Best EQ for the Master Bus?

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SA Studio
Posts: 411
Joined: 19 Nov 2015

19 Nov 2015

Hey guys :)

Really cool to see this thread pop up and the video I made for the MP5 get mentioned! I'm glad you guys liked it -

~ That's the link for anyone who missed it. The MP5 is great on the Master Bus!

Posts: 1593
Joined: 18 Jan 2015

28 Dec 2015

Trident A Range - Can be used on a master bus safely if using only the shelving.
From the manual:

"When boosted, the High Shelving Band gives a beautiful
high-end shimmer to just about any material. Don’t
be afraid to try it on a master bus, as the result can be

"The bell filters interacts with each other in a rather funny
way. For example, even if the gain of the Low Mid Band
is set to zero, changing the frequency of that band will
affect the frequency response of the High Mid Band filter
significantly. The results are quite unpredictable and
this is part of the reason for the unusual sound of the

High and Lowpass filters:
"The three settings work independently and can be used
in any combination which means that the more buttons
you engage, the more attenuation you get. For example,
pressing all three Low Pass buttons will actually result in a
filter with an even lower cut-off frequency than 9 kHz."

"The Saturation or distortion
of the A-Range is placed
after the equalizer bands and
is depending on the gain settings
of the bands."

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