42 Refills for 19,90€!

Need some fresh sounds? Want to show off your sound design skills? Here's the place!
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03 Mar 2023

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We lowered our All Refills Bundle to 19,90€ for the weekend.
That's 42 Refills and 3824 patches!
Be one of the thousands of clients that use our sounds to make some
uber-cool music. We have lots and lots of dope patches packed inside
these 42 Refills.

https://www.reflexion-x.com/propellerhe ... undle.html

You can testdrive these 3 Refills to check the quality of our sound-design work:
https://www.reflexion-x.com/downloads/D ... notone.rfl
https://www.reflexion-x.com/downloads/D ... ReFill.rfl
https://www.reflexion-x.com/downloads/D ... 0Vol.3.rfl

Best Regards: Heikki From The Maxout Refills

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