Looking For A Signal Chain Utility

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01 Nov 2023

turn2on wrote:
01 Nov 2023
But this is easy to build RE in the same way with optional selection of 4-channels variable routing to stereo out (4in / 1out stereo) to organize FX-chain loop.
I plan to make it after this 2 Reswitch In / Out utilities, and forgot.. but have already prepared project for this.
If this interesting, this is easy to build as RE.
hell yea. sounds great

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01 Nov 2023

jam-s wrote:
01 Nov 2023

This RE here is pretty much exactly what the OP wants: https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/rack ... cts-mixer/

In serial mode you can connect 4 FX and change the order of them using the selector. I'm not sure if it can be controlled from a combinator or with remote override, but adding this might just be a minor task for bcase in case it cannot be done right now.

The manual can be found here: https://www.bcase.fr/support
Looks like I asked “why isn’t this already a thing” a little too quickly. It is indeed a thing, and yes you can control the order via combinator, and thus also CV via Combinator. It’s not the primary function so there is a lot of additional features (meaning: no “drag to change order” functionality or naming of FX paths visible when you change the order).

But hell yea, connect Pulsar to this baby in a Combinator and let the random routing explorations begin!
Selig Audio, LLC

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26 Dec 2023

Oh my... Just purchased this somewhat hidden Gem. Excellent

https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/rack ... cts-mixer/

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