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[Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 26 Mar 2022
by Uman's
Hi all !!!

Here is the crazy guy who breaks your ears ! :puf_bigsmile:

Sorry for my special style ! :redface:

Feel free to hit me ! :lol:

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 26 Mar 2022
by raymondh
The intro reminded me of The Prodigy!

Lots of nice distortion going on there!

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 28 Mar 2022
by Uman's

As usual, I don't have much success ! :puf_bigsmile:

Thank you for your nice comment Raymondh, it makes me at least one ! :lol:

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 29 Mar 2022
by Popey
nice track i really like the bongo/congas that come in. this seems more mainstream than your earlier work and followed a more logical structure.

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 30 Mar 2022
by Uman's
Hi Popey

I don't know if this track is more mainstream, but it is true that it is more obvious.

For the structure, it is as convoluted as my previous songs and just as complicated.

The theme just seems to me to be better exploited.

Thank you for your comment, you always hit center.

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 31 Mar 2022
by strangers
I like the various elements that you introduce throughout the song, although some of them seemed a little too quiet. I found myself turning the volume up and down. The bass line sounds like it wants some resonance. I feel like you could play around with that to get the bass nice and squelchy. When the lead kicked in around 0:50 it reminded me of 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' but with a twist... Mary Had a Little Robo-Lamb.

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 02 Apr 2022
by Last Alternative
The synth sounds harsh to me but the bass sounds really cool. I think I heard some guitar stuff with a scream warp in there. Interesting piece.

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 04 Apr 2022
by Uman's
Very interesting comments thank you !
strangers wrote:I like the various elements that you introduce throughout the song, although some of them seemed a little too quiet. I found myself turning the volume up and down.
Yes, I realize that Soundcloud ate a lot of detail.
After that it is also valid for me, I often do too much ! :lol:
The bass line sounds like it wants some resonance.
It is well seen too! Initially this song only featured the bass and I had to restrict it in frequency to make room for the other instruments.
Mary Had a Little Robo-Lamb.
Not my search but it's true you're right ! :thumbup:
Last Alternative wrote:
02 Apr 2022
The synth sounds harsh to me but the bass sounds really cool. I think I heard some guitar stuff with a scream warp in there.
Also True !

Perfect hits guys ! Thanks !

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 14 Apr 2022
by moalla
Sorry for your special style, hmm i think you must be a little bit more sorry in lines your write down about other people music I think, ombre :oops:
Nowone is the big master, maybee to much player stuff iss boring bullshit at the end, but how knows that, so less is more Uman
But the intention to say people there is a problem with sound, is mostly a welcome think for peoples.

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 15 Apr 2022
by Uman's
Hi Moalla

This is absolutely true.

Still, everyone can have different tastes, but when I see that some are content to just press
buttons without musical work, as much to say it.

The interest of a forum like this is precisely to have divergent opinions and to note them.
If we always find that everything is fine, it no longer makes sense and it doesn't advance anyone.

Curious that you intervene like this when I have never heard your music and never said nothing about it ! :puf_bigsmile:

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 17 Apr 2022
So you want to be hit?
Ok. My pleasure!
The first part until 2:40 is extremely boring and 1 dimensional.
The melody is something my 5yr old kid hits on her toy piano, but even she is less repetetive after 32 bars. 1 finger melodies.
The beat has no diversity at all. Neither in kick or snare.
At least you should end a phrase in an interesting way at the 8th or 16th bar.
Besides that, both kick and snare AND bongos could be glued better by paying more attention to tuning and eqing them.
The k and s have to much lowend, causing a muddy and damped sound.
Tbh could be my hphones, because these jbl’s generate a bitvtoo much lowend.
At around 2:40 you play a hammond(?) organ and drop a completelyb different bassline. Now it gets interesting. Things sound more harmonic, not repetive and more pleasing. Except for those bongos again. Out of tune.
I think you should try to make a track of the second half of this track.
It sounds better mixed and mastered.
Hope i gave you what you asked for.
Let me know monsieur!

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 17 Apr 2022
by Hoboys
Man this tune is catchy! The simplicity of the main line does not bother me, because it works towards catchiness - it's more the instrumentation and it being slightly off-tempo that makes it stick out a bit too much. Needs a bunch of technical work, as I'm sure you already knew before uploading. RTFX gave a lot of good advice on that end. Would be very curious to hear this with some fun-sarcastic-french vocals on this. Rock on!

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 17 Apr 2022
by Uman's
RTFX wrote:
17 Apr 2022

The first part until 2:40 is extremely boring and 1 dimensional.
To be completely honest, however, it is much less boring and more elaborate than
what you can find here, for example... but you don't notice it on your comm there :

RTFX wrote:
17 Apr 2022
The melody is something my 5yr old kid hits on her toy piano
This is for example what I thought here:

RTFX wrote:
17 Apr 2022
The beat has no diversity at all. Neither in kick or snare.
Yet the beat is practically tapped on the pads from start to finish.
RTFX wrote:
17 Apr 2022
At least you should end a phrase in an interesting way at the 8th or 16th bar.
Besides that, both kick and snare AND bongos could be glued better by paying more attention to tuning and eqing them.
That's absolutely correct !
RTFX wrote:
17 Apr 2022
The k and s have to much lowend, causing a muddy and damped sound.
Also totally correct !
RTFX wrote:
17 Apr 2022
At around 2:40 you play a hammond(?) organ and drop a completelyb different bassline. Now it gets interesting. Things sound more harmonic, not repetive and more pleasing.
True too. This part was added more recently.
RTFX wrote:
17 Apr 2022
Except for those bongos again. Out of tune.
Basically, I should have played the percussion myself, but I gave up.
I'm more of a percussionist actually, for real. (playing in an Afro Group for a long)

However, I am no more a musician than that.
I make music on Reason for fun but I don't pretend to be the best ! :lol:
Far from it for sure ! :puf_wink:
RTFX wrote:
17 Apr 2022
I think you should try to make a track of the second half of this track.
It sounds better mixed and mastered.
The base of this track is more than 10 years old. ;)
The part you are referring to, is more recent than 5 years.
RTFX wrote:
17 Apr 2022
Hope i gave you what you asked for.
But yes ! it is perfect and even very fair ! :thumbs_up:

Besides, I don't conceive of anything other than frankness.
It can take friends away from me, but when it's bad, it has to be said.

Note one thing, that I have never made any bad criticisms of your music for the moment,
cause I find it very good ! :lol:

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 17 Apr 2022
by Uman's
Hoboys wrote:
17 Apr 2022
Man this tune is catchy! The simplicity of the main line does not bother me, because it works towards catchiness - it's more the instrumentation and it being slightly off-tempo that makes it stick out a bit too much.
The few tracks I've presented so far are over 10 years old.
15 years for some.
I was able to complete some missing parts or resume the mastering a bit, but nothing more.
Hoboys wrote:
17 Apr 2022
Needs a bunch of technical work, as I'm sure you already knew before uploading.
It's true.

I saw the birth of all electronic music and I don't have a well-defined taste for one style or another.
I like everything.
The result is that my old songs mix everything and anything, not following any rules. ! :lol:
I listen to a lot of electronic music and reggae, I don't understand where the music I was making came from.
Hoboys wrote:
17 Apr 2022
RTFX gave a lot of good advice on that end. Would be very curious to hear this with some fun-sarcastic-french vocals on this. Rock on!
I have already composed a few songs, but that was 30 years ago.

In truth, I post for the moment my old pieces because I need to turn the page.
The funny thing is that I myself can't listen to more than two or three of my previous songs in a row.
Imagine that I make an album of this period of my compositions ? LOL

What was your music 10 years ago or more ? :puf_bigsmile:

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 18 Apr 2022
Well, I must say you took my comment pretty well😀
Indeed, i could tell lots of things in that track were off the grid and not quantized, so prob played live.
It gave the track a natural and human feeling for sure.
I am looking forward to new material from you and your unfiltered comments on other peoples tracks!

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 18 Apr 2022
by Uman's
Hi all
RTFX wrote:
18 Apr 2022
Well, I must say you took my comment pretty well😀
Why no ? Your analysis is perfectly correct and I was aware of everything you said.

RTFX wrote:
18 Apr 2022
Indeed, i could tell lots of things in that track were off the grid and not quantized, so prob played live.
It gave the track a natural and human feeling for sure.
Maybe that's the positive item ? :lol:
My songs from the old years were mostly played live..
Because of this, they are often only played in one throw.
It's a habit that came to me from the 80s where I used several hardware machines that
had no sequencer or almost.
RTFX wrote:
18 Apr 2022
am looking forward to new material from you and your unfiltered comments on other peoples tracks!
My pleasure.

When I officiated for 10 years on the disappeared forum "Reason France",
my specialty was to listen to the songs of others and to post my comments.
I was known for that and appreciated for my frankness, but no one was ever fooled by my musical creations.
Many have tried to remake some of my tracks to help me out but they've broken their teeth on it.
I pushed some guys to do their best when their compositions were poor and everyone noticed.
Most of the time, these have grown into real giants, but it's also a team effort.

It's curious to be able to provide advice even when you don't know how to follow it yourself ! :puf_bigsmile:

Edit : balise quote

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 18 Apr 2022
Its good to have someone like you on this forum.
I like the way you analyse things and give your opinion in your own words.
At least youre clear and honest.
Grown into giants?
Youre not talking about Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo, are you?😀
Maybe you could analyse my tracks before i master them and upload them on youtube?
Maybe i become a giant someday too!
Let me know if youre interested by sending a dm.
If not, no hard feelings and we will meet on the forum.

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 18 Apr 2022
by Uman's
RTFX wrote:
18 Apr 2022
Its good to have someone like you on this forum.
Thanks but I think some here can help too. The difference is that I may be more available than they are.
RTFX wrote:
18 Apr 2022
I like the way you analyse things and give your opinion in your own words.
At least youre clear and honest.
I think it's important to be upfront and honest.
I was a sound technician pro when i was younger and today I am an audio equipment repairer.
(électronic engineer)
I've seen too many musicians believe themselves above others, whether good or mediocre.
RTFX wrote:
18 Apr 2022
Grown into giants?
Youre not talking about Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo, are you?😀
Of course not, but some are beginning to be known and make a living from their music.
Like "Vassili Gemini" for example.
RTFX wrote:
18 Apr 2022
Maybe you could analyse my tracks before i master them and upload them on youtube ?
Why not ? I still think that in your case, I would be more of a manager than anything else.
Your compositions are already quite good.
RTFX wrote:
18 Apr 2022
Maybe i become a giant someday too !
it's a lot of work ! And you have to question yourself constantly.
RTFX wrote:
18 Apr 2022
Let me know if youre interested by sending a dm.
If not, no hard feelings and we will meet on the forum.
A "DM" ? what is it ?

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 18 Apr 2022

A "DM" ? what is it ?
Direct Message aka email in this case.

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 18 Apr 2022
by Uman's
Yes, as i can serve, go.

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 19 Apr 2022
by tomusurp
Uman you're a beast! I still remember the last track of yours. One thing I realize is that you seem to have a tendency for making specifically catchy melodies.

This track is very good, interesting synth choices, catchy melodies. All the melodies actually hold their own in the mix which is great to hear. I would honestly get up and dance to this at a party :clap:

If you ever want to collab on a beat or a song for an official release hit me up on IG @tomeo55

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 19 Apr 2022
by Chizmata
Uman's wrote:
17 Apr 2022
RTFX wrote:
17 Apr 2022
The melody is something my 5yr old kid hits on her toy piano
This is for example what I thought here:

so your 5yo plays polymetrics uman :D ? well, i'm not surprised you couldnt even identify what i'm doing. btw your track sounds like someone making music for the first time (what would be ok if you didnt have such a big mouth).

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 19 Apr 2022
by Uman's
Chizmata wrote:well, i'm not surprised you couldnt even identify what i'm doing.
It's true that you don't make music yet and that you still play with your little cubes. :puf_bigsmile:
Polymetric's music is a lazy thing, isn't it ? :thumbup:
Chizmata wrote:your track sounds like someone making music for the first time
Having started in 1986 and with more than 600 tracks, I don't know if it's called a beginner.

I just don't have any talent but I don't care, unlike you, I know it and recognize it.

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 19 Apr 2022
by Chizmata
Uman's wrote:
19 Apr 2022
Chizmata wrote:well, i'm not surprised you couldnt even identify what i'm doing.
It's true that you don't make music yet and that you still play with your little cubes. :puf_bigsmile:
Polymetric's music is a lazy thing, isn't it ? :thumbup:
Chizmata wrote:your track sounds like someone making music for the first time
Having started in 1986 and with more than 600 tracks, I don't know if it's called a beginner.

I just don't have any talent but I don't care, unlike you, I know it and recognize it.
so you started throwing out random insults and label them as criticism to get any attention? i'm sorry but you're equally untalented in that area. maybe you should just quit music at all.

Re: [Hoedown Rock] Uman's : "The Return of Hoedown"

Posted: 19 Apr 2022
by Uman's
I didn't start anything at all, you don't accept criticism, and it's your problem to not question yourself.
If someone tells me that what I'm doing is bad, I gladly accept it cause it's reality, but you don't.
If it's bad I say it, I'm not going to shine shoes of nobody.
Go back to playing with your cubes and leave me alone.
I wouldn't go see more of your toys, which, by the way, never have comments.

Why come and put your tracks on this forum if it's not to accept what is said about it ?
Seriously question yourself, my friend.