Hydronexuis RE download trouble

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09 Sep 2015

Hey guys I really need help. I started a trial of Hydronexius a week ago and I havent been able to download it yet.. I updated my authorizer to the very latest build, I've plugged my laptop directly into my modem, I've been in convo with propellerheads who havent been helpful at all, and nothing. I've downloaded maybe 4 other REs since then as a test including project Sam which is actually bigger than hydro... I know I have a great internet connection. If I can stream Netflix and HBO wirelessly there shouldnt be any reason I cant download this rack via ethernet. It gets to 1.7gb than says download failed check internet connection.. working on a project where all the music is using reason rack extensions and really need to test and possibly buy this because it represents some of what Ive been missing... Any help is much appreciated..

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DNA Apocalypse
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09 Sep 2015


I had this very problem before and it is because the propellerhead servers are too busy, since a lot of new REs were released I think the server is extra busy. So try to download during sleeping hours (maybe 1-3 am). This is how I bypassed the very busy servers! Hope it helps....
DNA-LABS-SOFTWARE.COM :reason: :refill: :re:

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09 Sep 2015

JerrelTheKing wrote:Hey guys I really need help. I started a trial of Hydronexius a week ago and I havent been able to download it yet.. I updated my authorizer to the very latest build, I've plugged my laptop directly into my modem, I've been in convo with propellerheads who havent been helpful at all, and nothing. I've downloaded maybe 4 other REs since then as a test including project Sam which is actually bigger than hydro... I know I have a great internet connection. If I can stream Netflix and HBO wirelessly there shouldnt be any reason I cant download this rack via ethernet. It gets to 1.7gb than says download failed check internet connection.. working on a project where all the music is using reason rack extensions and really need to test and possibly buy this because it represents some of what Ive been missing... Any help is much appreciated..
I've had the very same issue. I've tried every day for the past week. I just downloaded the logging version of Authorizer and it still hasn't helped. I hope I actually get to try it before the trial expires.

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09 Sep 2015

Yeah I just got an email from Props about the logging version of Authoriser. They want a log to find out exactly whats happening... @DNALabs I have tried it around that time several times over the past week. I'm already 9 or 10 days into my trial.. Hopefully it works before my trial is up as well. This sucks. May have to opt for Nexus.

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09 Sep 2015

Exact same problem - I loose it and get an error right at 1.7gb and this has occured 27 times now to me in the past 36 hours.

I tried late hours.

I have successfully downloaded other REs during this time as well.

PH hasn't replied to my email about the issue.


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10 Sep 2015

Unfortunately all communication has ceased with Props. Be sure to clean out the authorized download cache. It stores all partially downloaded files and only clears when a RE is fully installed. I tried to download Hydro so many times I had 40GB of partial filea on my hard drive

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11 Sep 2015

@DNA Apocalypse maybe you should contact Props about this. This is not good for your brand at all.

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DNA Apocalypse
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11 Sep 2015

I Have already contacted the props about this issue. I had the same issue with Project Sam( I noticed this is an issue with large devices). I was very upset and frustrated, Every time I asked the Props to help, they said to upgrade to the new Rack Extension authorizer or gave me a generic/robotic/vague answer, I did upgrade and still no fix….eventually the problem disappeared when there was a slowdown in new REs released. So I have come to the conclusion that the Props need more bandwidth for downloads. I know it is not a problem with the actual RE device. If this problem persists, I will attempt to reset the trials for all (I just hope the props let me).
DNA-LABS-SOFTWARE.COM :reason: :refill: :re:

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11 Sep 2015

I had no problem with download ProjectSam and Hydronexius. Only Hydronexius download time was about 30-40 minutes.

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11 Sep 2015

I had problems with Project Sam (until I updated the downloader), but none at all with Hydronexius.
JerrelTheKing wrote: I'm already 9 or 10 days into my trial.. Hopefully it works before my trial is up as well. This sucks.
At the very least, Propellerheads should ensure that you guys get the full 30 day trial that you're entitled to, and not just the remaining 20 days (or however long is left when you eventually gain access). Hydronexius is a thing of beauty (in my opinion) and it would be a great shame both for you and for DNA Labs if these problems prevented you from experiencing it and giving it a fair trial.

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12 Sep 2015

Well I was finally able to download this yesterday and its amazing. I love it. Looking forward to the refill library thats sure to come. For hip hop production this defintely filled a void in the reason environment.

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