Does the GUI matter to you?

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23 Aug 2016

GUI is what bridges the two different dimensions of developer and end user, so its very important.

People deciding to use a RE on a given day, understanding how it works, choosing to buy it, telling others about it, making tutorials, buying related products from the same company, paying a premium amount for it, all hinge on GUI. DSP code is the brain, GUI is the body.

This doesn't mean complexity is required. I welcome a guitar pedal style RE with no GUI at all.

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23 Aug 2016

MannequinRaces wrote:If the GUI is done well I'll be much more inclined to even bother checking out and learning more about the RE. If the GUI is not done well the sound examples will have to grab me by the throat and knock my socks off... even then that might not be enough.
I feel the same way, or I give if the GUI layout looks cluttered, then I will give it a demo and see if I can understand how it works.
Although I admit if it's a nice open and non cluttered layout I know it's going to catch my attention better.

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23 Aug 2016

Oh I have said this in the past on old puf same thread. I really and absolutely don't care about GUI. I only care about what it does. People listen the mix that I do. Thy don't see it. When I Demo a plugin what I ask is, Is it going to improve what I'm mixing? If it does, I will use it to death.
There are a bunch of plugins which I use and replaced the most expensive ones. those might look boring for others but me it doesn't affect me.

And when you think about it there is no fixed right or wrong in this universe. Everything is relative. You might love this plugin but me I might hate to see it.

For instance There is one Re which I really hate which has got a cat picture on it. But some people might like it. For me It is so unmanly.
Gulale aka Bereket

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24 Aug 2016

For me not at all and I have trouble understanding the importance. I'm not a sound designer though so I spend very little time looking at or interacting with the GUI. As long as I can figure out obvious stuff like how to change polyphony or turn a delay off, GUI doesn't matter. I just want a nice sound.

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24 Aug 2016

It is good that many folks aren't terribly anal about design. While "good" design is a rare commodity, I'm sure that Rack Extensions which do not meet my stringent design standards nonetheless perform admirably, and I am glad there are folks not as neurotic as me who will buy them and support their developers.
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24 Aug 2016

I'm totally able to work with an ugly GUI on a product that's worthwhile for my work, though I'd rather not have to do so. But a badly designed GUI will make it difficult (if not impossible) to get any reasonable work done, and it would be an uninspiring and unpleasant experience at best - there are few products that are so valuable that I'm willing to endure that issue!
Selig Audio, LLC

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24 Aug 2016

I think I've already stated my views on this already but I just want to add one more thing. If the device isn't a 'must-have' device and the GUI doesn't appeal to me there is a high likelyhood that I will just wait it out and see if a better version arrives at a later date. There is a fair amount of duplication in the shop now and I'm (mostly) perfectly happy to let some options pass me by based on the GUI alone. I already have a lot of options when I make music so I often don't need anything more. If a dev is first to release a certain type of device and the GUI is good, it is possible that I will buy immediately. If a dev is first to release a certain type of device and the GUI is poor, I might just wait it out for a sale or to see if another developer does a similar device that is better in some way, either functionally or visually.

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24 Aug 2016

Gulale wrote:People listen the mix that I do. Thy don't see it.
I agree with this but it is also nice to use tools you find it enjoyable to use, for whatever reason. Some hardware pieces have become highly rated even though they have less options or worse sound quality than other similar pieces. For many people usability and emotional connection play a part in choosing their tools, even though you would think they shouldn't.

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24 Aug 2016

Yes. GUI is important for reasons.
@pushedbutton on twitter, add me, send me a message, but don't try to sell me stuff cos I'm skint.
Using Reason since version 3 and still never finished a song.

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24 Aug 2016

yes, because I don't want to spend many hours everyday watching a garbage designs

I want something that inspires me. :)

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25 Aug 2016

Must be clear, functional and sound good - I don't care what it looks like, as long as you can use it comfortably. I'm no tackle tart

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