The IR thread
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Well if you find a way to convert the mono IRs to interleaved stereo files, you could then load them up. Quad files only make sense if you have a working surround setup. Since Reason is not natively designed to output surround (should be capable though, never tried) using Quad files with Reason would have to be set up.
So you'd use the mono IRs. If you can't find a way to convert them to stereo, use two units as you describe.
So you'd use the mono IRs. If you can't find a way to convert them to stereo, use two units as you describe.
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Got an official feedback from Propellerhead.
Check thread ... 287740036.
Check thread ... 287740036.
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Where is the download button for Openair ir's website????
Stupid question????
Thanks in advance
Where is the download button for Openair ir's website????
Stupid question????
Thanks in advance
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Sorry if I come across as a noob when asking how I can check what RV7000 has become now in 8.3, if I load op a song I have made in an earlier version and the RV unit on some tracks. Is there any tutorial or documentation on the MKii version anywhere that I just have missed? Thanks guys!
Reason. Because!
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mark II is compatible with the earlier version and all mark I's will be replaced with Mark II's in your song. As long as you open them in 8.3. I did notice that on my system there was still a working copy of 8.2.Smallter Ego wrote:Sorry if I come across as a noob when asking how I can check what RV7000 has become now in 8.3, if I load op a song I have made in an earlier version and the RV unit on some tracks. Is there any tutorial or documentation on the MKii version anywhere that I just have missed? Thanks guys!
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Has anyone come up with a tute or tools to make our own IR's? I understand you can use a hand clap but I'm also seeing that it's better to use a swept sine wave.
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Yup, use a swept sine from a full range point source monitor if possible, and remember like sampling that the better the gear and setup, the better the results!bpmorton wrote:Has anyone come up with a tute or tools to make our own IR's? I understand you can use a hand clap but I'm also seeing that it's better to use a swept sine wave.
In other words, if you want to capture a room accurately, it's helpful to already know how to capture a room accurately! Microphone technique (and type/quality) are the key here IMO, as well as an understanding of proper stereo techniques (assuming of course you wish to sample in stereo).
Same applies for capturing amp models - the better you are at mic'ing and recording amps, the better your IR will be.
But you can easily capture electronic devices without any microphones or "technique" by simply running the swept sine through the devices and recording the result.

[I should add that I don't have very much experience with creating room IRs, so I can't make experienced suggestions for software choices for de-convolving etc.]
Selig Audio, LLC
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So...How long is the sweep? From what frequency to what frequency? Sorry for the stupid questions.
I could not find the answers in the Reason help file.

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One thing to note, while songs saved in 8.2 could be opened in 8.1, and 8.0, saving a song in 8.3 makes it no longer be able to be opened in any previous version. If you have plans to go back to any older 8.x make sure you back up your files, or save as a different name.bpmorton wrote:mark II is compatible with the earlier version and all mark I's will be replaced with Mark II's in your song. As long as you open them in 8.3. I did notice that on my system there was still a working copy of 8.2.
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- Location: Lancashire, UK ... sp=sharing
Now you can pretend to be in my flat you lucky lucky people.
Now you can pretend to be in my flat you lucky lucky people.
@pushedbutton on twitter, add me, send me a message, but don't try to sell me stuff cos I'm skint.
Using Reason since version 3 and still never finished a song.
Using Reason since version 3 and still never finished a song.
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Sweep the frequencies you wish to capture, which in the case of an IR is all audible frequencies, aka 20-20k.bpmorton wrote:So...How long is the sweep? From what frequency to what frequency? Sorry for the stupid questions.I could not find the answers in the Reason help file.
Here's a file from FuzzMeasure, 20-20k 1 second sweep @ 44.1 kHz: ...
Selig Audio, LLC
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bpmorton wrote:So...How long is the sweep? From what frequency to what frequency? Sorry for the stupid questions.I could not find the answers in the Reason help file. ... z.aiff.zipselig wrote:
Sweep the frequencies you wish to capture, which in the case of an IR is all audible frequencies, aka 20-20k.
Here's a file from FuzzMeasure, 20-20k 1 second sweep @ 44.1 kHz:
To make an IR with a sweep, you need an additional step, to deconvolve the swept signal from the recording. So to answer the question, how long and what frequencies: What ever you like, but you need to give the deconvolving software the same same sweep. Reason doesn't include a deconvolver, but many IR processing programs do.selig wrote:
That's one reason people first getting into making impulse responses use hand claps, starter pistols, or spark gap generators. They all are very short, spectrum rich sounds. So they don't need to be deconvolved. The recording (with the impulse trimmed off the start) is the response to the impulse, and can be used directly.
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Just saw this today - YES, you can create VERY interesting reverbs with synthesis. I created this short tutorial to show how it is done:avasopht wrote:You know, .. I've never really just listened to an IR before, though having listened to the IR of a few algorithmic reverbs I must say the sound is very familiar.
Quite interesting, ... makes me wonder how easy it is to create new and interesting styles of reverb with synthesis
Selig Audio, LLC
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Haven't checked these links against the ones posted here, but for good measure and in case you haven't seen this Propellerhead blog entry from a few days ago: ... -responses ... -responses
- Posts: 82
- Joined: 18 Jan 2015
Hey has anyone converted all of the Logic Space Designer IR's. I converted them to wav but it says bad format, so i figured out that some work with .aif extensions... But the IR"s with "OST" gets an"unsupported format" message. Not sure what OST means, but if anyone's done this already and can upload the IR"s that'd be cool, if not i will NOT be converting them
wink wink. Peace

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Did you do it just like the blog entry above suggests?EthicistBeats wrote:Hey has anyone converted all of the Logic Space Designer IR's. I converted them to wav but it says bad format, so i figured out that some work with .aif extensions... But the IR"s with "OST" gets an"unsupported format" message. Not sure what OST means, but if anyone's done this already and can upload the IR"s that'd be cool, if not i will NOT be converting themwink wink. Peace
- Posts: 82
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Yea, that's where i got the idea, but a .wav file extension gave me a "bad format" message, so i've switched one subfolder to a .aif file extension and it worked. So i guess ima just have to redo it all, just a buzz kill cuz i sat here for a good 2 plus hours switching every extension and now must redo it lol. But yea i guess no biggie. peace.
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There must be a way to do a batch edit?EthicistBeats wrote:Yea, that's where i got the idea, but a .wav file extension gave me a "bad format" message, so i've switched one subfolder to a .aif file extension and it worked. So i guess ima just have to redo it all, just a buzz kill cuz i sat here for a good 2 plus hours switching every extension and now must redo it lol. But yea i guess no biggie. peace.
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Unfortunately, it is not as simple as Stefan said on July 22 in the Props blog.EthicistBeats wrote:Hey has anyone converted all of the Logic Space Designer IR's. I converted them to wav but it says bad format, so i figured out that some work with .aif extensions... But the IR"s with "OST" gets an"unsupported format" message. Not sure what OST means, but if anyone's done this already and can upload the IR"s that'd be cool, if not i will NOT be converting themwink wink. Peace
"Another cool trick is if you use Logic Pro, you can simply rename the .sdir files used in Space Designer to .aiff or .wav and they can be used in the RV7000 MkII! You can find the .sdir files in the following directory: ~/Library/Application Support/Logic/Impulse Responses."
It would be nice if he could go into it a bit deeper and explain the blockages that cause the bad format errors.
- Reason Studios
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If it says unsupported format, I suggest trying to find out exactly the format of the file.jfrichards wrote:Unfortunately, it is not as simple as Stefan said on July 22 in the Props blog.EthicistBeats wrote:Hey has anyone converted all of the Logic Space Designer IR's. I converted them to wav but it says bad format, so i figured out that some work with .aif extensions... But the IR"s with "OST" gets an"unsupported format" message. Not sure what OST means, but if anyone's done this already and can upload the IR"s that'd be cool, if not i will NOT be converting themwink wink. Peace
"Another cool trick is if you use Logic Pro, you can simply rename the .sdir files used in Space Designer to .aiff or .wav and they can be used in the RV7000 MkII! You can find the .sdir files in the following directory: ~/Library/Application Support/Logic/Impulse Responses."
It would be nice if he could go into it a bit deeper and explain the blockages that cause the bad format errors.
If that format is convertible, just try to find a working converter and you should be able to use the file.
PS. Ost means cheese in Swedish.

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I found this explanation on the internet. Is this what you are talking about? I'll try it out in a day or two.jengstrom wrote:...
If it says unsupported format, I suggest trying to find out exactly the format of the file.
If that format is convertible, just try to find a working converter and you should be able to use the file...
1 – fast way:
– open your system library (/Library/Audio/Impulse\ Responses)
– choose the desired .SDIR and do: open with… Audacity
– Audacity will open up a new project with the right sampling rate of the .SDIR
– Audacity will not recognize the bit-depth of the .SDIR and open the file as 32/24/16bit (set in the preferences dialog, Audacity will open the file usually as 44.100 Hz 32bit audiofile)
– export the audiodata to a mono/stereo/multichannel wav (or sth else)
– when exporting the impulse response to a 16/24bit wav from the Audacity project a bit-depth conversion will be done
– I would avoid this with (2)
2 – very precise way:
– open your system library (/Library/Audio/Impulse\ Responses)
– open the .SDIR with the Impulse Response Utility
– check the Reverberation Time of the .SDIR (sometimes given also in the filename)
– check the numer of channels given for the .SDIR (2 or 6 or 10…)
– check the filesize of your .SDIR (bytes) in the Finder
– calculate the sampling rate with the following formula by estimating the bit rate:
filesize * 8 / estimated bitrate / no of channels / reverberation time = sampling rate (+ some samples of the header)
the output should be close to 44100 Hz, 48000 Hz, … , 96000 Hz
example: 02.6sMyStudio-OSD.SDIR
3783496 bytes * 8 / 24 (estimated) / 10 channels / 2,6 s = 48506 Hz –> ok 48k !
– calculate the bit-rate with the following formula by guessing the sampling rate:
filesize * 8 / estimated sampling rate / no of channels / reverberation time = bit rate (+ some dirt from the header samples)
the output should be close to 16 or 24 bits
example: 02.6sMyStudio-OSD.SDIR
3783496 bytes * 8 / 44100 / 10 channels / 2,6 s = 26,4 bits –> wrong !
3783496 bytes * 8 / 48000 / 10 channels / 2,6 s = 24,2 bits –> ok 24 bits !
– open Audacity and create a new project
– go to the system preferences and set the project quality (in this example to 48000 Hz and 24 bits)
– drag and drop a .SDIR file into Audacity
– export the audiodata to a mono/stereo/multichannel wav (in this case 24 bit)
– in this case no samplerate conversion or bitrate conversion will be done
if you don’t care if Audacity makes a samplerate-conversion when importing/exporting just open the file or drag it into a new project.
- Reason Studios
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I don't know any details about those files, so I can't comment on anything specific.
I was just saying the more-or-less obvious, which you also touched on in your post:
* You have some sort of audio file, which at least contains or implies sample rate, bit depth / sample format, number of channels and the data itself. Hopefully also some header data which can identify it as a specific format, such as WAV. Any parts of the data could possibly be compressed or encrypted.
* There are tools which can identify and convert audio files. If there are multiple channels, you need to remove or combine some channels to use it in for stereo or mono IR purposes.
I was just saying the more-or-less obvious, which you also touched on in your post:
* You have some sort of audio file, which at least contains or implies sample rate, bit depth / sample format, number of channels and the data itself. Hopefully also some header data which can identify it as a specific format, such as WAV. Any parts of the data could possibly be compressed or encrypted.
* There are tools which can identify and convert audio files. If there are multiple channels, you need to remove or combine some channels to use it in for stereo or mono IR purposes.
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For converting the Logic SDIR files for RV7000 Mk II convolution, I ended up just opening them in Audacity and exporting as 16/44.1 aiff files and they seem to work fine.
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Thanks, vectro! Awesome list, I love using IRs of interesting spaces.
I actually made an entire record a few years ago using Fokke van Saane's IRs. I'm in an acoustic band (harp, flute, guitar) that does a lot of madrigals, and we used his Small Church Schellingwoude IR for almost everything. There were also a few scenes on the CD that were supposed to take place in a small cabin, and I used his Domestic/Amsterdam Living Room. I wrote him a thank you email and he gave an extremely gracious response... very nice guy!
Here's our record: Shall We Gather by the Fire by Three Quarter Ale.
I actually made an entire record a few years ago using Fokke van Saane's IRs. I'm in an acoustic band (harp, flute, guitar) that does a lot of madrigals, and we used his Small Church Schellingwoude IR for almost everything. There were also a few scenes on the CD that were supposed to take place in a small cabin, and I used his Domestic/Amsterdam Living Room. I wrote him a thank you email and he gave an extremely gracious response... very nice guy!

Here's our record: Shall We Gather by the Fire by Three Quarter Ale.
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