I will occasionally browse this forum not logged in and the page load time can be as much as a minute so I often give up.
When logged in the same page loads almost instantly so it's not a network issue. I browse from an Android phone or tablet. I would think this puts a lot of potential users off.
Horrible load times when not logged in
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Keep in mind that this forum is for Reasontalk.com suggestions, and not for support on your Reason Studios software.
Keep in mind that this forum is for Reasontalk.com suggestions, and not for support on your Reason Studios software.
I actually did an optimization on this issue earlier this morning. The problem should be fixed now.
It was a security algorith IP checking guest visitors here, that slowed things down a bit.
It was a security algorith IP checking guest visitors here, that slowed things down a bit.
Kenni Andruszkow
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