[TIC/PtGOT] - Signs we are in the matrix, ...

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08 May 2016

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So it has just occurred to me through the recalling of a faint memory long forgotten. When I used to make games for the Game Boy it was a common practice to use magenta to represent a transparent background (a bit like a green screen).

Why magenta? you ask. Why? Because it's the least commonly used colour (or at least its uncommon enough to run into the least amount of troubles, or so said the lore). But what has this got to do with signs we are in the matrix, ...

Well it works like this. If you were to look for the overall colour of a world that used all colours equally they would all merge together and make white, however if the colours are unbalanced you will get a tint. So what happens if the tint is influenced by a lack of colour? Well then the general tint of this world would be a subtraction of magenta.

View the video below to see what happens when you subtract magenta from white, ...

You see, you see, ... this is a sign that we are really in the matrix, since our subtraction of magenta (being the least common) leaves us with an overall green tint, dun dun dun!!!

Please citizens of ReasonTalk, share further evidence we are really in the matrix (any supporting video featuring the most 'compelling' Reason made music would be a massive bonus).

DISCLAIMER: This thread is TIC (tongue in cheek) and grants all forum users full PtGOT (Permission to Go Off Topic).

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08 May 2016

When the matrix audio engineer takes a coffe break, ofc things go wrong with audio rendering:

Also, the humming of the earth sounds suspicious - what is actually inside the earth!?`

And what's inside the moon!?
http://www.itv.com/news/2016-02-23/spac ... stronauts/

Some day, perhaps we all can walk up the stairs.

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08 May 2016

Scientists are actually looking for glitches in the matrix because if you consider that with an infinite amount of universes you also have an infinite amount of chances that in one of those theres a computer thats actually calculating our universe which makes the matrix thing statistically very probable :) And when Philip K Dick announced his suspicion about this he was laughed at. tssss ;)

And that "Truman Show" feeling is actually a recognized mental condition (dunno if thats the P.C. english translation).

The most disturbing thing in this thread so far to me is the impossible waveform in that video though :D


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10 May 2016

If you think about it, it's about as logical as anything else. The reason is because much of everything else DOES NOT make any sense.

A computer program, designed in the way of the 1999 movie, suggests exactly what we are (ever stop to wonder why in 2016 there is NO NOTICEABLE DIFFERENCE in how people treat each other? Now, go back 10 more years. Go back 100 years, it's all "virtually" the same.

Fuck each other over for a buck, a batch, or something similar. Just because we've found better ways to apply lube, doesn't mean that the action is any different.

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10 May 2016

.....and while we're there :)

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10 May 2016

normen wrote:
And that "Truman Show" feeling is actually a recognized mental condition (dunno if thats the P.C. english translation).
It's absolutely not an "officially recognized" condition at all.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tru ... w_delusion
Only 40 "documented" cases.

It's fake. :) it's two doctors/writers using the movie to make a claim (and a name for themselves).

Even they themselves admit:
a variance on known persecutory and grandiose delusions."[6]
A new name for an old thing. It's absolute b.s.
:reason: "Reason is not measured by size or height, but by principle.” -Epictetus

Free Kits and :refill: @ -008' Sounds

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10 May 2016

-008' wrote:Even they themselves admit:
a variance on known persecutory and grandiose delusions."[6]
A new name for an old thing. It's absolute b.s.
In other words if you have that feeling you have a mental disorder..

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10 May 2016

normen wrote:
-008' wrote:Even they themselves admit:
a variance on known persecutory and grandiose delusions."[6]
A new name for an old thing. It's absolute b.s.
In other words if you have that feeling you have a mental disorder..
Probably. But that is what is dishonest about the Gold brothers IMO.

People have had that "Truman feeling" long. before the movie...and then they name their thing 10 years later. It is what it is and it is what it already was, but not what they say it is.

In only 40 cases how many of them are saying it for attention? How many just agreeing because it is suggested?

I think people like them do the world a disservice.

What's next a new variance on schizophrenia? "Klump Syndrome" where the subject reports being several Eddie Murphy's playing a fat family.

:reason: "Reason is not measured by size or height, but by principle.” -Epictetus

Free Kits and :refill: @ -008' Sounds

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10 May 2016

brushing my teeth, while reading this thread, the struggle is very real

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10 May 2016

Wow and I thought I had exploding head syndrome.

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11 May 2016

-008' wrote:
normen wrote:
And that "Truman Show" feeling is actually a recognized mental condition (dunno if thats the P.C. english translation).
It's absolutely not an "officially recognized" condition at all.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tru ... w_delusion
Only 40 "documented" cases.

It's fake. :) it's two doctors/writers using the movie to make a claim (and a name for themselves).

Even they themselves admit:
a variance on known persecutory and grandiose delusions."[6]
A new name for an old thing. It's absolute b.s.
TBH it sounds more like derealization/depersonalization to me. It's typically characterized by the feeling of watching your own life as though it were a movie, and feeling like nothing is real, and that everything is kind of fake/flat. Usually goes hand in hand with anxiety and depression.

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11 May 2016

More on topic though, it's something I've thought about. I sometimes get this nagging feeling like any given moment of your life could in fact be the beginning of creation; the start of the simulation. And everything popped into existence to give the impression that it's been here for a long time. Kinda like how a game level can construct itself in seconds but be designed to look natural/old. I mean, you'd literally never know.

Of course I'm not about to advocate a young Earth/universe theory haha. I do tend to think that the universe is as it appears (very, very, very old, and real). But it's just a weird little sensation I get sometimes. Sometimes it even feels like a positive thing. Like if every second of your life is the first, you're in a constant state of being made/simulated/constructed and so the past/mistakes are just fabrication. Only your future is real.

I sound like a hippie. I've also seen it said that if space were found to consist of a single indivisible unit, that that might be some kind of evidence that reality is in fact code, with the unit being the equivalent of a "bit". But I can't imagine/understand something irreducible any more than I can understand something infinitely reducible. Both give me a headache.

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11 May 2016

This is a philosophical point as old as (at least) David Hume, who brought up the notion that nobody can logically prove the things their senses tell them are actually real. For all anyone can actually prove, you reading this right now might be a disembodied brain in a jar, and all you experience merely an illusion, either a dream or data being fed to you somehow. All the people you talk to might, as far as you can prove, be only figments of your own imagination.

Generally, since nobody seems to be able to pierce this theoretical illusion, the pragmatic answer to this idea is to go on living life as if what we experience through our senses is, in fact, reality, since for all intents and purposes it might as well be.

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11 May 2016

^ exactly this. When, on occasion, I get into debates with people about the meaning of life (as if it needs one) or our origins, creation, whatever, I usually arrive at the conclusion that it really doesn't matter. My subjective experience is really all I have and all I can know. I know how it feels to love, live, create, be happy, be sad. Whether I'm a brain in a jar, a collection of atoms caught in a never ending cascade of cause and effect or the creation of someone/something, I (think I) know I'm me, and you're you. It's about what it feels like.

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11 May 2016

chimp_spanner wrote:More on topic though, it's something I've thought about. I sometimes get this nagging feeling like any given moment of your life could in fact be the beginning of creation; the start of the simulation.
Actually if time is/was quantized then it wouldn't matter in what order you actually "play" all the single slices, at least the entities in that slice wouldn't know because they have their memories in each slice :)

Or looking at the same thing, the whole universe could be computed by a 386 intel CPU which would be inconceivably slow but the entities in the simulation wouldn't notice either.

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