

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23 May 2015

yeah i'm not a big fan of all the VST type bundle and constant discounting nonsense.  i think the only RE i've bought recently that was 100% no regrets was etch red because that is just a great price point.  i'm pretty sure i'd lay down more for RE if it were a bit more micropayment no brainer style card bashing.

but i guess they make more cash this way.  maybe.

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23 May 2015

I get the movie analogy, but I dont view it that way. To me, many folks here are voicing concerns from the view of purchasing for amusement and collecting.

When you look at it from a view of tools and working, it doesn't matter. I bought Futzbox for $79. I don't care if I would have paid $149 for the RE (the cost of the AU/VST) and then see folks get to have it for $39 down the road.

Because the use I have gotten from it has more than paid for itself. Waiting for a sale would be silly when I have an immediate use for it. Evaluate your need to purchase, buy when you value something at the price it is offered and you'll never feel you missed out.

To me, I'd be missing out on great use of a product by waiting for a sale. To say you'd be willing to wait indefinitely for a sale tells me you are likely buying just to collect REs. So use that to help evaluate.

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Gorilla Texas
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23 May 2015

Sorry,but i don't see any other software users complaining about this. 

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23 May 2015

well if Reason and Props just went to in blackhole the same will go cry on vst forums saying that vst's should be more like reason because it was so unic .
I have no idear why peoples keep posting such topics , I think the RE format is just really cool and work perfect unless the RE is made by ignorent coders and I dont see other daws having this type of workflow .
anyway it's for threads like this that i wanted a thumbs down option !
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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23 May 2015

I know people feel bad when they buy a item in full price and then they see it on sale one month later, but that happen all the time, everywhere. It is called marketing.

1. you buy clothes, and month later are 50% off
2. you buy a audio gear and 3 month later is 30% off
3. you buy the combo #1 in Mcdonalds and next week is in the dollar menu
4. Happy hour 5pm-10pm beers $2 after 11pm $6

The sales are NOT for people that want to buy, it is to make people buy. And just some smart buyer take advantage.

I didn't plan to buy Meteora Sample Based Rompler, Analogue Monster 3 and Etch Red Dual Filter, and now they are in my top list.

Also, I have about one month wait to Antidote drop the price and now happen  :t2018:

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23 May 2015

oh wow, i just boned myself on etch red too lol.

i did win with RP distort and verb so there is that.

BTW anyone fancy buying this?

https://shop.propellerheads.se/product/ ... c-channel/

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23 May 2015

I totally see both sides of this ,

I see it as, when it comes to audio gear , software etc

You want that new sound , the new way of doing something or be the pioneer of a new genre (with so many sub genres they can be easily spawned with just a hand few of producers) then you pay top dollar for it and peeps who pay for the said item when on sale get that sound you had days, months , years ago during the sale.

Personally I feel the REs are a great idea , but to date have only purchased 2 REs , and haven't been swayed by the sales due to the fact I find I can achieve what I need is contained in reason or isn't available full stop.

Be happy don't worry

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23 May 2015

zakalwe wrote:oh wow, i just boned myself on etch red too lol.

i did win with RP distort and verb so there is that.

BTW anyone fancy buying this?

https://shop.propellerheads.se/product/ ... c-channel/
I did some A/B testing today with EVE-MP5 https://shop.propellerheads.se/product/ ... equalizer/ and I will be pulling the trigger on EVE-MP5, I would definetly consider getting the Softube version if I earned reasonable money on my music though.

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23 May 2015

 I use other DAWs as well so spending a hunk of change for a proprietary plugin makes no sense.  I need to learn the app to the point where maybe I'm not content with it.   I'll buy Refills because so many vendors offer multi format. 
 I'd rather have Props spend their time on making Reason better than making REs.  Their marketing of being able to collaborate Reason sounds I can't see being a real push for new users.  Most DAWs had that function and some have dropped that.  Fortunately a Reason upgrade is still one of the most affordable but other DAW developers new versions made a Reason upgrade very lackluster.

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23 May 2015

Yeah, was just interested to see if there were similar sentiments amongst other users (specifically about the current Bundle promotion as opposed to discount sales in general) and I guess this is a fair reflection, some feel the way I do and others don’t seem so fussed. As I’ve said, a lot of really well made points whether sharing or rejecting my own beliefs so that’s always good. 
Now, look away as I’m undoubtedly going to descend into utter inanity with a few retorts. 
@avosopht: I’m not sure what was more offensive, your assessment that all those who post criticism should be classed as ‘neurotic’ or your previous post where you felt the need to throw in an ‘isn’t this side splittingly hilarious’ emoji around the supposed quip that some people spread happiness and this is like the opposite (not sure if that’s what you meant, your grammar and delivery was bizarre at best). That second one just offended me on a humor level.
@-008. How in the name of Jesus did you derive that anyone who has complained on a forum is likely someone who feels ‘mad and left behind’ because their cracked versions no longer work so they aren’t legitimately complaining but just ‘bullshitting' . Did you do some statistical analysis based on a survey? Love to see how you logically came to that conclusion
@CharleyCharlzz: Did you even read the topic mate, nobody is talking about the RE format at all, it’s about sales promotions that in this instance happened to involve REs. For what it's worth I love the Rack Extension format, although like many others before me there's maybe a fear that it's a heavy investment in a non agnostic format tied directly to one manufacturer...but so be it. .
And yes, I'm three posts in on this board and I’m already somewhat being a batch in the direction of forum members who have at the very least posted lots of contributions, so shame on me for sure.  

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23 May 2015

Grantham wrote:@-008. How in the name of Jesus did you derive that anyone who has complained on a forum is likely someone who feels ‘mad and left behind’ because their cracked versions no longer work so they aren’t legitimately complaining but just ‘bullshitting' . Did you do some statistical analysis based on a survey? Love to see how you logically came to that conclusion.
Jesus didn't help me, It wasn't religious at all mate!

And I didn't say "anyone", but rather a "vast majority". I wouldn't throw everyone who complains under the same blanket.

1.) Scientific observation. Many reappearing Usernames and IPs across different forums, spreading the same shit over and over and over.

2.) watching said forums long enough to see that people who used to like, or even love Reason, all of a sudden hate it and start to "preach" against it...with real dedication. I witnessed a clear correlation between the general hate and attitude shift toward Reason AFTER THE INTRODUCTION OF THE DONGLE! Too obvious. (IMHO)

Don't forget about other plain-as-day lessons about the "mass of disappointed users"...like the KVR sockpuppets I mentioned! What looks like 10 or 12 people, was actually only 2 or 3. This is a fact and was recently observed by many people over there. Example: Ben bans ONE IP address and then 4 accounts are banned at once as a result. (Proof that person had four sock puppets)

What i am getting at is... A few disappointed people will undoubtedly sound like a hundred... While a hundred satisfied people probably don't even make a sound! (unless it's music in the rack) ;)

I should also mention that I have over 8,000 (reason-using, refill-downloading) subscribers at my site, and over the years I've talked to LOTS of these users personally, or surveyed for version number in use, etc etc. I have a somewhat unique perspective, not just talking out the side of my neck here.

The un-crack-ability of Reason 6 brought a clear change in the way Reason is discussed in "non-Reason" circles. I literally watched it happen as time passed.

Now, aside from the actual facts presented, the rest of this is still nothing but my opinion and personal observations. So I'll stop because a know that my speculations sound pretty opinionated. Apologies for that. :)
:reason: "Reason is not measured by size or height, but by principle.” -Epictetus

Free Kits and :refill: @ -008' Sounds

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23 May 2015

i see the spirit of PUF lives on. :s0230:

it's just awful how you can't see if someone has a registered reason or not now.


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23 May 2015

zakalwe wrote:oh wow, i just boned myself on etch red too lol.

i did win with RP distort and verb so there is that.

BTW anyone fancy buying this?

https://shop.propellerheads.se/product/ ... c-channel/
mrj1nx wrote:
I did some A/B testing today with EVE-MP5
mrj1nx wrote: and I will be pulling the trigger on EVE-MP5, I would definetly consider getting the Softube version if I earned reasonable money on my music though.
i suppose what i'm getting at isn't how awesome it is (and i have the FET so i know their plugins are quite good, if pricey.) or expensive it is per se but rather how likely it is to be in a mastering rig pack at some point in the next year or two.

as with the reason 8 upgrade i think the upset over this is is misunderstood.  take NI, for example.  we know where we stand there.  if you buy their standalone products you are just doing it wrong.  that's pretty established.  but with rack extensions for a long time the bundles and sales were quite limited and it felt like you wouldn't want to wait unless it was a really niche thing, like say valley people dynamite.  but now it just looks like it is a really bad idea to do that unless you really, really need the device now.

and that's fine really but i'm also still on reason 7 so i guess i'll be waiting for that next awesome bundle from now on as well as that next awesome upgrade.

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23 May 2015

Grantham wrote:Been a massive fan of the company since Rebirth and a Reason user since the day 1.0 dropped. Always had the fondest of opinions on the way the company operated and the direction they've taken the product (even when they merged Record which I was initially a bit miffed about). And as a long time audio hardware and software user you accept that sometimes you are an early adopter and buy something only to find a promotion kick you in the teeth for not waiting. But the recent Props RE Bundle promotion was utterly insulting to existing users. In each bundle I found I owned just enough of the REs that I'd paid way more than $199 already and owned a lot less than someone who had never bothered to buy a single RE at release time. I actually wrote to the company (something I never do) about how this was an ill conceived promotion as it should have had some allowance that if you already owned maybe more than X amount of REs in a given bundle you should have had some hugely discounted option on buying the thing. There was a lot of annoyed users it seems on some of the boards (sonic state etc) about the exact same thing. 

Today I see they have discounted the bundle even further to $149, so not only have they now p*ssed off the people who paid $199 within the past two months for it but its a further twist of the knife to loyal customer who adopted the REs earlier. I'll never ever pay full price for one again so counter beneficial strategy. 

Wondering how everyone else feels about this?
It just means, unless one needs an RE that day, or is doing this professionally, i.e will easily make the money back on the RE, it's better to wait for a sale in most cases. The MCDSP one shocked me the most, from $49 for one plugin to $98 for 6 (all 3 eq and comp became $21 cheaper than just the three comp bundle I paid for - cause i was sure mcdsp would not have sales as they had missed them all).

So what i have worked out is, unless the dev specifically states they will never have sales, as some have, is to always wait, if you CAN, and are doing this for fun/hobby, till the sale happens, as it definitely will! Yeah it hurt after paying thousands on RE's and refills to see them bundled up for thousands less. If i had waited I could have had a return ticket to the USA with a months accommodation. Or my CC entirely paid off. I feel part of this is pressure from users on the no resale policy, to make them cheap enough that no one will care so much anymore. That, and I truly believe, unfortunately, that RE has been a failure profit wise :frown:  I find it hard to believe any dev is making a living off just making RE's.. I am talking about a living, not even "comfortably", but just an "enough to get by" living. If I am wrong, any dev is welcome to speak up.

I keep going back in my mind to how refx has made at least 5 million dollars on nexus (minimum) just from the basic plugin sales.. not including expansions! They could be well over the 10 mill mark or more. The potential to do that in RE IS there, because even though we have a smaller user base, it's known it's well over a million users.. and the difference is, every single one of us, unlike the vst world, HAS to pay for every RE we use on a regular basis after 30 days. And I think that's wonderful and partly why I put with the authoriser issues. It's a rewarding feeling to know that devs are not having their property stolen from them.

But I came up with a theory at KVR as to why i truly believe RE is a sales failure:

I truly believe those are the issues, and I do also agree with EnochLight's correction to my statement, but I never got around to replying to him unfortunately.

For those who don't want to read it, it deals with the NFR policy and that I believe pros that are willing to pay $350 for a plugin (softube plugins for example), will buy the multi format version, as 99% of said ros (i am talking, people that make a permanent, healthy living off of just their own music, or those that have a commercial recording studio), that do use reason, use it as a scratchpad, and don't finish the final mix in it. Most clients ask for pro tools, that is true. Or Logic. It's just the way it is.

It's a shame cause if RE's had taken off more, and Reason added some much needed functionality (ESPECIALLY pdc and integrated browser stretch, and melodyne style track pitch), it could make a serious dent in the PT/Logic world, I do believe that.

Anyway, ultimately, i do believe props are shooting themselves in the foot, and that new RE output is going to decline more and more. When was the last time you saw a vst become an RE, from a major, well known dev? I see 90% of the shop being indi devs and 50% of the shop being cv products. There is still a dearth of big names there and only mcdsp has gotten on board "recently" (what, almost a year back now is it??) whereas more major devs have disappeared from RE, versus who has come onboard ;) This is just fact by looking at the shop.

And let's go to sample based instruments to finish off the post. Still to this day, not ONE SINGLE major kontakt library has been released as an IDT RE! I believe it's because the devs will not give 50% profit to props for their hard work and copyrighted samples. Once again, props shooting themselves in the foot. They really are a strange company sometimes, our way or the highway, no negotiation possible. It will be the downfall of RE and IDT. Mark my words. And I am not happy about it, believe me i hope, 10 thousand fold, that I am wrong.

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23 May 2015

I wonder if these guys organise there trolling sometimes , it's un-real :s0106:
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 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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23 May 2015

I get emails from MANY companies and they are ALWAYS having sales.


The market is flooded with products and competition is fierce. Take advantage of it if you can.
Reason 8, EZ Drummer 2, Loop Loft loops

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23 May 2015

So, the ones I've decided to try:

RPverb: Been wanting to try it, sounds fantastic.....a tad bit hungry (nothing major).
LEspace: Very interesting presets (on guitar for me) but having a tough time figuring it out.
Synapse GEQ 7: Nice. Still a bit more than I want to spend, but better than full price.

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23 May 2015

Theo for the last part of your post I guess your maybe wrong , VST's are so pirated that you work to give 80% of your work to thiefs when Props Protect there format .
If I would still care about VST's I could get 5000 dollars  Worth of them in 3 clicks and without all the i-lock crap you get when you pay .
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

The Intrancer
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23 May 2015

CharlyCharlzz wrote: Theo for the last part of your post I guess your maybe wrong , VST's are so pirated that you work to give 80% of your work to thiefs when Props Protect there format .
If I would still care about VST's I could get 5000 dollars  Worth of them in 3 clicks and without all the i-lock crap you get when you pay .
You as an end user can still sell on any investments you have with the vst format*, where you are locked down with the Propellerhead RE format. So if you want to move on to other software, any purchases become redundant. *Licence agreements depending, UHE for instance has a $15 transfer fee. 

It will be over 2 years now since I bought any rack extensions myself, there were a couple of cheap ones for £12 that I never really used in my music back then but I made much use of the one's I did use. Reaktor was given away very cheaply, less than £100, that killed any incentive for buying RE's, I've stuck with Reason 7.102, ok well I can say it still installed, in essence I've moved on but use it in a very limited way for rhythmic elements. I'm pretty much in VST land now, the last purchase I made was Hive, which is still on a limited time offer till the 2nd of June before the price rises by $51+vat/taxes. But at least I'll get a return should I want to sell it, the same applies to Native Instrument's instruments.


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23 May 2015

CharlyCharlzz wrote: Theo for the last part of your post I guess your maybe wrong , VST's are so pirated that you work to give 80% of your work to thiefs when Props Protect there format .
If I would still care about VST's I could get 5000 dollars  Worth of them in 3 clicks and without all the i-lock crap you get when you pay .
The Intrancer wrote:
The Intrancer wrote:You as an end user can still sell on any investments you have with the vst format*, where you are locked down with the Propellerhead RE format. So if you want to move on to other software, any purchases become redundant. *Licence agreements depending, UHE for instance has a $15 transfer fee. 
The Intrancer wrote:

It will be over 2 years now since I bought any rack extensions myself, there were a couple of cheap ones for £12 that I never really used in my music back then but I made much use of the one's I did use. Reaktor was given away very cheaply, less than £100, that killed any incentive for buying RE's, I've stuck with Reason 7.102, ok well I can say it still installed, in essence I've moved on but use it in a very limited way for rhythmic elements. I'm pretty much in VST land now, the last purchase I made was Hive, which is still on a limited time offer till the 2nd of June before the price rises by $51+vat/taxes. But at least I'll get a return should I want to sell it, the same applies to Native Instrument's instruments.


Surely the validity of your reasoning depends on the quality of your musical output?

Where's the good stuff to back up your assertions Scotty?... mine's in my sig... subjective of course :) It's Reason baby! All the good stuff :)

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23 May 2015

CharlyCharlzz wrote: Theo for the last part of your post I guess your maybe wrong , VST's are so pirated that you work to give 80% of your work to thiefs when Props Protect there format .
If I would still care about VST's I could get 5000 dollars  Worth of them in 3 clicks and without all the i-lock crap you get when you pay .
We agree on that though.. what i was saying is that RE are crack proof which is FANTASTIC but they in general, for most (IMO), do not make a living for a developer.. even with all these bonuses of the format, because of the restrictions to one single platform and the NFR policy. I am happy for any dev to come forward and say "we make a living off just doing RE's" and I will be MORE than happy to be wrong. But I know for a fact many devs who make a COMFORTABLE living on doing only vst plugins and nothing else. There MUST be a reason why 99% of major devs have not gotten on board with RE. Please don't think this is how I have always felt, until now i was majorly in support of the format and did my best to get as many developers as possible to convert their plugins, but it was a futile exercise and i eventually gave up after every email came back with a "not interested".

So even with all RE's benefits, because of propellerhead being stubborn in certain ways, they are not big money spinners.. even though Reason has a million plus registered legal users. Simply because of the reasons stated, AND, if someone has a choice, that uses more than one daw, they will buy the non reason version of the plugin and get every format imaginable BESIDES RE, and mix down in the vst/au/aax host.. If it's a special RE only, and inexpensive, then there is a better chance it will be successful.

Of course we can agree to disagree, but one thing we can't dispute is the factual part regarding the dearth of big name REs. The shop has slowed down more than ever and all we are seeing are indi devs now (well, mainly). Whereas every single day, vst is thriving with plugin after plugin being released from indi devs and major devs alike with 15 employees just doing plugins and making a good business. Heck Camel Audio had a few employees and like 4 products and had the equivalent of a million USD in the bank when they sold to Apple. The many RE devs I have spoken to simply are not making money like that and NO i will never reveal who i have spoken to in private. I was only asking because I wanted to know if it was a viable life sustaining business as I at one time had plans to release some RE (those plans are indefinitely scrapped even though I had made it as far as securing a well known coding partner, we are going to do a line of vst/au instead).

The crack point you mentioned makes it even scarier. so much competition in vst world and still developers with good products, are able to make a living. By the way, let's get one thing straight.. ilok 2 and latest gen elicenser plugins remain uncracked for many years, just like REs. But every serial or non dongle vst is indeed out there cracked, this is true. 

BTW I also am of the firm belief and always will be, that if a product is selling WELL, it will not be going on "unheard of" sales ;) I do happen to know a dev doing well in RE also, and ironically their products are not on sale very often if ever lately. ;)

Please someone prove me wrong and tell me RE's can make someone live comfortably.

And if so, where are they? Where are more korg? Or how many other big players joined and dropped out? Who remains of the big boys? By my count only Softube and RP are still actually active RE devs from the big names. The rest tried, the stuff didn't make them money, and they moved on and simply abandoned the format. Do you REALLY think if Izotope, and Korg, and Fxpansion, and many, many more, had been making a decent profit with their RE's, that they wouldn't be rushing to release more? It's just logical deduction.
Do you really think propellerhead would have gone to such extremes and devalued the standard prices by in some cases more than 100% if they weren't desperate to inject some life into RE sales? If things sell WELL, they don't go to THAT much of a sale. They might have a once a year or twice max, 20% or something, but not the crazy sales we are seeing, and suddenly out of the blue, a whole TON of RE's from so many devs, dropping to ridiculous levels.. heck, buy one $149 bundle now and get a ton  of RE's where one of them might have been that price on it's own before hand! LOL! How can anyone dispute that this means the format is in trouble? I will listen to any POV on the matter as i would LOVE to be shown or even flat out told I am wrong.

Also, can I ask one more thing? Who now, with knowing what comes with sales and the ridiculous slashing, and just how far props will go, will buy future RE's at full price, IF they know that dev participates in slasher sales?

I know for me, i will never ever buy an RE again, unless it is *at least* half price from it's list price. Cause i know with patience it WILL be. And i will never buy a single RE again.. Rather I will wait for them to be released in a bundle and pay $149 for a bunch I don't have. Even if it has one or two in it I have, it will still be great value.. So i am waiting for stuff I don't have to be "bundalized".

Right now the bundles are of no benefit to me as i have paid 10 times that much on single plugins, but no more from now on. WHY WOULD I? Why would anyone else? Only those who can make the money back professionally, would buck that trend and pay standard RRP, I truly believe that. This is why i have also *always* believed, that sales in the long run always backfire, and I am 100% with U-He on that one even though we barely agree on anything else LOL! 

Now of course, if some day my health is way better, I open a studio again and have clients, and use reason for those clients, my attitude on purchasing will totally change. I would buy what i need for whatever price on the spot, as i would make it back that day. It's not an issue then, and it won't matter that it's NFR.

Let me summarize for the TLDR crowd:

My beliefs, and opinion, and please don't be mad.

Props is destroying the RE format because of
Percentage wanted for IDT - NFR policy - Sales that get steeper progressively every year to the point of 100%+ discount - No "complete my bundle" (this one is REALLY bad) - A flawed crossgrade system where the dev has to do a lot of work to generate a coupon and then props still take the cut off the RRP not the crossgrade price, hence only RP does it and I am not sure why, when it is hurting him financially (basically he loves us) - 

Nutshell: propellerheads are committed to sending their own plugin format to the Grave.

3 + years old now.. when the product has reached the 5 year milestone, no influx of big names yet on board, and continuing declining prices, we will see what more of you have to say.

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23 May 2015

CharlyCharlzz wrote: Theo for the last part of your post I guess your maybe wrong , VST's are so pirated that you work to give 80% of your work to thiefs when Props Protect there format .
If I would still care about VST's I could get 5000 dollars  Worth of them in 3 clicks and without all the i-lock crap you get when you pay .
The Intrancer wrote:
The Intrancer wrote:You as an end user can still sell on any investments you have with the vst format*, where you are locked down with the Propellerhead RE format. So if you want to move on to other software, any purchases become redundant. *Licence agreements depending, UHE for instance has a $15 transfer fee. 
The Intrancer wrote:

It will be over 2 years now since I bought any rack extensions myself, there were a couple of cheap ones for £12 that I never really used in my music back then but I made much use of the one's I did use. Reaktor was given away very cheaply, less than £100, that killed any incentive for buying RE's, I've stuck with Reason 7.102, ok well I can say it still installed, in essence I've moved on but use it in a very limited way for rhythmic elements. I'm pretty much in VST land now, the last purchase I made was Hive, which is still on a limited time offer till the 2nd of June before the price rises by $51+vat/taxes. But at least I'll get a return should I want to sell it, the same applies to Native Instrument's instruments.


Tincture wrote:
Surely the validity of your reasoning depends on the quality of your musical output?

Where's the good stuff to back up your assertions Scotty?... mine's in my sig... subjective of course :) It's Reason baby! All the good stuff :)

awesome bro  :thumbup:

I certainly hope that no one is questioning the ability to make KICK ASS WORLD CLASS music in Reason, and if that IS in question, then, well, that person is simply incorrect.

The Intrancer
Posts: 132
Joined: 19 Jan 2015

23 May 2015

Surely the validity of your reasoning depends on the quality of your musical output?

Where's the good stuff to back up your assertions Scotty?... mine's in my sig... subjective of course :) It's Reason baby! All the good stuff :)

I've never question the potential in making great music with Reason, having used it for the best part of 14 years as my primary DAW, it's just as much about knowing and understanding the ways to get the best out of the tools you have, but one's musical talent is probably more of a defining aspect in what I'd consider most important in a music production. I really needed to expand my options in adapting another daw with new sounds and visual possibilities provided by integrated video for the type of music I'm doing nowadays, but seeing as I've been requested twice today in separate threads about my own stuff, this is a link to music made with Reason, there is a big film track recently I've made with Studio One, but it's currently set to private.    

AKA Scottym         
https://soundcloud.com/scott-moncrieff-1 13 Tracks
http://www.soundclick.com/theintrancer 16 Tracks  
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23 May 2015

I took a listen to the first two Scotty... I know where I'm at just about... I like to keep my delusions but I'm getting ready to be a farmer/driver/...

I just don't think you are the right guy to be giving advice on Music Software. Sorry.

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