if Reason 9 only changed one thing...

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25 Apr 2016

For me, Reason 8 has two of the most annoying things:
- No delay compensation on the parallel channels;
- No freezing channels without duplication with the possibility of frostbite for editing.
This completely spoiled my workflow. Drums done on parallel channels without compensation sound like poop. After aligning the delay they get power, but it takes time and work. No freezing option is killing my CPU.
I also hope that the Propellerheads not create some of his synthesizer, but instead they will focus on the new - more powerful SDK for external developers.
Ableton Live Suite 10 / Reason 10 / Windows 10 / Fingers - also 10 ;)

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25 Apr 2016

I'm taking it as read that there'll never be a VST allowed, but a Rewire master function or something that would allow me to control standalone Arturia synths easier. I know you can do a loopback, but I just end up committing the part to audio to save the faffing around.

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25 Apr 2016

"The fact is the only peeps satisfied with their technology are the one's who understand it."

Those jumping ship to other DAW's DON'T understand Reason. I'd estimate less than 10% of Reason users really get it. This is why street knowledge is part of the puzzle. The new generation is learning Ableton like they breathe air.

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25 Apr 2016

A reworked UI with a Touch interface, including an enhanced Combinator. Reason has no innovative UI. Therefore only Attracts die hards. I'm a Software engineer and fine learning the stuff. Still it's sometimes either too puzzling, because you have to have a grahical model (a map) of what you are doing in your mind. there is no easy way of doing things directly. Basically more visual representation of internal stuff needed. Figure is a good and simple sample of what a good UI design helps ... Yes there are hardware controllers ... But they are either tideous to set up or limited due to the remote codec, or at least far more complicated to use than needed.

Just imagine a combinator as simple as having an alternative UI (switchable, just as another view) with an XY pad with an customizable amount of mappings. Simple, isn't it? Just adding a new viewport to reason, no big deal. Ah wait, they than had to implement multitouch properly
:PUF_figure: latest :reason: V12 on MacOS Ventura

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25 Apr 2016

CaptainBlack wrote:I'm taking it as read that there'll never be a VST allowed, but a Rewire master function or something that would allow me to control standalone Arturia synths easier. I know you can do a loopback, but I just end up committing the part to audio to save the faffing around.
This is related to the thing that irks me most about the current External MIDI Instrument implementation. I just want to be able to export a mix without going through and recording the audio for each external source (usually Reaktor) that’s on loopback. Whether this is done via VST support or Rewire master, or some other method, I don’t really care, just so long as it’s possible.

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25 Apr 2016

Delay compensation, end of story. If it doesn't have that, forget about it!

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25 Apr 2016

fieldframe wrote:
CaptainBlack wrote:I'm taking it as read that there'll never be a VST allowed, but a Rewire master function or something that would allow me to control standalone Arturia synths easier. I know you can do a loopback, but I just end up committing the part to audio to save the faffing around.
This is related to the thing that irks me most about the current External MIDI Instrument implementation. I just want to be able to export a mix without going through and recording the audio for each external source (usually Reaktor) that’s on loopback. Whether this is done via VST support or Rewire master, or some other method, I don’t really care, just so long as it’s possible.
I haven't tried it yet but I think you can set up virtual audio routing. Seems easy on Mac but maybe need software for PC. You would use midi to control VST in i.e. ableton or send audio out to it and then send the resulting audio back into Reason. Pretty sure is possible as there are loads of inputs and outputs and I have used virtual routing to a degree but never tried this.

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25 Apr 2016

theshoemaker wrote:Reason has no innovative UI.
Completely disagree. It might help that I use modular synths but I think the UI is way better. You can stay in the creative half of your brain longer. Unlike things like Ableton where the bland grey interface and menu diving sends me crashing back to logical boring part of brain and kills the vibe.

I do like Ableton and think it is well layed out etc and Reason could do with one or two improvements but Reason is way more fun and experimental and once you know how to use it which really isnt hard and pretty quick.

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25 Apr 2016

Now that I know Reason it is by far my favorite UI. Other DAW UI's make me wriggle my eyebrows for at least a week. The issue is it took me a long time to get there. A YouTube video showing the Reason signal path on a 2D chart was most helpful, as well as finally mastering the MClass devices. I'm curious about what dana above meant by the importance of delay compensation. In what scenario is that so important? Lots of interesting usage cases in this thread!

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25 Apr 2016

needs moar donk

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25 Apr 2016

raccoonboy wrote:
theshoemaker wrote:Reason has no innovative UI.
Completely disagree. It might help that I use modular synths but I think the UI is way better. You can stay in the creative half of your brain longer. Unlike things like Ableton where the bland grey interface and menu diving sends me crashing back to logical boring part of brain and kills the vibe.

I do like Ableton and think it is well layed out etc and Reason could do with one or two improvements but Reason is way more fun and experimental and once you know how to use it which really isnt hard and pretty quick.
Because I started from iOS there is little a Desktop DAW can add in terms of usability. You just have to get the UI right, to get I sold on a Touch interface. The UIs are more expressive for me and easier to use. The only advantage of a desktop system is it's versatility and feature set. Haven't seen a revolution in UI design on a desktop. The one DAW I know which developed into this direction is Bitwig. Btw. I don't like the Ableton UI at all. From all the DAWs I'm still attracted most by Reason. I haven't said it's bad. It just isn't innovative and simply can't compete with tools I've seen in iOS. Sonically there is no discussion. Awesome as hell!

Time will tell [emoji6]
:PUF_figure: latest :reason: V12 on MacOS Ventura

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25 Apr 2016

raccoonboy wrote:
fieldframe wrote:
CaptainBlack wrote:I'm taking it as read that there'll never be a VST allowed, but a Rewire master function or something that would allow me to control standalone Arturia synths easier. I know you can do a loopback, but I just end up committing the part to audio to save the faffing around.
This is related to the thing that irks me most about the current External MIDI Instrument implementation. I just want to be able to export a mix without going through and recording the audio for each external source (usually Reaktor) that’s on loopback. Whether this is done via VST support or Rewire master, or some other method, I don’t really care, just so long as it’s possible.
I haven't tried it yet but I think you can set up virtual audio routing. Seems easy on Mac but maybe need software for PC. You would use midi to control VST in i.e. ableton or send audio out to it and then send the resulting audio back into Reason. Pretty sure is possible as there are loads of inputs and outputs and I have used virtual routing to a degree but never tried this.
Oh, this is actually what I do already! It works in a pinch, but what I'm saying is I'd really prefer to be able to render out audio in one pass, like in apps that natively support VST/AU. Again, I don't care how Propellerhead does it, whether or not it counts as "VST in Reason" or whatever, but I'd just like to have that workflow as an option.

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25 Apr 2016

raccoonboy wrote:
theshoemaker wrote:Reason has no innovative UI.
Completely disagree. It might help that I use modular synths but I think the UI is way better. You can stay in the creative half of your brain longer. Unlike things like Ableton where the bland grey interface and menu diving sends me crashing back to logical boring part of brain and kills the vibe.

I do like Ableton and think it is well layed out etc and Reason could do with one or two improvements but Reason is way more fun and experimental and once you know how to use it which really isnt hard and pretty quick.
Totally agree with that. How well you like the UI comes down to what you're already familiar with, I think. To me, Reason is way more logical than the ridiculous number of pop-out panels/windows and menus that are there on a lot of other DAWs. It's very much a matter of preference, and of familiarity.

Plus, you just don't have the amount of routing flexibility in other DAWs that you get in Reason. That alone makes it hugely more powerful than anything else I've used, in terms of sheer creative options; at the end of the day, that creativity is what Reason is about, at its core, and the DAW part is there to help facilitate that.
I write music for good people


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25 Apr 2016

fieldframe wrote:I'd really prefer to be able to render out audio in one pass
Still not getting you here. Surely if you have your VST running in real time so that it's audio is routed to a new mixer channel in Reason then any rendering should be one pass as normal, no need to save and import from other apps.

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25 Apr 2016

Speaking of creativity and routing... I guess most of you don't get the point what routing in other DAWs looks like. To make it clear. Patch cables is only the ancient way of doing it. Modern Software approaches allow routing everywhere. In programming terms its called binding. Where one value is mapped to the other where a transforming function of the applied value can be put in between. In other terms. Rout by is possible without dedicated CV Ins and Outs. Or audio. The only advantage I see here is automatic routing because of specifically saying "hey bro, I got a CV OUT HERE ... Wanna plug my cable into you" besides that, routing is a really good explored topic in software environments. There are multiple different approaches to messaging systems with multiple senders and receivers. MIDI and OSC are only popular solutions in the music buiz. I don't even get, why audio can't be routed to CV and vice versa like in real modular setups. Of course not everything makes sense and produces sound, but at least the versatile user should be allowed. I know about the pros and cons of the existing solution. For me, why I use Reason: I love the sound and how I can set it up. It's still far from modern and innovative but for me the competitors are even worse regarding cutting edge technology.

I agree with the things about being used to something and that's my biggest critique here: most of the designers or users are used to and don't think outside the box. That's why I love iOS apps. Most designers programming for iOS think different. Because it's unusable the old desktop way.

Just wait another couple of years.. My vision will be part of a natural workflow. I'm relaxed to wait. As I've previously seen technology arising nearly half or full decade before its broad adoption . one of them being the smartphone done right. I used ICQ over 15 years ago with a self created proxy on my home network to route messages as SMS [emoji6] because there haven't been native clients for smartphones with windows mobile... And I already wanted a touchable UI back then. But Microsoft wasn't able to get it right, thinking just inside their box. I guess I just wasn't smart enough to recognize its potential [emoji1] being a kid without money and no vision.

Cheers [emoji41]
:PUF_figure: latest :reason: V12 on MacOS Ventura

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25 Apr 2016

The thing I want most is Melodyne / Offline Neptune. Using Melodyne now there are probably 20 extra steps required for every edit.
The thing I need most is a smart Track Freezing paridgm/ Master Mode. I love FM4 (just to name one) but my CPU is dying.

Maybe Propellerheads gives us something like "Sequencer/Mixer Extentions" so both of the above can be handled by 3rd parties.

Extra steps that could be removed with integrated Melodyne:

-- Export Audio (from Reason)
* Set sequence head to start of audio:
* File (Alt+F)
* Export Track
* Navigate to export location (could already be there though)
* Select "Save"
-- Open Audio in Melodyne
* Start Melodyne
* File (Alt+F)
* Import File
* Navigate to export location
* Select "OK"
---- Do changes - Should be the same in either Melodyne and or hopefully Reason 9
-- Export Audio (from Melodyne)
* File (Alt+F)
* Export to .WAV
* Navigate to export location
* Select "Save"
-- Re Import Audio (To Reason)
* Reset sequence head to start of audio
* File (Alt+F)
* Import Audio
* Navigate to export location
* Select "OK"

^^^Not so fun!

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25 Apr 2016

Automation editing and drawing tools. If the ''Re'' strategy is to outsource and take a percentage from all sound generation and effects via third parties, and keep Reason as an assembly, edit and connection framework then logically the platform should be improved for assembly edit and connection.

Still every software company in the world is being told they must have a cloud strategy by the money men so i'm sure the focus will be keeping the investors happy not the users. Expect more unused cloud integration features, not the ability to invert an automation clip or draw a curve.

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26 Apr 2016

raccoonboy wrote:
fieldframe wrote:I'd really prefer to be able to render out audio in one pass
Still not getting you here. Surely if you have your VST running in real time so that it's audio is routed to a new mixer channel in Reason then any rendering should be one pass as normal, no need to save and import from other apps.
Maybe "pass" was the wrong word to use. What I mean is that if I'm running Ableton and have a MIDI track going to an AU, or similarly if I'm running Reason and I have a MIDI track going to a rack instrument, I don't actually need to record the entire song's length into an audio track before I can export the whole song to a file. The application will just render the sound straight to disk without that intermediary step, often much faster than real-time depending on the instruments' CPU load.

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26 Apr 2016

stfual wrote: Still every software company in the world is being told they must have a cloud strategy by the money men so i'm sure the focus will be keeping the investors happy not the users. Expect more unused cloud integration features, not the ability to invert an automation clip or draw a curve.
Afaik propellerhead sw is a privately owned company. Doesn't that exclude investors?

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26 Apr 2016

fieldframe wrote:
raccoonboy wrote:
fieldframe wrote:I'd really prefer to be able to render out audio in one pass
Still not getting you here. Surely if you have your VST running in real time so that it's audio is routed to a new mixer channel in Reason then any rendering should be one pass as normal, no need to save and import from other apps.
Maybe "pass" was the wrong word to use. What I mean is that if I'm running Ableton and have a MIDI track going to an AU, or similarly if I'm running Reason and I have a MIDI track going to a rack instrument, I don't actually need to record the entire song's length into an audio track before I can export the whole song to a file. The application will just render the sound straight to disk without that intermediary step, often much faster than real-time depending on the instruments' CPU load.
Okay, of course. I get you now :D

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27 Apr 2016

If Reason 9 had accurate polyphonic audio to midi that could be written to the sequencer I'd preorder it.
@pushedbutton on twitter, add me, send me a message, but don't try to sell me stuff cos I'm skint.
Using Reason since version 3 and still never finished a song.

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29 Apr 2016

My biggest hopes are grouping in the sequencer. I'd love to be able to phase lock drum tracks and make slip edits and comps without all the extra work.

I think it would be cool if they did other console emulations too. So that you could use an API or Neve emulation opposed to just the SSL.

I don't care too much about VST integration though I think being able to use Reason as a Rewire host would make everyone happy.

I also liked the suggestion that they integrate pitch detection/correction in the sequencer. Maybe an update to NNXT too.

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29 Apr 2016

Nathanbar wrote: I don't care too much about VST integration though I think being able to use Reason as a Rewire host would make everyone happy.
Not sure if I understand host/slave, but if you are talking about reason being able to use another host/fx inside reason, then yes....but probably the reason why they haven't is the same as not being VST/etc. They realize that with the flakiness of other hosts/vsts, they'd have a ton of reports........which is why they don't in the first place.

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29 Apr 2016

pushedbutton wrote:If Reason 9 had accurate polyphonic audio to midi that could be written to the sequencer I'd preorder it.
Just use external tools for that wich are better because they are specialised in such things.

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29 Apr 2016

gak wrote:
Nathanbar wrote: I don't care too much about VST integration though I think being able to use Reason as a Rewire host would make everyone happy.
Not sure if I understand host/slave, but if you are talking about reason being able to use another host/fx inside reason, then yes....but probably the reason why they haven't is the same as not being VST/etc. They realize that with the flakiness of other hosts/vsts, they'd have a ton of reports........which is why they don't in the first place.
I think that argument may have held water years ago. Code has become better. I have tons of VSTis that never crash. Hosts are much better too. If reason was allowed to run as a host for another Rewire device, say Ableton for instance, that would add a lot of functionality and all the whining would stop

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