Tritone Refill (Parsec)

Need some fresh sounds? Want to show off your sound design skills? Here's the place!
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Post 11 May 2022

crimsonwarlock wrote:
10 May 2022
Thanks for the great patches.
TritoneAddiction wrote:
09 May 2022
I have some thoughts on diving deeper into either Algoritm or Expanse next, or both simultaneously. But it would also be interesting to explore some of the weirder ones like Vibro.
Looking forward to what you come up with. Both Expanse and Algoritm are deep synths, haven't had the time yet to dive into both myself. I got Vibro (on sale) because it has a bit of PPG Wave vibe to it, so bring it on :puf_smile:
Even though they are deep synths I suspect I'll keep doing rather simple patches for two reasons. 1. I'm not a very technical person, so it's not very likely I'll even have the ability to make advanced/complicated patches. 2. I personally prefer to use pretty simple patches myself. Often the very layered patches (that takes up a lot of space in a mix) or the patches that are just impressive sounding doesn't work that well in an actual mix imo.

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Post 11 May 2022

TritoneAddiction wrote:
10 May 2022
Aosta wrote:
09 May 2022

To jump from Parsec to Parsec 2 it is 38 monetary units which is kind of ridiculous, they have never had any offers for owners of the original and it seems to set in stone...just one of those weird props things they do now and again :?
Yes RS do some weird things sometimes. I bought Parsec 1 when it was pretty cheap at some point. The upgrade was €29 for me at the time. All in all I think it was worth what I paid.
I do quite like Parsec. It's fun to work with. Some synths workflow just makes sense to me. Parsec is one of them.
But ultimately it's gonna be different for everyone what's worth paying for any specific music gear.

If it weren't for Reason 11 Suite, I would still be on Parsec v1. I'm happy to have Parsec v2 now, but I wasn't willing to pay $29 for the upgrade. RS (back when they were Props) did offer us a discount once. I think it was after hearing our complaints of the upgrade price and the fact that the full version was just about the same price as the upgrade during a sale. So they dropped the price down to $19 one time - during one of their big annual sales. I wonder why they haven't done that since? It seems like sale prices should also be extended to upgrades.

Anyway, I really like Parsec and am really happy with V2. I think they added a fair amount to the newer version and an upgrade price is/was justified (not sure if I would pay $29 for it though, ha ha ha). I agree with you about Parsec's workflow, Tritone. It makes sense to me, too. It's a beautiful synth... both versions. :)
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Post 11 May 2022

Skimming through patches now and can see myself using a good amount of these. The 'Vokaler' patch happens to be exactly what I've been looking for with one of the newer songs I've been working on. I'll be putting that patch to use immediately.

Parsec2 is very user friendly. It's one of my most used RE synths along with Antidote and Complex-1. You still have me close to pulling the trigger on Algoritm. I'll surely grab one of your refills if you put something together for Algoritm.

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Post 12 May 2022

TritoneAddiction wrote:
11 May 2022
Even though they are deep synths I suspect I'll keep doing rather simple patches for two reasons. 1. I'm not a very technical person, so it's not very likely I'll even have the ability to make advanced/complicated patches. 2. I personally prefer to use pretty simple patches myself. Often the very layered patches (that takes up a lot of space in a mix) or the patches that are just impressive sounding doesn't work that well in an actual mix imo.
I'm completely with you on that. It is often said that the DX7 sounds thin, while most people don't realize that the DX7 was used so much in so many hit songs because it sits so nicely in a mix as a result of it not doing those huge, complex sounds. There are other reasons as well, but that was a big one.
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Post 12 May 2022

TritoneAddiction wrote:
09 May 2022
Ottostrom wrote:
08 May 2022
All the sounds in the demo sounds great!
Wish I had upgraded to v2 so I could try them out but I'm still on v1
Thanks. How much is the upgrade to v2?
Its a whopping 43€ :(

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Post 13 May 2022

strangers wrote:
11 May 2022
Skimming through patches now and can see myself using a good amount of these. The 'Vokaler' patch happens to be exactly what I've been looking for with one of the newer songs I've been working on. I'll be putting that patch to use immediately.

Parsec2 is very user friendly. It's one of my most used RE synths along with Antidote and Complex-1. You still have me close to pulling the trigger on Algoritm. I'll surely grab one of your refills if you put something together for Algoritm.
Glad you find some patches useful. In the end I do these to fit my own taste and needs. But if anyone else find them useful then that's just a bonus.
I'd probably put some compression on the "Vokaler" patch if I were you, due to it's very jumpy volume. The only reason I didn't do so myself is because I wanted the refill to be combinator free.

Have you pulled the trigger on Algoritm yet? It's on sale now after all. :puf_smile: Maybe now is the time.

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Post 13 May 2022

Ottostrom wrote:
12 May 2022
TritoneAddiction wrote:
09 May 2022

Thanks. How much is the upgrade to v2?
Its a whopping 43€ :(
Yeah that's a little steep if you've already bought it once. Having said that, sometimes I'm willing to pay for overpriced stuff if I really want it. There are a few REs I would pay A LOT more than they are worth, simply because they really work for me.

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Post 16 May 2022

Another great refill Tritone! Thanks for sharing. As has been discussed, I too appreciate just simple patches with good timbres and nothing too fancy in terms of complexity or effects.

Some of my favorites are
Fresh Air -------------------------------- really nice open airy pad
Sprinkled With Magic Dust ---- aptly named pretty sound
Just Calm Down -------------------- another perfect name. I lol'ed
Bow To Me ---------------------------- it's got that Tritoney twang
Bumblebee And Mosquito ---- more Tritoney zingy twang
Gentle Soul and Annabelle ---- really nice
Ordinary Bass ------------------------ that modulation knob is dialed in just right

Your demo track is unbelievable! Every one of those samples is solid ground for a whole track. I'd like to hear some of those fleshed out. Very nice work.

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Post 17 May 2022

TheGodOfRainbows wrote:
16 May 2022
Another great refill Tritone! Thanks for sharing. As has been discussed, I too appreciate just simple patches with good timbres and nothing too fancy in terms of complexity or effects.

Some of my favorites are
Fresh Air -------------------------------- really nice open airy pad
Sprinkled With Magic Dust ---- aptly named pretty sound
Just Calm Down -------------------- another perfect name. I lol'ed
Bow To Me ---------------------------- it's got that Tritoney twang
Bumblebee And Mosquito ---- more Tritoney zingy twang
Gentle Soul and Annabelle ---- really nice
Ordinary Bass ------------------------ that modulation knob is dialed in just right

Your demo track is unbelievable! Every one of those samples is solid ground for a whole track. I'd like to hear some of those fleshed out. Very nice work.
Thanks man, appreciate it. :puf_smile:
I might make a tune out of the bit starting at 0:17.

Yeah the "Just Calm Down" patch might not be the most useful patch, but I found it quite amusing and "different" if nothing else. :lol:
"Ordinary Bass". I've noticed patch making doesn't necessarily need to be complicated. Which is lucky for me. Many times it's just about using your ear and finding the sweet spot. I go more on intuition than technical abilities. Just like when I write music.

Btw which synth do you think I should explore next? :puf_smile:

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Post 27 May 2022

TritoneAddiction wrote:
07 May 2022
So in my attempt to revisit old synths rather than look at new toys I've made some new patches.

Here's a demo of some of the included sounds.

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Post 28 May 2022

modecca wrote:
27 May 2022
TritoneAddiction wrote:
07 May 2022
So in my attempt to revisit old synths rather than look at new toys I've made some new patches.

Here's a demo of some of the included sounds.
Nice to see you were inspired to create something with the patches. Parsec is indeed a cool synth. Glad I spent some time with it. I'm starting to really appreciate RS for many of the synths they've made. A lot of them seem to be fairly deep yet easy to use. Even though I might not agree with some of the choices RS as a company has done lately, I gotta give them props for making some really cool devices.

I'm surprised to see myself keep going at it with more patch making. That was never the plan. But at the moment that seems to be where my head is at during most of my creative time. It has defintely made me look at some synths in a different light. And the need to chase after new instruments has decreased. Once you dive into a synth, you realize just how much you can do with it. Just Europa and Grain alone could easily keep anyone occupied for a year.

Can't see the included file anywhere. Post it if you want. Either way I might take some inspiration from that concept and do something with it at some point. I have some ideas that popped up after watching your video. But right now I need to get Malström out of my system first. That's the current synth I've decided to dive into. :puf_smile: I also have plans to look into Algoritm and Expanse.

Btw what are some of your favorite synths? I'm sure you come at this from a different angle than myself. What do you look for in a synth?

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Post 28 May 2022

TritoneAddiction wrote:
28 May 2022

I'm surprised to see myself keep going at it with more patch making. That was never the plan. But at the moment that seems to be where my head is at during most of my creative time. It has defintely made me look at some synths in a different light. And the need to chase after new instruments has decreased. Once you dive into a synth, you realize just how much you can do with it. Just Europa and Grain alone could easily keep anyone occupied for a year.

Can't see the included file anywhere. Post it if you want. Either way I might take some inspiration from that concept and do something with it at some point. I have some ideas that popped up after watching your video. But right now I need to get Malström out of my system first. That's the current synth I've decided to dive into. :puf_smile: I also have plans to look into Algoritm and Expanse.

Btw what are some of your favorite synths? I'm sure you come at this from a different angle than myself. What do you look for in a synth?
ghost in the

I voted for eXpanse.
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Post 29 May 2022

modecca wrote:
28 May 2022
TritoneAddiction wrote:
28 May 2022

I'm surprised to see myself keep going at it with more patch making. That was never the plan. But at the moment that seems to be where my head is at during most of my creative time. It has defintely made me look at some synths in a different light. And the need to chase after new instruments has decreased. Once you dive into a synth, you realize just how much you can do with it. Just Europa and Grain alone could easily keep anyone occupied for a year.

Can't see the included file anywhere. Post it if you want. Either way I might take some inspiration from that concept and do something with it at some point. I have some ideas that popped up after watching your video. But right now I need to get Malström out of my system first. That's the current synth I've decided to dive into. :puf_smile: I also have plans to look into Algoritm and Expanse.

Btw what are some of your favorite synths? I'm sure you come at this from a different angle than myself. What do you look for in a synth?
ghost in the

I voted for eXpanse.

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Post 29 May 2022

Here's another demo song for the refill I threw together. This is more of a mini track rather than just showing one patch after another by themselves. So in this example the patches has been mixed with EQ, compression, delays, reverbs etc.
Honestly one of my personal favorite patches in this refill is "Ordinary Bass". It's ridiculously simple. But I find it just does its job. I view it like my own take on Subtractors "Bass Guitar" patch.

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Post 29 May 2022

Very good sounding library set, thank you.

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Post 29 May 2022

Thanks for sharing! Very nice!

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Post 29 May 2022

:thumbup: Ta!
:reason: Suite 11  |  :reason: 12 perpetual license  |  :reason: 13 for testing  |  :re::refill: |  macOS Sonoma  |  Mac Studio M1 Max

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Post 31 May 2022


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Post 31 May 2022

I really like the sounds from your demo track. The second sound on the 1st track really reminded me of the Simpsons.

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Post 01 Jun 2022

thedjjudah wrote:
31 May 2022
I really like the sounds from your demo track. The second sound on the 1st track really reminded me of the Simpsons.
Thanks. Yeah the second example uses the same scale as the Simpsons tune.

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Post 01 Jun 2022

modecca wrote:
31 May 2022
:puf_smile: :thumbs_up:

I would never have found out about John Daker without this video.

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Post 20 Nov 2023

I'm only bumping this thread because today I learned from buddard that "All paid RE upgrades in the shop were made free around the release of Reason 12.7".
Just in case some Parsec 1 user is interested in the refill who wasn't able to use it before.

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