Outside of Reason....

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07 Apr 2015

submonsterz wrote:Yes my comparison is a direct reason v reaper I've not got studio one and it doesn't appeal to me to go get it to be honest. So yes my comparison is reason v reaper and I'd like to actually hear from you, you're all the what is better and why in the two. as you say you have extensively used both . 
EnochLight wrote: 

Well, this thread is about what we use outside of Reason, hence my preference to use Studio One (and clearly your preference to use Reaper).  But if you want to add to the things that Reason can do that Reaper can't, well OK then:

Let's see, what can Reason do that Reaper can't (aside from rock solid stability- I find reason to not be the case here more and more.)?
  • Inspiring rack paradigm that no other DAW has replicated to date- I find it restricting and badly laid out with out the chance of setting it for personal preference ie no resize or change of layout to restrictive.
  • Easy visual connectivity to all rack devices by flipping the rack and dragging cables-I find cv and audio routing visually not so exciting or even sometimes logical and just way to distracting and pure eye candy . I find I use drop down menus to connect in reason and else where more logical and easier to use and quicker to be honest less scrolling to far away devices etc.in complex combinations the eye candy obstructs and interferes with creativity with a speghetti effect. 
  • Massively efficient when using stock devices alone (though Reaper is pretty damn efficient by itself)I find stock devices in most cases in reason ok dsp wise but some not so much pul erizer etc come to mind I find lots of vst or reaper own created devices to be very very lean in comparison
  • Massive collection of stock devices - feel being able to script things in reaper means much more scope can be had for a stock set up which can be changed at discretion with reason you cant.- with huge sound library ITB- sound library is old outdated and there is huge amounts of free stuff out there for reaper to make a good lubary for pluggs and soundbanks etc which are in most cases more up to date and more in depth in a good few ways
  • Unified 3rd party plugin store that allows you to sync all 3rd party plugins in one easy process (go to your account, hit sync, done - I find props servers most unreliable and sync all is not a sold in stone feature and cab render you're session you wanted to have non existant) just so long as you have Internet access - I'd rather not have my system online or subjected to attack from doing so
  • Unified 3rd party plugin UID standard, so there is absolutely no need to relearn new browsers, button arrangements, etc.- I find this uninspiring no resize no moveability and frankly find vst interfaces easier and more logical with menus and multi page views.  All 3rd party devices feel like a native "rack citizen".- I also feel this to me not true as they no way can access the core program and act as a real reason rack citizen and have less than third party rights  
EnochLight wrote:Those are the things that occur to me off of my head, and the things that really keep me inside Reason as much as possible.  That said, what can Reaper do that Reason can't?  How about:
  • Host VST
  • Much more advanced MIDI editing
  • Much more advanced linear sequencer
EnochLight wrote:See, those 4 years I spent in it really were used.  I just couldn't stand looking at it in comparison to Reason, and again - found it
EnochLight wrote:completely uninspiring.
EnochLight wrote:
EnochLight wrote:  ;)
submonsterz wrote:it's not a piss contest he said she said thing I'm asking for you're solid chunks of info as to why and how and in what way.
EnochLight wrote:
Excellent, then you will understand that this is my
EnochLight wrote:opinion
EnochLight wrote:, as everything you said previous is your
EnochLight wrote:opinion
EnochLight wrote:.  We don't have to agree with each other.  And that's OK.  
I placed my whys for me I prefer next to you're non likes . Also I find that not just reaper but even fl etc etc have better slice edit and chopping and re arranging methods with better editing features than rex and can also and do transient detections much more precise and easier quicker Than rex. Seeming as rex seems to be a huge part of the reason audio side if things I thought I'd add that for flavour too. Also it has better control options and way better automation for tracks midi or audio . I find its time stretching alogarithms so much more in depth more usable and quicker and to be honest of better quality than reasons. It's got so much more diverse options even for that.

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Soft Enerji
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07 Apr 2015

Some interesting replies / comments and from these it would seem that most of us do not use Reason exclusively. I started with Reason at version 4 and because there was no audio recording facility I bought Sonar 7 Pro Suite (this included Project 5, apparently Cakewalk's "reason killer" :s0225: ). Reason will for the most part be my first stop for composition simply because it's so damn easy to work with, so intuitive that ideas grow very quickly. I only have a few REs, Predator, Tsar 1, Korg Polysix, Uhbik F, Polar, Pulsar, Synchronus and a couple more that escape my memory right now, but I don't intend buying any more and in hindsight I kind of regret buying the ones I have. The money would have been better spent IMHO, on buying the equivalent vsts, but shit happens. More and more, but not always, I finish my tracks off in Sonar by bouncing to audio and processing within. I went from Ozone 4 to 6'1 which is standalone and that is where my final mastering is done. Reason's mastering suite is very poor IMHO.

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07 Apr 2015

I use Ableton live for when I do stuff for videos, Untill Reason implement that ofcourse *crosses fingers* :)

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07 Apr 2015

EnochLight wrote:Let's see, what can Reason do that Reaper can't (aside from rock solid stability)?
  • Inspiring rack paradigm that no other DAW has replicated to date
  • Easy visual connectivity to all rack devices by flipping the rack and dragging cables 
  • Massively efficient when using stock devices alone (though Reaper is pretty damn efficient by itself)
  • Massive collection of stock devices with huge sound library ITB
  • Unified 3rd party plugin store that allows you to sync all 3rd party plugins in one easy process (go to your account, hit sync, done) just so long as you have Internet access
  • Unified 3rd party plugin UID standard, so there is absolutely no need to relearn new browsers, button arrangements, etc.  All 3rd party devices feel like a native "rack citizen". 
Those are the things that occur to me off of my head, and the things that really keep me inside Reason as much as possible.  That said, what can Reaper do that Reason can't?  How about:
  • Host VST
  • Much more advanced MIDI editing
  • Much more advanced linear sequencer
those last two are really important.  i mean, look at automation in reaper, it's miles ahead of reason. bezier curves are beautiful even if they turn out inexplicably purple on grey.  MIDI editor is great, also, I really like being able to line tracks up.

but the routing and track paradigm in reaper is easily as compelling to me as as reason's rack and cables, if not as visual, and that can be a bonus when things get complex. 64 channels per track, MIDI or audio or whatever and send them anywhere with a click, frequency split and route them within the track.  and modulate automation targets with audio inputs and do sick things with response curves and enveloping for hysteresis etc.  i really dig that a lot.

plus while reason's racks might have been cutting edge in 2003 some of them are looking a bit naff now.  especially when you have core things like the NN-XT that still don't even have CV or env out which is just annoying if you want to throw a filter bank on it.  when it's inputs it's less of a pain as you can do a combinator thing.

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07 Apr 2015

I'm using WaveLab, which is the DAW I got started on. I make radio documentaries, and for big complex editing jobs it's hard to beat. It's also a mastering program and I'll often export a Reason session into WaveLab as a "last stop" for that final spit & polish (sometimes just to run U-He's Satin across it, although the native Steinberg plugins are fantastic too).

The only bummer is Mac compatibility. It was a PC-only program for six generations, then with WaveLab 7 they coded it for Mac, but it's unstable and buggy as hell (we're now on 8.5 and there are still major issues). Customer support is one guy in Germany, he's not bad at answering emails & forum queries, but his English ain't great and he often misses the point of your inquiry. Result: frustration.

So: pros and cons. But I love using it, as for my purposes, it nicely fills the gaps where Reason doesn't quite measure up.

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07 Apr 2015

dvdrtldg wrote:Customer support is one guy in Germany, he's not bad at answering emails & forum queries, but his English ain't great and he often misses the point of your inquiry. Result: frustration.
Not that I use Wavelab, but I think my English is passable, so let me know if there is something you think I could help you with send me a PM.


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07 Apr 2015

FL Studio is my favorite. I have Reaper, Studio 1, Live Suite, Tracktion, Sonar.  Reason has a unique way of creating music. I think that appeals to many. Live is different as well with its session view.  Reason have everything bundled to make music. For people new to Reason, its hard to beat the included synths. None of those DAWs above have anything as great as Thor without paying extra.

If Reason become more like Studio One, Reaper or Sonar. I probably wouldn't waste my time with it. 

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Soft Enerji
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07 Apr 2015

kitekrazy wrote: If Reason become more like Studio One, Reaper or Sonar. I probably wouldn't waste my time with it. 
I doubt if that will ever happen. The one thing that no one can ever take away from Reason is it's uniqueness (is that a word?).

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08 Apr 2015

dvdrtldg wrote:Customer support is one guy in Germany, he's not bad at answering emails & forum queries, but his English ain't great and he often misses the point of your inquiry. Result: frustration.
eusti wrote:
Not that I use Wavelab, but I think my English is passable, so let me know if there is something you think I could help you with send me a PM.


Thanks! Will do.

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08 Apr 2015

I work 99% in Reason I also have Logic Pro X but don't use it at all, I use Soundforge to convert to mp3 and check the waveform sometimes add a little maximizer to even out the loudness.

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08 Apr 2015

kitekrazy wrote:FL Studio is my favorite. I have Reaper, Studio 1, Live Suite, Tracktion, Sonar.  Reason has a unique way of creating music. I think that appeals to many. Live is different as well with its session view.  Reason have everything bundled to make music. For people new to Reason, its hard to beat the included synths. None of those DAWs above have anything as great as Thor without paying extra.

If Reason become more like Studio One, Reaper or Sonar. I probably wouldn't waste my time with it. 
why?  they're clearly trying to make it a competitive solution as a proper DAW.  if they just wanted you to use it like maschine or FL studio they'd have just done something cool with rewire instead.

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08 Apr 2015

kitekrazy wrote:If Reason become more like Studio One, Reaper or Sonar. I probably wouldn't waste my time with it. 
zakalwe wrote:
EnochLight wrote:
Probably for the reasons I've already listed above.  It's Reason's unique approach - the
EnochLight wrote:visual
EnochLight wrote: rack paradigm - that makes it so inspiring to work with.

I'm guessing that's why everyone in this thread is still here in this forum, and still using Reason in some capacity, right?
not really.  i like the integrated environment and its routing possibilities, the stability, the mixer and general intuitiveness of the software but if it all went to floating windows, block diagrams and drop downs i would probably prefer it tbh.  i don't really enjoy tiny meters and fiddly controls, or limited I/O.

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08 Apr 2015

zakalwe wrote:not really.  i like the integrated environment and its routing possibilities, the stability, the mixer and general intuitiveness of the software but if it all went to floating windows, block diagrams and drop downs i would probably prefer it tbh.  i don't really enjoy tiny meters and fiddly controls, or limited I/O.
Yeah, I actually deleted that post because this thread appears to be veering off topic.  I'm quite comfortable using Studio One for my "other DAW", though.   ;)
# Miserable Degenerate | Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 13+ | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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08 Apr 2015

Melodyne is all I use to supplement, but I don't exactly produce polished tracks. For me Reason is about inspiration and creativity. I don't see any of the flaws some do with it's ability to polish material, because I'm too busy being inspired to create more. ;)  

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08 Apr 2015

An ancient license of Adobe Audition 1.5 (I have a license for 2.0, but Adobe doesn't allow me to download 2.0 - sunset since long time ago -  which is lost on a crashed computer for me)
(btw, does anyone know any good replacement for Adobe Audition 1.5? I don't use the video stuff at all)

Melodyne Studio (The Germans making this software aren't exactly adhering to platform GUI standards, but they are semi-gods, and I love this program)

Every now and then, when inspiration is zero, I also use wow for some casual pvp:-)
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08 Apr 2015

jappe wrote:An ancient license of Adobe Audition 1.5 (I have a license for 2.0, but Adobe doesn't allow me to download 2.0 - sunset since long time ago -  which is lost on a crashed computer for me)
(btw, does anyone know any good replacement for Adobe Audition 1.5? I don't use the video stuff at all)
I still use Audition 3.0 on occasion - absolutely fantastic for sample editing.  I've had every version up to v3, starting when it was owned by Syntrillium and called Cool Edit Pro.  I also think I still have the (legit) executable for 2.0 laying around.  Let me see if I can find it.  If you've got an actual license, you should be good to go.
# Miserable Degenerate | Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 13+ | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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09 Apr 2015

I personally prefer to do everything in Reason as much as possible but when it comes to tracking/mixing live drums, bands and multiple mic setup's I prefer to use Pro Tools for its editing and Delay compensation features, Reason is my number 1 go to for anything other than those purposes. I also use Pro Tools for video sync which I then Rewire Reason, most of the time. I can't program or edit midi in Pro Tools it just kills me as I'm so used to the work flow of Reason.

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09 Apr 2015

Studio One, Cubarse...I mean Cubase...whew!!!, FL11 and a few trackers....I'm a DAWholic!!! :s0106: :t0305: :love: :love:
....and a whack of hardware synths and who knows what...

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09 Apr 2015


It's the absolute bomb. I use it standalone whenever I get in a creative rut with reason. It's just so different to reason that it channels you in different directions
:reason: :record: :re: :ignition: :refill: :PUF_take: :PUF_figure:

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09 Apr 2015

Flying the flag for Cubase, woo hoo!

Why? I used to use it years before Reason dealt with Audio & Midi out properly, so I knew it fairly well. I bought a synth with an upcoming VST associated plug in (Elektron Overbridge) and a friend that works at NI gave me a fully licensed version of Komplete Ultimate.

SO got back into to using it. It's slower than Reason, it crashes, but I am spoilt for choice when it comes to sound. And it does some truely amazing things out the box, without the NI stuff to be honest.

I switch between the two depending on what mood I'm in, but never rewire. can;t be arsed with having two save projects for every song (that is what you do when you rewire isn't it?)

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09 Apr 2015

Nymphomation wrote:Flying the flag for Cubase, woo hoo!

Why? I used to use it years before Reason dealt with Audio & Midi out properly, so I knew it fairly well. I bought a synth with an upcoming VST associated plug in (Elektron Overbridge) ....

I am considering to buy Cubase Pro 8.
Do you know if Reason 8.2 and Cubase Pro 8 work in rewire?

Also have Elektrons since this year.. (and still waiting for Overbridge)  :D

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09 Apr 2015

devilfish wrote: I am considering to buy Cubase Pro 8.
Do you know if Reason 8.2 and Cubase Pro 8 work in rewire?

Also have Elektrons since this year.. (and still waiting for Overbridge)  :D
I don't know for sure, but can't think why they wouldn't work together. Have a look for an early version of Cubase on ebay, and upgrade the license from that - it may be cheaper. I got 7.5 during their 'grace' period for upgrades and got it for about £200 (plus £15 on a old version from ebay)

Elektron is an inspiring company, I can't believe how much amazing stuff they've produced in a relatively short amount of time - compared to Roland, Korg, Moog, Waldorf etc. I own the AK, and I desperately want more.... very addictive machines! Looking at an Octatrack

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09 Apr 2015

For me it's typically whatever is available. My preferences though for tracking are:
  1. Cubase / Logic / Studio One
  2. Sonar / Pro Tools
  3. Cutting together selections of magnetic tape :P
  4. Reaper Image
But I find them all the same. Load VSTi's, ... track midi, ... load VST effects, ... tweak.

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09 Apr 2015

jappe wrote:An ancient license of Adobe Audition 1.5 (I have a license for 2.0, but Adobe doesn't allow me to download 2.0 - sunset since long time ago -  which is lost on a crashed computer for me)
(btw, does anyone know any good replacement for Adobe Audition 1.5? I don't use the video stuff at all)
EnochLight wrote:
I still use Audition 3.0 on occasion - absolutely fantastic for sample editing.  I've had every version up to v3, starting when it was owned by Syntrillium and called Cool Edit Pro.  I also think I still have the (legit) executable for 2.0 laying around.  
EnochLight wrote:Let me see if I can find it.  If you've got an actual license, you should be good to go.

Thank's a lot for trying - awesome if you can find it:-)
Yes, my license is legit. (I don't do any software pirating for any software at all since being a rather poor student many many years ago:-)
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09 Apr 2015

I have  a Fender Stratocaster, does that count?

Seriously tho  Studio One, Synthmaster, Lounge Lizard, Stylus RMX and iPad with Gadget, GarageBand, iMS20, Figure, Take, n some other stuff that I don't use much such as Impaktor, iMaschine Addictive Synth, also some other synths mostly freebies such as Alchemy (lush).


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