Speo's Map64 is amazing.

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18 Jan 2023


• Map notes to other notes, chords or even phrases
• Map notes to different CV envelopes
• Includes a powerful CV programming environment

Unclutter your Sequencer
Sometimes, it is more convenient to store a chord or a lick in the combinator patch that plays it instead of in the sequencer. Map 64 provides the needed abstraction. Chords and phrases are entered in Map 64’s display and can be triggered by incoming notes. Additionally, Map 64’s advanced CV programming capabilities can be used to create and trigger selected CV envelopes.

Create Next Level Jam Setups
Map 64 is designed to work well with controllers which are usually used for triggering samples. By mapping incoming notes to phrases with associated CV automation right in the rack, you no longer need to resample your sounds for jamming.
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19 Jan 2023

I think I might buy a launchpad just for this
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19 Jan 2023

I watched the first minutes of the video and saw how much cable dragging was going on before switching off and playing my guitar. I don’t know…players, for me in any case, are for avoiding all the wires.
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19 Jan 2023

MrFigg wrote:
19 Jan 2023
I watched the first minutes of the video and saw how much cable dragging was going on before switching off and playing my guitar. I don’t know…players, for me in any case, are for avoiding all the wires.
You need to get more sockets on your guitar.

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19 Jan 2023

MrFigg wrote:
19 Jan 2023
I watched the first minutes of the video and saw how much cable dragging was going on before switching off and playing my guitar. I don’t know…players, for me in any case, are for avoiding all the wires.
Not a guitar player, but own and play them. Yesterday I spent a bit of time hooking up the pedal board, connecting the guitar, then the pedal board to the DI/ReAmp, and actually recorded a part at the end of it all. But it most definitely included much cable dragging.
Probably the only other instrument with as much physical cable dragging is modular synths, but most guitar players I know are a close second. Unless of course you’re talking about strumming an acoustic guitar by the campfire…. ;)
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19 Jan 2023

selig wrote:
19 Jan 2023
MrFigg wrote:
19 Jan 2023
I watched the first minutes of the video and saw how much cable dragging was going on before switching off and playing my guitar. I don’t know…players, for me in any case, are for avoiding all the wires.
Not a guitar player, but own and play them. Yesterday I spent a bit of time hooking up the pedal board, connecting the guitar, then the pedal board to the DI/ReAmp, and actually recorded a part at the end of it all. But it most definitely included much cable dragging.
Probably the only other instrument with as much physical cable dragging is modular synths, but most guitar players I know are a close second. Unless of course you’re talking about strumming an acoustic guitar by the campfire…. ;)
Well, normally it’s one cable in and one cable out. But then I branched out put all the distortions and fuzzes and boosts (can’t believe how many I have really) in a loop with a noise gate. That got confusing so I’m not ever going to unplug those cables again. Superglue on the sockets.
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19 Jan 2023

This thing is nuts. Looks interesting and can get a bit complex i guess...

Very nice video! I thought i know a lot about Reason, but i am still learning as it seems :-D

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20 Jan 2023

Purchased it right away lol.

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20 Jan 2023

Cool... this looks fun... THANK YOU SPEO :thumbup: :thumbs_up: :exclamation:
Is a manual in the works?
I think it could help understand the complexity of this beast :lightbulb:
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24 Jan 2023

Bought it today. Since I rarely go into sequencer, this thing works the way I hoped. I need more info do...a lot of questions still. I would recommend it if you need to trigger chords and sounds with different cv shapes applied to whatever else you want to be triggered with that sound. Sounds weird, but if you need it, you'll like it.


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moneykube wrote:
20 Jan 2023
Cool... this looks fun... THANK YOU SPEO :thumbup: :thumbs_up: :exclamation:
Is a manual in the works?
I think it could help understand the complexity of this beast :lightbulb:
Hmm developer Speo is unfortunately still prevented!? I really like this new player, connected the cv outs of hornetplugins amazing HarmonicsPro to drive the M dial, and it´s overwhelming how your player bundled with this effect (exciter, saturation and clipper processor, resonance filter) are power up my sound, but please let us know when a manual is written :thumbup:
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20 Mar 2023

this is great as is your multi cv scope, i assume the color coded cv outputs correspond to that thing? i thought i was recently that someone was working on a gui based remote map generator, combined with this thing that should allow even less technically ambitious users to get their midi controllers working the way they want. i'm still disappointed no one bought and continued developing the excellent ipad remote control app made by Delora software when they discontinued it, seemed like a no brainer for RS themselves to me, especially given their own failed efforts to create a mobile anything.

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21 Mar 2023

I really want to have input note and velocity in the CV operators

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21 Mar 2023

_andreypetr_ wrote:
21 Mar 2023
I really want to have input note and velocity in the CV operators
Is Lectric Panda's RE UTL Modifier (free) what you're after? : https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/rack ... -modifier/. Cool lil' device this for negating notes via vel filter and note filter. Vel Set switch is very useful as well as offset, recommended.

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21 Mar 2023

Arpeg wrote:
21 Mar 2023
_andreypetr_ wrote:
21 Mar 2023
I really want to have input note and velocity in the CV operators
Is Lectric Panda's RE UTL Modifier (free) what you're after? : https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/rack ... -modifier/. Cool lil' device this for negating notes via vel filter and note filter. Vel Set switch is very useful as well as offset, recommended.
No, I miss the ability to use it in Map64's CV engine, I really want to use it in CV processing.

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22 Mar 2023

_andreypetr_ wrote:
21 Mar 2023
Arpeg wrote:
21 Mar 2023

Is Lectric Panda's RE UTL Modifier (free) what you're after? : https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/rack ... -modifier/. Cool lil' device this for negating notes via vel filter and note filter. Vel Set switch is very useful as well as offset, recommended.
No, I miss the ability to use it in Map64's CV engine, I really want to use it in CV processing.
Roger That :thumbs_up:

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28 Dec 2023

I don't suppose there's a manual for this player somewhere? Not finding anything beyond the player's page at reasonstudios.com, which has a lot of info, but a few things left unexplained. If there's no manual, I'lll just play around, I'll probably figure it out eventually...

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28 Dec 2023

Well, the video from the shop page is a tutorial on how it can be used if you can stand the imho rather obnoxious sound Speo is creating there.

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28 Dec 2023

Omg this player looks incredibly fun!!! How did I not see this before 😅

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30 Dec 2023

Trialing this out at the moment but just can't seem to get anything good out of it after following that video. It feels like the vid could have been shorter or broken down into 2 or 3 sections with less emphasis on setting up the sounds within the synths and more of a clear explanation of how the CV matrix/envelopes work within this player.

I'll come back to it tomorrow and have another go but need to actually make some music now.

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30 Dec 2023

Eski wrote:
30 Dec 2023
Trialing this out at the moment but just can't seem to get anything good out of it after following that video. It feels like the vid could have been shorter or broken down into 2 or 3 sections with less emphasis on setting up the sounds within the synths and more of a clear explanation of how the CV matrix/envelopes work within this player.

I'll come back to it tomorrow and have another go but need to actually make some music now.
Agreed, the usp of this player is the cv side and it is hella confusing without a manual or a a video tutorial.

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