Are you still interested in ReFills?

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15 Jul 2017

Hi to all,

The subject says it all: Are you still interested in ReFills?
I noticed that the topics in this sub-forum are not getting a lot of views.
As i was away for a too long time (doing a lot of stuff for the by C.Bechstein), I am still interested in doing more ReFill stuff …

So - that´s my & the overall question: Are ReFills still something you would like to invest in?

Best regards,
Harald | Soundcells

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15 Jul 2017

I think props should market refills better and just keep churning out quality packs, so yep.
Reason, FLS and Cubase NFR user.

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15 Jul 2017

Definitely still very interested. And when it's possible to package .fxp files into ReFills that will help!

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15 Jul 2017

joeyluck wrote:
15 Jul 2017
Definitely still very interested. And when it's possible to package .fxp files into ReFills that will help!
Or just make them .zips for God's sake!

With VST's, having samples locked into Refills is even more annoying. Kill the format already. The storage space won by compression isn't worth it. It's of no use in 2017.

By all means keep calling them refills though.

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15 Jul 2017

Based on the last 2 month sales, I have to say that I'm not sure If I will continue releasing ReFills in future. It keeps getting worst and worst.

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15 Jul 2017

Harald, I love your sounds.

I don't care what format they come in as long as they continue to come.

The last ReFill I bought from you was the Parsec one and every single patch sounds great and more importantly they are very playable and generally fit well in a track.

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16 Jul 2017

Exowildebeest wrote:
15 Jul 2017
joeyluck wrote:
15 Jul 2017
Definitely still very interested. And when it's possible to package .fxp files into ReFills that will help!
Or just make them .zips for God's sake!

With VST's, having samples locked into Refills is even more annoying. Kill the format already. The storage space won by compression isn't worth it. It's of no use in 2017.

By all means keep calling them refills though.
I suppose you're just talking about sample based? I was thinking of patches.

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16 Jul 2017

When VSTs were announced I actually spent quite a bit on refills because I want to support the platform. (Some of yours too, Navi.) In my opinion the sound design work that's been put into a well crafted combinator is worth it.
If you ain't hip to the rare Housequake, shut up already.


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16 Jul 2017

If the refills are made by Bitley, PinkNoise, or jiggerey pokery than yesssssss. Otherwise Nope
Reason 10.4 :refill: :re: :ignition: | :recycle: 2.2.4 | Ableton Live Suite 10.1| MPC Software 1.9.6 | Photoshop CC 2019 | Novation Impulse 49 | Nektar Impact LX 49

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16 Jul 2017

ReFills made for Reason stock devices, mainly Thor, so these are synths to which all Reason users have access.
Reason’s Thor synth is one of the most flexible software synths around and available for iPad as well.

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16 Jul 2017

I would still buy refills, I just wish that the Props would do something about making it easier to browse them all...if Reason would just scan all the refills and make all the patches available from refills, REs and VST taggable or searchable in the browser, in one window, it would be so much more convenient.

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16 Jul 2017

The demise of refills is sad for me, I really like them the most. Quality targeted content over half hearted synths and idts any day, Props aint who they used to be, investors make decisions ultimately... Which probably explains the moves several refill producers have had to make in new directions of late, particularly since the beginning of summer.
Bitwig & Softphonics recently announcing a content partnership for example is pretty out of the left. And I know they were already in talks with cycling74 about porting to Max.
They are just one example though, I hope things change and the VST wanking calms a bit for the sake of those who bought refills because they couldn't afford $$$ for vsts etc..
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16 Jul 2017

I will also certainly be purchasing future Soundcells refills too. Usable, well designed stuff, unlike some out there.

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16 Jul 2017

Thanks to all for answering on this thread!

So - it seems that there is still some interest in this format.
I am thinking too, that well designed combinator patches which are using all the possibilities Reason is offering are worth doing a ReFill.

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16 Jul 2017

Soundcells wrote:
16 Jul 2017
Thanks to all for answering on this thread!

So - it seems that there is still some interest in this format.
I am thinking too, that well designed combinator patches which are using all the possibilities Reason is offering are worth doing a ReFill.
Definetely - Yes!

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16 Jul 2017

I'm always interested in well crafted, usable refills. I've got a soft spot for the refills that are more stripped-down and not drenched in effects. Solid bass, leads, pads, etc. are much more appealing than odd noises that seem to be different for the sake of being different. I'm one of those guys that doesn't always have a lot of time to create sounds from scratch when I'm more focused on getting melodies and rhythms from my head into something tangible, so I'll run through refills as a starting point until I find one that's ballpark what I want for the song.

Not all of us have abandoned refills for VST's.

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16 Jul 2017

I'd only be interested in refills for VSTs. I'd be all over a Soundcell refill for the Arturia synths.

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16 Jul 2017

davidvilla wrote:
16 Jul 2017
I'd only be interested in refills for VSTs. I'd be all over a Soundcell refill for the Arturia synths.
I think the limitation currently is that you can't package .fxp patches in a ReFill. But I guess for the time being, you could still package Combinators containing VSTs.

But yeah, I think some people here must only be associating sample-based packages with ReFills, because now with VST support, I would think it only opens more doors to greater possibilities of synth patch and Combinator ReFills; a larger market overall.

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16 Jul 2017

I think Refills as we know them are pretty much dying (if not already dead). The push seems to be IDT for anything sample based. Also being able to use Kontakt libraries directly in Reason puts further hurt on that market.

Refills are probably most useful now as preset packs for REs. I have doubts about Props updating the refill packer to work with VST presets (as awesome as that would be), but there's the possibility of selling vst combinators as presets in a zipped folder as mentioned earlier.

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17 Jul 2017

I guess we all have so many refills as it is, and now that VSTs have come it's the new kid on the block.

What I'd be most interested in is Refills for VSTs. If that is possible. Especially big crazy combinator Reills for VST and RE together. Something that can't be produced with another DAW.

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17 Jul 2017

When I was fifteen, sixteen, I know the synthesizer which is the sound of the future. But in the world today, we found everywhere ReFills that's emulation techniques from old Instruments or replication of Artist-Characters based - so release the beast.

The Gaffophone is a fictitious musical instrument, André Franquin was an influential Belgian comics artist whose best known creations are Gaston/Marsupilami/Spirou and Fantasio, which can crush a building and blast all window panes in town with one sound, with one string.
Gaston Lagaffe built it himself. On seeing it for the first time, Fantasio proposed to call it "brontosaurophone". For Gaston, the principle of this instrument is simple: "a vibration of the thunder with a maximum resonance". He told the story with wit and charm to prove it's destructive power, close to an earthquake, by collapsing the fifth floor of the cap on the head of occupants.
It's considerable sound power and especially the vibrations that accompany it inevitably lead to disasters, hence it's definitive nickname of gaffophone.

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17 Jul 2017

Yes, definitely! I own a lot of yours and will definitely keep buying more. I have some currently on my wishlist now that I own the RE. So please do continue with them. And you too Navi. I always try and pick up a few of yours as well through out the year. :)

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17 Jul 2017

Soundcells wrote:
15 Jul 2017
Are ReFills still something you would like to invest in?
Currently, no.

However, the Props are in an interesting position now where they have their own proprietary plugin format and their own proprietary patch packaging format. The natural next step is to upgrade Reason in such a way that RE's can be accessed without the RE's needing to be fully present, and patches in refills can then make use of them without the user having to buy RE x, y or z.

The marketing position for this would be just magnificent - hilarious, in fact: "You want control over all your synths and samplers?.... go here! .......what, you just want the world class sound design, and don't want to have to buy the synths themselves?..........are you serious?!?!?!......... well, ok then, go to this page".

I'm not suggesting that sound designers should wait about for this of course, and in the meantime, good sounds should still sell well, but they'll need to be something special to get anybody's attention now.

Best of luck,

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17 Jul 2017

Refills would do better if nnxt was updated to support more formats like nki or sfz.
Or a rack extension. But I'm guessing propellerhead is like well...let the refills stay as that zip format that only reason users can access.
Reason, FLS and Cubase NFR user.

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17 Jul 2017

I'm still down with Refills, though I do have pretty much everything I need so I'm not looking.

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