CleanBoost / Free Boutique clean uncoloured booster [T2O]

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18 May 2023

CleanBooster Clean uncoloured booster


Image ... d-booster/


The Boost pedal is a specially designed tool used to enhance your guitar’s signal without adding any unwanted overtones or overdrive. It is compatible with both single coil and humbucker pickups and is capable of boosting the volume of your amp without causing it to overdrive or distort.
The benefits of using a Boost pedal are numerous. It can add more volume to your sound, providing additional headroom, clarity, and flexibility to your tone. Additionally, it helps to preserve the high-end frequencies of your guitar, accentuating them for a more pronounced and defined sound. Whether you’re playing live or recording in the studio, the Boost pedal is an essential tool for any guitarist looking to elevate their sound to the next level.

A boost pedal is a must-have tool for any serious guitarist. Boost pedals can help to emphasize the low-end frequencies of a bass guitar, providing a more pronounced and defined sound. By adding more volume and headroom, the Boost pedal can help a bassist to achieve a more dynamic and expressive
playing style. For keyboardists, synthesizer players and vocalists, the Boost pedal can help to add more volume, depth, and clarity to their sound or voice.

CLEANBOOST, as with any real clean boost effect, functions as such: Starting with the CLEAR BOOST knob at 0 dB, rotate the knob clockwise to increase the boost level by up to +20 dB.
We have also added a PHASE INV button, which selects a stereophonic effect (inverting the phase of the second output).

Try out CLEANBOOST for FREE to enhance your sound and open new horizons in sound design with any kind of instruments or vocal.

PS: CleanBoost device was been inspired by MXR™ Boost/Line Driver pedal

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18 May 2023

Thanks, Turn2On! Very generous :thumbup:
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18 May 2023

Nice one. Tnx :puf_smile:
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18 May 2023

So, is this basically just a gain knob? -- Time to experiment on what exactly it is doing.

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18 May 2023

In the guitar world, the Gain and Boost is not the same things.
Gain usually use some overdrive or distortion amount. And this is more about part of the guitar/bass Amp.
So, preamps usually also can use coloured EQ curves, drive/dist amount and colouring signal.
In our series of Bass&Guitar effects, we plan various preamps.
So what is a Booster? This is coming from the days of the Echoplex preamp. It also coloring with overdrive the signal.
Why you can need in Clean booster? This is additional high-level volume (classic is 20 or 26db), that enough to boost the signal in dB level to totally change character of the Bass/Guitar Amp.
If your Amplifier have Gain with OD up to 11, it is limited in sound character by this Amp.

But magic in guitar & bass world is start, when you add in the chain Drive FX (for wider OD/Dist mutation from the Amp), or Boost (with some OD & EQ curve levels), or very sweety simple Boost effect, that can totally change and improve sound of your Amplifier to the next level.

Booster is just a first stage gain, when preamp with EQ/OD (usually include Gain), is a second stage. Last stage is internal Amp Gain. All this is a signal-former elements of the gain stages.

Audio examples show how Kuassa Amp (Creme) can change character of your signal just with some Clean Boost.

Now your know that in Guitar world, of Overdrive effect can be used as pedal before the amp, or can be part of the preamp, or into the amp at various stages.
So Booster effect can also include Overdrive.
So type of the Clean boost - is very usable in guitar world. This is must have for musicians who search new possibilities of their amp.
Also, it can be used as clear preamp for passive pickups of Bass / Guitar, or sometimes musicians with old guitars have problems of the magnetic parameters of old rare pickups. Boost as preamp can back lost level.

In fact, Clean Booster is a classic element of guitar sound, and 20dB is historical value of the clean boost, as enough to make your Amp hot on high-gain & clean channels too.
So, in Reason you have usually up to +12dB boost, and this can be in many situations not enough.
This free CLeanBoost is dedicated to guitar/bass world in our Boutique series as basic element, and for various tasks in Reason rack for any kind of signal.

Phase insertion option also coming from the guitar world, that help to use two Amplifiers with one mono signal in some situations.

If you use any guitar Amplifiers for Guitar & Bass, CleanBoost is must have. Reason gain level +12dB is not enough.
If you don't work with Bass/Guitar at all, and try to use Amps in creative way, or totally not using amps, many situations when you just can need in more dB.

In short answer: this is just a level up to +20dB, named in guitar world "booster". Gain is wider word to really understand what it can mean (can include, OD/Dist/EQ because usually have various stages).

Back to Amps: as example Amplifier with two 12AX7 tubes, have 4 gain stages. Boost increasing the Tone of the every Amplifier stages. Finally, you can have new tone character from the Amp. CleanBoost can make sound pretty mushy or crunchy, etc..
This is the same story like a talks about why amps with similar valves can sound unalike.

If inputs signal level, X = 2*2*2*2 = 16X.
If doubling gain, from 2 to 4, result is: 4*4*4*4 = 256X. (without saturation)
Doubling the input level, it stays 2X (2*2*2*2) = 32X.
The same for doubling the main gain if input level doubled by booster..
So you can have 2X (4*4*4*4) = 512X.
Last edited by turn2on on 18 May 2023, edited 1 time in total.

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soroc sosta
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18 May 2023

Thank you very Much!

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19 May 2023

This is great! Thank you so much, T2On!
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19 May 2023

Are the routing icons on the back correct? Is this not a stereo in/stereo out device?
Selig Audio, LLC

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22 May 2023

selig wrote:
19 May 2023
Are the routing icons on the back correct? Is this not a stereo in/stereo out device?
Thank You, yes, you are right, the designation was left by mistake from the last project. My omission. Need to fix this

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