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Question for guitarist: what's your favorite REs for guitars?

Posted: 27 Mar 2022
by WarStar
I'll be mixing some guitar tracks here soon and I'll be getting a track from a mic off the cab and another direct track. So just curious what are some RE recommendations for DI tracks? I'm looking for some nice deep fuzz. I'm shooting for some sludgey stoner Rock type sound and vibe.

Thanks y'all!

Re: Question for guitarist: what's your favorite REs for guitars?

Posted: 27 Mar 2022
by guitfnky
for REs, Kuassa is really the only game in town, and they're good, but I'm not as impressed as a lot of others are with their stuff, personally. there's the stock Amp RE in Reason, which is just okay--you can get some decent sounds out of it if you're patient, but it's a pain in the ass.

if you're open to VSTs, I'd suggest demoing some of the Neural DSP stuff--it's fantastic, as a rule. a lot of their plugins are aimed at metal players, but they're all really versatile, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding a killer sounding tone that works for you. I'm not sure which of them may or may not have a fuzz pedal emulation in them, but the amp sims are literally as good as it gets. I built my own fuzz chain with a couple of other VSTs and fed it into the Archetype Cory Wong plugin for a new song, and it sounds absolutely monstrous.

Re: Question for guitarist: what's your favorite REs for guitars?

Posted: 27 Mar 2022
by MrFigg
There’s a Free VST RAT dist pedal plugin which is magic. Can’t remember who makes it but I’ll look it up. Kuassa stuff obviously. I like Fritz on guitar. Turn2on make some good guitar stuff like Ghammy and Wahbaby.

Re: Question for guitarist: what's your favorite REs for guitars?

Posted: 27 Mar 2022
by Hoboys
Have you tried the built-in Scream4? It's top notch :) There's also stuff like Ekss SADIST and a bunch more options in the shop, too many to count.

Re: Question for guitarist: what's your favorite REs for guitars?

Posted: 27 Mar 2022

Re: Question for guitarist: what's your favorite REs for guitars?

Posted: 27 Mar 2022
by Hoboys
Second this as well, a lot less conventional than those mentioned before, but absolutely killer. AND it's free.

Re: Question for guitarist: what's your favorite REs for guitars?

Posted: 27 Mar 2022
by WarStar
Thanks guys! Just downloaded the Ruina so thanks for that suggestion..!

The Neural DSP stuff looks really good but that'll be an investment down the road but definitely going to demo some of their stuff..

I still have the Softube AMPs from ver 7 as well.. and of course I'll be messing around with stick devices as well.. y'all use Pulverizer on guitars?