Are you still interested in ReFills?

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Post 11 Jan 2018

I'm definitely still interested in Refills and still see value in them. Bitley's WBF R2 is on my shortlist for when I rustle up the cash, as it looks and sounds like the end-all-be-all of the format (please hold off on closing until I get my copy ;3 )!

In general, I can still appreciate a Refill that's just a tight little collection of quality sounds. It's undeniable that Reason has changed for the better in recent years, and as a result a lot of Refills that were handy in the past are pretty much obsolete. But even if they just have a couple of samples or loops that come in handy, I'll hold onto them. It's fun to trawl back through decades-old Refills and find that one quirky one some weirdo put together in 2002, especially if it's just a grabbag of things they thought sounded awesome. Digital relics, if you will.
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Post 11 Jan 2018

I posted on this thread a while back I think. I do still see advantages to refills:
many companies, like UVI, make their living on sample-based software, and many refills do the same job, bringing in samples of old hardware units into the Reason environment. If you compare the pricing, a decent Refill like analogue monsters is very cost effective.
The other notable advantage is cpu use. You can pick up hardware emulations via Arturia, but these are quite heavy on CPU and you can't sprinkle them liberally across your tracks. Refills, on the other hand, usually take up minimal cpu.
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Post 11 Jan 2018

and refills for racks are great ... d-playlist
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Post 17 Jan 2018

I remember this being discussed somewhat on the old PUF (this may well have been pre Re though). There was a lot more argument against non sample based refills due to the fact that you can fire up synths and create sounds, you can not create exact replicas of the sampled instruments within Reason stock devices. I have bought a few refills (really not many) most of those are sample based drum refills. Sure I could trawl the internet for specific sounds which I'll then forget to include in the song, which I'll put on a usb stick and take to a different machine whereby the track has huge gaps because somebody forgot... With refills it's already all there, super convenient like. It is a valid platform.
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Post 17 Jan 2018

wishMachine wrote:
17 Jan 2018
I remember this being discussed somewhat on the old PUF (this may well have been pre Re though). There was a lot more argument against non sample based refills due to the fact that you can fire up synths and create sounds, you can not create exact replicas of the sampled instruments within Reason stock devices.
I remember a similar conversation, but I believe it was the other way around (could've been 2 different threads). With sample based refills you were stuck to whatever presets were sampled as is - which is how many developers chose to sample. Sampling the oscillators could get you closer, but the envelopes and filters would still be different. Either way you can't create an exact replica but with synth based refills the presets were more easily tweak-able and one can learn sound design from it.

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Post 18 Jan 2018

refills are great... unfortunately they get pirated too much... must be a way to stop it somehow...
stop hurting developers ... d-playlist
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Post 18 Jan 2018

moneykube wrote:
18 Jan 2018
refills are great... unfortunately they get pirated too much... must be a way to stop it somehow...
stop hurting developers

I'm surprised no one has come up with a RE (IDT even) device shell that they could say license out to refill makers that will lock their samples in. (saves the refill makers having to spend any real time developing the RE and concentrate on sound design).

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Post 18 Jan 2018

Carly(Poohbear) wrote:
18 Jan 2018
moneykube wrote:
18 Jan 2018
refills are great... unfortunately they get pirated too much... must be a way to stop it somehow...
stop hurting developers

I'm surprised no one has come up with a RE (IDT even) device shell that they could say license out to refill makers that will lock their samples in. (saves the refill makers having to spend any real time developing the RE and concentrate on sound design).
That's pretty much what IDT is IMO!
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Post 18 Jan 2018

selig wrote:
18 Jan 2018
Carly(Poohbear) wrote:
18 Jan 2018

I'm surprised no one has come up with a RE (IDT even) device shell that they could say license out to refill makers that will lock their samples in. (saves the refill makers having to spend any real time developing the RE and concentrate on sound design).
That's pretty much what IDT is IMO!
Pretty much as:

1. With some basic knowledge in computer programming, this is easy


2. Put your Subtractor and Combinator patches in the "IDT Packer" and you have a IDT instrument?

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Post 18 Jan 2018

PGR wrote:
18 Jan 2018
selig wrote:
18 Jan 2018

That's pretty much what IDT is IMO!
Pretty much as:

1. With some basic knowledge in computer programming, this is easy


2. Put your Subtractor and Combinator patches in the "IDT Packer" and you have a IDT instrument?
The former. IDT is for sample based instruments so no Subtractor patches. You can convert NNXT patches though, requires scripting (like Kontakt) but you're not programming the entire thing from the ground up.

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Post 30 Jan 2018

WBF R2 is the best refill in existence easily along with Bitley Fairlight Platinum. But I would love to see this refill in the Prop Shop as well (Just so I never lose access to it).

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Post 12 Mar 2018

Hi to all,

A new ReFill is finished 👍🏼 … and its not too long to be released: Some graphics, product text, website, audio demo …
I hope to be ready in one or two weeks :0))

Best regards,
Harald | Soundcells

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Post 13 Mar 2018

:o but what :puf_wink: ... d-playlist
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Post 13 Mar 2018

Soundcells wrote:
12 Mar 2018
Hi to all,

A new ReFill is finished 👍🏼 … and its not too long to be released: Some graphics, product text, website, audio demo …
I hope to be ready in one or two weeks :0))

Best regards,
Harald | Soundcells

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Post 20 Mar 2018

Soundcells wrote:
12 Mar 2018
Hi to all,

A new ReFill is finished 👍🏼 … and its not too long to be released: Some graphics, product text, website, audio demo …
I hope to be ready in one or two weeks :0))

Best regards,
Harald | Soundcells
Awesome! I finally grabbed Simple Sampling by the way and I love it. The piano sounds in there are some of my favorite. I look forward to seeing what's up with your new refill.

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Post 20 Mar 2018

Considering you can use anything for refills yes.
Vsts, acoustic instruments and Re can be put in there for safe keeping.
And saving projects in refill format is efficient
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Post 21 Mar 2018

Soundcells wrote:
12 Mar 2018
Hi to all,

A new ReFill is finished 👍🏼 … and its not too long to be released: Some graphics, product text, website, audio demo …
I hope to be ready in one or two weeks :0))

Best regards,
Harald | Soundcells
count me in, harald. i hope it's a refill for europa (for grain i'm covered with granular manoeuvres and luftrum 17).
cheers :)

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Post 21 Mar 2018

Personally I would spend a ton of money on refills . . . but Rack Extensions and hardware has just been first on the list. Now to buy a desk. . .
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Post 21 Mar 2018

Got the Boom 309 and the Salad, I like the sound-sample combinations refills, not loops, I want to make my own beat, unless the refill is some Grain-sample mangling switching forking torquein bouncing weapon of disruption, I'm not intersted... :P

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Post 07 Oct 2018

Still liking the fact that via refills (even the factory library but also 3rd party like Analogue Monsters) you have access to so many raw synth samples.

Someone mentioned above that you are 'stuck' with the patch you get with sampled instruments - it's not a creative tool in the same way that a synth is (including soft synth). True! But it's good to have the raw, basic waveforms as a sound source. There are some superb filters as REs, and this makes it creative in its own way.

I have a tough time seeing why using this resource - which has been available for years and years in Reason - isn't just as good as something like IK's Syntronic.
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Post 08 Oct 2018

tobypearce wrote:
07 Oct 2018
Still liking the fact that via refills (even the factory library but also 3rd party like Analogue Monsters) you have access to so many raw synth samples.

Someone mentioned above that you are 'stuck' with the patch you get with sampled instruments - it's not a creative tool in the same way that a synth is (including soft synth). True! But it's good to have the raw, basic waveforms as a sound source. There are some superb filters as REs, and this makes it creative in its own way.

I have a tough time seeing why using this resource - which has been available for years and years in Reason - isn't just as good as something like IK's Syntronic.
Only works with developers who actually build their patches from raw waveforms. The free X synth refill is great example of raw waveforms being available as well. There are however those who just sample presets to which comes the argument of being limited. Of course it's actually far better than IK Syntronik capability wise as for as all the modular components but GUI and lacking combinator controls will easily make Syntronik appear to be more appealing.

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Post 09 Oct 2018

Anybody know where I can download the XSynth FX refill? It says on his site that it’s hosted on Propellerheads Free Refill page which doesn’t seem to exist any more.

Edit: found this:- ... efills_go/

Maybe helpful for some.
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Post 09 Oct 2018

I'm still interested in ReFills ... well ... newly interested in them as I'm a new Reason user. But, honestly couldn't really give much of a fig about vst support in Reason, with the exception of the occasional LinPlug synth (yup I'm an older user) or the Valhalla reverb, which I still don't have. I like the closed environment thing, limitations work for me (usually).

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Post 22 Oct 2018

im building a sample library for loopcloud 3 out of freebies though it strikes mer that i could make and sell loops n one shots n chords myself im sorta getting whats needed from loopcloud ,still thats yonks off,got a lot of work/fun to do/have.
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Post 22 Oct 2018

moneykube wrote:
18 Jan 2018
refills are great... unfortunately they get pirated too much... must be a way to stop it somehow...
stop hurting developers
From my time working with Refills and such, I would say that Refills are a lot less pirated than generic sample packs from distributors such as Loopmasters. There are a lot of active places to illegally obtain sample packs, but I can't think of anything recent for Refills (ok, I haven't looked in so many years that I don't remember where to look).

At least with Refills they are locked to Reason users who have the device/s referenced in the Refill (stock or otherwise).

This works against Refills as well, as I can't use Refill material in other DAWs which means it potentially holds less value.

I personally buy a lot of Refills for specific devices as I use them as starting points for sounds I use. I haven't seen a lot of new Refills out lately, so I am starting to worry about this market.
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