How do I make this trance bassline?

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09 Mar 2015

I want to re-create this bassline that I hear in a lot of tracks at the moment, you can hear it at the drop at 4:18 in the video.

It sounds like it's NI Massive because of that noise on it, but I would like to avoid that noise if possible. I do have access to Massive but I find the EMI process clunky and I would much rather re-create this in Reason. I have Predator if that helps. Sounds like a low ramp or maybe square or a combination, with a low sine or separate sub.

Would appreciate any help!


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15 Mar 2015


here is my try: ... eason?dl=0

It seems to me quite close, you may want to mess around adding an Mclass-EQ to get more energy in the sub frequency area.
The original track sounds more processed (maybe some ambience and/or multiband compression at mastering stage provides that "tight" feel).

AFAIK the trick is to use a plain saw (with a little bit of white noise) followed by a BV512 in EQ mode (tweaking the bands to taste) and a lot of sidechain compression.

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15 Mar 2015

Hi Alex,

Thank you so much for having a crack at it. Are you able to put it in a combinator by any chance? I am only on Reason 7.1 and can not open your Reason 8 file.


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15 Mar 2015

The main thing I'm hearing is "scooped mids" which creates the illusion that there are two elements involved. I believe the "noise" you hear it the enhanced highs rather than any actual traditional noise source being added. It can also come from some intentional subtle distortion of the higher frequencies.

Here's a screen shot of the bass line's frequency response, showing the obvious "scooped" mid range I'm speaking of. Match this curve and you're at least half way there! :)
Screen_Shot_2015-03-15_at_11.13.58_AM.png (42.89 KiB) Viewed 3367 times
Selig Audio, LLC

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15 Mar 2015

hi JagWah

if you have the Predator , may be try to tweak the Arp spybassdry 03 or 4 ( the second folder Spytrance patch ) .
- choise Mono 2
- change the waveforme from Osc 2 ( rez ) and down by -1 oct the firt osc
- active the osc 3 with a sinus for the sub

then use a filter ECF ( to add some move on the hight end freq with up and down slowy the Res ) or use the Arp epoxy ( play mono 1 ) , one octave upper than the bass ( layer to add more artifact sounds on the top end freq. )
i do like this on my last track

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16 Mar 2015

Jagwah wrote:Hi Alex,

Thank you so much for having a crack at it. Are you able to put it in a combinator by any chance? I am only on Reason 7.1 and can not open your Reason 8 file.


Yes, it was a Reason 8 file... Sorry, I didn't think about that! :s0959:

I've made another version, all inside in a combinator patch, as you asked: ... X.cmb?dl=0

It is not identical but it comes quite close IMO.

Just load the patch, put your tempo song @135bpm and then press play on tape! :)

A couple of observation:

- I haven't found a way to fine tune matrix gate duration; the notes it produced sounds to me too short compared to the original ones so I had to compensate with the subtractor amp env release time: you may want to disable the matrix pattern and write your own notes/line on a sequencer track

- The kick sound is weak compared to the original track. I've never been able to find a good punchy kick suitable for techno/trance EDM on the FSB (that's why I always rely on wav sample packs for that type of sounds, without having to struggle, they sounds good from the start).

Hope you'll find it a good start point.


PS: Selig suggestion is interesting, for some strange reason my brain keeps telling me there is some kind of noise :) , maybe as he pointed out it's just only an EQ curve response which in that particular case resembles the noise... I have to investigate on that when I'll have a moment.

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21 Mar 2015

Thanks a bunch for your input guys. I have had a head cold for a few days and my ears have been blocked so sorry about the delay in replying.

Thanks Frog it did help in understanding the sound better by starting with a preset to get there.

Cool Selig I will remember in future to refer to the SA after trying myself to hear what frequencies are being used, very interesting - thank you.

Alex you just put a huge smile on my face : D You got real close to nailing it and I love the way the sidechain is making it pump the way it is. Great use of the Vocoder, I will never look at it the same again after seeing what you did there. Thanks heaps for this I am going to reverse engineer it following your Combinator in the hope of understanding it better.

Thanks guys!

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21 Mar 2015

alex wrote:
PS: Selig suggestion is interesting, for some strange reason my brain keeps telling me there is some kind of noise :) , maybe as he pointed out it's just only an EQ curve response which in that particular case resembles the noise... I have to investigate on that when I'll have a moment.

My theory: noise to most of us means something more akin to "hiss". Boosting the highs, especially when dipping the high mids as in this patch can make it appear to be "noisy". I also mentioned that high frequency distortion can resemble noise in that all the generated harmonics are so close together that high up that you basically get "noise" as a result when these high harmonics are driven far enough into distortion. OR, there could be actual noise being added, but it's only at the highest frequencies (see the original graphic).

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21 Mar 2015

the high end noise in that bass sounds like its got a bit crusher on it to be honest maybe bit crushed hiss?

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27 Mar 2015

Jagwah wrote: Alex you just put a huge smile on my face : D You got real close to nailing it and I love the way the sidechain is making it pump the way it is. Great use of the Vocoder, I will never look at it the same again after seeing what you did there. Thanks heaps for this I am going to reverse engineer it following your Combinator in the hope of understanding it better.
Happy to hear that, I just had fun trying to recreate it.  :) The "BV512 trick in EQ mode plus shift" is something I've learned watching youtube video tutorial but ATM I don't recall which one was...
(maybe hydlide, which BTW I really dig!)

I forgot to disable the subtractor noise oscillator, you can put it off if you prefer an "hiss-free" sound.
Happy tweaking! :)

The best things happen after reading the manual. ;)
:reason: :re: :refill: :ignition:

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10 Apr 2015

I think it's a saw wave for the edgy part and a -1 octave triangle wave for the bassy fundamental part, with a slight saturation or distortion, or maybe a bitcrusher on the saw. Then eq'ed and maybe a slight to moderate (sidechain) compression.

With Antidote this should be no problem.

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10 Apr 2015

Jagwah wrote:I want to re-create this bassline that I hear in a lot of tracks at the moment, you can hear it at the drop at 4:18 in the video.

It sounds like it's NI Massive because of that noise on it, but I would like to avoid that noise if possible. I do have access to Massive but I find the EMI process clunky and I would much rather re-create this in Reason. I have Predator if that helps. Sounds like a low ramp or maybe square or a combination, with a low sine or separate sub.

Would appreciate any help!

That song is F''ing sick!
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11 Apr 2015

Puckboy2000 wrote:That song is F''ing sick!
Aye!!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :angel: :crazy:

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11 Apr 2015

Here's a rough approximation in the same vein, could perhaps use some additional tweaking. The filter is quite hard to nail, but if it is indeed Massive then that is not so strange. Massive has quite special filters. This patch has some good oumph anyway! :)

It's for Thor btw.     
(790 Bytes) Downloaded 88 times

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11 Apr 2015

eXode wrote:Here's a rough approximation in the same vein, could perhaps use some additional tweaking. The filter is quite hard to nail, but if it is indeed Massive then that is not so strange. Massive has quite special filters. This patch has some good oumph anyway! :)

It's for Thor btw.     
download not working here m8. Takes you to sign in page even though signed in ???.endless loop click file go logged in page logged in cluck file goes to loggin page lol.

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11 Apr 2015

eXode wrote:Here's a rough approximation in the same vein, could perhaps use some additional tweaking. The filter is quite hard to nail, but if it is indeed Massive then that is not so strange. Massive has quite special filters. This patch has some good oumph anyway! :)

It's for Thor btw.     
submonsterz wrote:download not working here m8. Takes you to sign in page even though signed in ???.endless loop click file go logged in page logged in cluck file goes to loggin page lol.
Strange, it works fine here.

Try this instead: ...

EDIT: I've found that if you add a BV512 set to EQ mode, and 4 BAND will give you some extra something to the sound.

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11 Apr 2015

eXode wrote:Here's a rough approximation in the same vein, could perhaps use some additional tweaking. The filter is quite hard to nail, but if it is indeed Massive then that is not so strange. Massive has quite special filters. This patch has some good oumph anyway! :)

It's for Thor btw.     
submonsterz wrote:download not working here m8. Takes you to sign in page even though signed in ???.endless loop click file go logged in page logged in cluck file goes to loggin page lol.
eXode wrote:
Strange, it works fine here.

Try this instead: ...
eXode wrote:
EDIT: I've found that if you add a BV512 set to EQ mode, and 4 BAND will give you some extra something to the sound.
thanks eXode.
I'll check it out in a bit when I hit my room. Just a matter of installing my new graphics card first as other one went pop :frown: .

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11 Apr 2015

I did actually make something when thread started using predator and distort chain but I wasn't quite happy with something but can't remember what now .

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12 Apr 2015

Thanks Exode, you are close for sure but the noise sounds too low to me if that makes sense. Interesting tweaking EQ with it considering what Selig mentioned earlier. Thanks, much appreciated.

I'm interested in Mastrcode's comment about this being a breeze in Antidote, going to make a new thread in this forum.

Thanks everyone!

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12 Apr 2015

Jagwah wrote:Thanks Exode, you are close for sure but the noise sounds too low to me if that makes sense. Interesting tweaking EQ with it considering what Selig mentioned earlier. Thanks, much appreciated.

I'm interested in Mastrcode's comment about this being a breeze in Antidote, going to make a new thread in this forum.

Thanks everyone!
You can increase the noise level by increasing the drive on Filter 2.

I'll have to try it with Antidote at some point to see if it's possible. :)

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12 Apr 2015

Jagwah wrote:Thanks Exode, you are close for sure but the noise sounds too low to me if that makes sense. Interesting tweaking EQ with it considering what Selig mentioned earlier. Thanks, much appreciated.

I'm interested in Mastrcode's comment about this being a breeze in Antidote, going to make a new thread in this forum.

Thanks everyone!
eXode wrote:
You can increase the noise level by increasing the drive on Filter 2.

I'll have to try it with Antidote at some point to see if it's possible. :)
I bunged it into a combi attached a few effects and eq units including the bv12 and then added extra at the ssl it' works jag. I'll make a track and use it in it some where but eXodes thor is Def good basis for this all right ;) . in fact when I'm in my room later ill pm ya a quick kick and bass thing so you can see how I've got it sounding ok. :) .

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12 Apr 2015

I just threw this together

not as intended lol I changed it to fit what I was doing
but not bad for very little time.

Exode`s thor is in at 1.37 mark mixed with predator for what I was going for in this.

file here if you want to do something with the song. ... 1286848352


12 Apr 2015

alex wrote:
Happy to hear that, I just had fun trying to recreate it.  :) The "BV512 trick in EQ mode plus shift" is something I've learned watching youtube video tutorial but ATM I don't recall which one was...
(maybe hydlide, which BTW I really dig!)

I forgot to disable the subtractor noise oscillator, you can put it off if you prefer an "hiss-free" sound.
Happy tweaking! :)

Most likely it was this video I posted on 19 march.

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12 Apr 2015

Just as expected, the person who posted the first reply used a BV512. This was pretty much the first thing that came to my mind when hearing the bassline. This device is pretty much the best thing you can use when it comes to fat basslines. Really good for that sound that's pretty much scooped mids, like already mentioned.

It's a very nice trick to achieve fat basses, and the shift can be very useful as well. Definitely try that with some of your own basslines to see if you can fatten them up.

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