if Reason 9 only changed one thing...

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29 Apr 2016

I wish the next version of Reason could locate and eradicate all posts related to speculations about releases dates and features set of all software. Then we could use the bandwidth to solve a real problem, like why Jimmy Johns discontinued its rapid delivery service.

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29 Apr 2016

Noplan wrote:
pushedbutton wrote:If Reason 9 had accurate polyphonic audio to midi that could be written to the sequencer I'd preorder it.
Just use external tools for that wich are better because they are specialised in such things.
Me: I wish my house wasn't so dark.
You: Just spend more time round at your neighbours.
@pushedbutton on twitter, add me, send me a message, but don't try to sell me stuff cos I'm skint.
Using Reason since version 3 and still never finished a song.

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29 Apr 2016

KEVMOVE02 wrote:I wish the next version of Reason could locate and eradicate all posts related to speculations about releases dates and features set of all software. Then we could use the bandwidth to solve a real problem, like why Jimmy Johns discontinued its rapid delivery service.
Holy smokes!! Are you serious? You just poo pooed my Friday

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29 Apr 2016

How about a Props designed/developed external VST/AU Host that automatically Rewires from Reason? Sorta like they did when they first introduced audio recording with Record? Call it RE-Wired (lol). Best of both worlds and would satisfy this long time Reason user forced to Rewire 'into' the future.. I apologize if this has already been floated here. I'm new to the board and trying to catch up/interject.

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29 Apr 2016

One thing only?


Stop OctoREX from flanging by simply disabling auto run once I trigger the loop from the sequencer. Pretty please. Thanks. ;)

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29 Apr 2016

kuhliloach wrote:I'm curious about what dana above meant by the importance of delay compensation. In what scenario is that so important? Lots of interesting usage cases in this thread!
SO Important.. Like you say its so important.

Like every other daw has it, even fruity poops.

Try using anything with a processing delay as a send effect or in a parallel channel, its unusable!

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29 Apr 2016

Nathanbar wrote:
gak wrote:
Nathanbar wrote: I don't care too much about VST integration though I think being able to use Reason as a Rewire host would make everyone happy.
Not sure if I understand host/slave, but if you are talking about reason being able to use another host/fx inside reason, then yes....but probably the reason why they haven't is the same as not being VST/etc. They realize that with the flakiness of other hosts/vsts, they'd have a ton of reports........which is why they don't in the first place.
I think that argument may have held water years ago. Code has become better. I have tons of VSTis that never crash. Hosts are much better too. If reason was allowed to run as a host for another Rewire device, say Ableton for instance, that would add a lot of functionality and all the whining would stop
Indeed. I don't like rewiring Reason to Ableton because I want to sum everything in the SSL, not Ableton's mixer. The other way around would make for a much better workflow, at least for me.

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29 Apr 2016

fieldframe wrote:
Nathanbar wrote:
gak wrote:
Nathanbar wrote: I don't care too much about VST integration though I think being able to use Reason as a Rewire host would make everyone happy.
Not sure if I understand host/slave, but if you are talking about reason being able to use another host/fx inside reason, then yes....but probably the reason why they haven't is the same as not being VST/etc. They realize that with the flakiness of other hosts/vsts, they'd have a ton of reports........which is why they don't in the first place.
I think that argument may have held water years ago. Code has become better. I have tons of VSTis that never crash. Hosts are much better too. If reason was allowed to run as a host for another Rewire device, say Ableton for instance, that would add a lot of functionality and all the whining would stop
Indeed. I don't like rewiring Reason to Ableton because I want to sum everything in the SSL, not Ableton's mixer. The other way around would make for a much better workflow, at least for me.
Yeah, agreed.

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29 Apr 2016

guitfnky wrote:what would be the one single change PH could make to Reason, if they left everything else exactly as-is, that would still get you to upgrade (assuming a normal upgrade price range somewhere in the range of $130-200)?
if they only changed one thing for 120 bucks they can keep it LOL
I would not be buying it with only one thing unless it is video Dub !
But I bet some will buy it if it take vst's in a wrapper LOL
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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29 Apr 2016

ambeant wrote:the interesting quirky factor of Reason is long over, its time to face reality and accept the rules of the analog domain vs software correctness
I love these Olympian pronouncements about "reality" and "rules" and "correctness" that really just boil down to "I want Reason to be more the kind of thing I happen to like"

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29 Apr 2016

pushedbutton wrote:
Noplan wrote:
pushedbutton wrote:If Reason 9 had accurate polyphonic audio to midi that could be written to the sequencer I'd preorder it.
Just use external tools for that wich are better because they are specialised in such things.
Me: I wish my house wasn't so dark.
You: Just spend more time round at your neighbours.
My point was that accurate polyphonic audio to midi is such a complex territory that it will never happen in Reason. They have to invest too much in a function that has no priority and will always be better done outside of reason.

But i understand that this was just a theoretical request of you and i'm just a smartass.

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29 Apr 2016

If I had to choose one thing that Reason 9 changes I would say, the number.
I would hate for Reason 9 to still be labeled 'Reason 8' on the box. That would be very confusing.

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29 Apr 2016

Grouping in the mixer and the sequencer! I couldn't imagine it would be hard to implement. I have many things I would like in Reason, but man projects are hard to navigate when they get bigger..

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30 Apr 2016

joeyluck wrote:If I had to choose one thing that Reason 9 changes I would say, the number.
I would hate for Reason 9 to still be labeled 'Reason 8' on the box. That would be very confusing.
free though!

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30 Apr 2016

a new combinator more advanced, one that i can put buttons and knobs

I would be happy only with that

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30 Apr 2016

Only one thing? Easy.

Allow MIDI read and write from one single function inside of control scripts. That's it, that's all I ask.
:reason: :ignition: :re: :refillpacker: Enhanced by DataBridge v5

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30 Apr 2016

kuhliloach wrote:I recently watched a YouTube video describing someone's transition from Reason to another platform. The explanation seemed to be wrapped around confusion. He summarized that Reason is difficult to make sound "big" without being a scientist. He then showed his master buss VST plug-in array and tried to make the case that his new DAW made it easier to sound "big" than Reason.

You mean this video?

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30 Apr 2016

Default Settings are a big deal in building software applications. ;)

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01 May 2016

In all DAWs one can always create and use several different templates, if wanting to come closer to a fuller and more polished sound.
Most "big" sounds in different daws are already programmed with added effects. Many of them are inspiring and they sound complex. But to combine many such sounds can end up with difficulties later in mixing. So often one have to "clean" it all up and edit a lot. But in songwriting/beatmaking mode complex preproduced fuller sounds can be great as they make it sound more as a finished production right from start.
But to blend many elements into a new vibe takes time, patience, and a dedication. If "Reason" dont feels big enough right out the box, it would have more to do with ones sound library and maybe the fsb and orchester in Reason stock is not up to pair with same banks in some other Daws?
I guess a more advanced sampler and updated combinator would adress most such issues, and updated or new stock Effects (as they are used in combinator patches) plus update soundbanks or bring in new stock RE instruments. The lack of instruments in the shop is one thing....but imagine RE to be able to load samples and Reason to work as master Rewire host. Plus easier SDK and bringing in video support etc.
If PH has no time for all this, then expanding the RE platform would be best to bring in developers innovations, and focusing more on the core.

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01 May 2016

In all DAWs one can always create and use several different templates, if wanting to come closer to a fuller and more polished sound.
Most "big" sounds in different daws are already programmed with added effects. Many of them are inspiring and they sound complex. But to combine many such sounds can end up with difficulties later in mixing. So often one have to "clean" it all up and edit a lot. But in songwriting/beatmaking mode complex preproduced fuller sounds can be great as they make it sound more as a finished production right from start.
But to blend many elements into a new vibe takes time, patience, and a dedication. If "Reason" dont feels big enough right out the box, it would have more to do with ones sound library and maybe the fsb and orchester in Reason stock is not up to pair with same banks in some other Daws?
I guess a more advanced sampler and updated combinator would adress most such issues, and updated or new stock Effects (as they are used in combinator patches).

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01 May 2016

A live mode that enables you to have multiple sequencer windows open and synced together

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01 May 2016

Yonatan wrote:
kuhliloach wrote:I recently watched a YouTube video describing someone's transition from Reason to another platform. The explanation seemed to be wrapped around confusion. He summarized that Reason is difficult to make sound "big" without being a scientist. He then showed his master buss VST plug-in array and tried to make the case that his new DAW made it easier to sound "big" than Reason.

You mean this video?

I saw that video a few months ago after I jumped into Studio One. And I felt then that this was the worst Reason - Studio One comparisson video ever! I was confused as heck after watching this video. Everybody is different and I know that we all use our software differently , but dam he literally glossed over a dozen powerful features of Studio One and instead spoke about how big he feels the sound is !!!! and that was the main thing in his video... there are 2 other thing he spoke about but he mentioned them so vaguely.
His video does a complete dis service to anyone wondering about Reason and Studio One

And Also to this observation @Yonatan made:
Yonatan wrote:He then showed his master buss VST plug-in array and tried to make the case that his new DAW made it easier to sound "big" than Reason.
NO! He didn't show any VST master buss array. The one Chanel strip in the Mixer he showed that had a bunch of device inserted, had absolutely no signal passing through it. He basically played a single wave file song from another Chanel, then moved to the Chanel next to it that had no sound and made it seems like those inserts devices where affecting the wave file he just finished playing. If you look at the video of that chanel strip with all those devices added to it, there is no meter movement at all on that Chanel.

Lastly here's some more confusion :shock: :
he mentioned that he was worried about Vst's slowing down his system, and he said he was surprised that it wasn't the case and he began to show what devices he had in each Chanel. Most of the devices he showed where ALL native to studio one! Except for 3 instances of Kontakt 1 iZotope device loaded. He only has 6 tracks total loaded...I don't know of any DAW that can't handle 6 tracks total loaded with native CPU friendly devices like Drive,a basic filter and a compressor ?! weird video!

:puf_smile: Life is funny I would love to make a Reason compared to S1 video but I don't have the setup for it and here's someone who does have a set up and misses the mark completly.
Last edited by pjeudy on 01 May 2016, edited 1 time in total.
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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01 May 2016

pjeudy so what do you think? is he being fair in this video? or is it a case of just not understanding Reason?

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01 May 2016

kuhliloach wrote:pjeudy so what do you think? is he being fair in this video? or is it a case of just not understanding Reason?
Not fair at all !!
But now that I'm thinking of your question...I need to be clear, I don't think he's fair in the sense that S1 has some killer workflow features that most Reason users would love that he failed to highlight, and what he did highlight wasn't connecting with what he was showing on screen.Even when he says how big the sound was in S1...it wasn't ... there was no stereo depth that anyone could notice and he didn't AB anything ?! that video was a FAIL !
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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01 May 2016

I am not a pro engineer / producer / musician. But I should get paid for crashing my Rewire DAW......

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