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08 Sep 2016

There are so many options ... how on earth can I work out what to buy first?! So, what in your opinion, are the most awesome RE's, on a criteria of value for money, flexibility of sound design, and ... erm ... anything else that is important? What, for example, might a new Synth give me that I can't get out of Thor, Malstrom, Subtractor? I like the idea of more synth variety, but also am looking for some nice gritty electric guitar and some searing bass ... ideas?

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08 Sep 2016

It depends of the music you are making and what you need. I like Antidote for easy fat pads and basses, Zero and Parsec for ambient. Most synths have some unique sounds, some are good for experimental electronic, some for trance. I actually try eXpanse that hase some nice waveshaping and unisone, that also has 4MER but much much smoother when modulated.

Rob Pappen devices are nice, but sometimes too much fiddling to get good results.

Vocoding is great, also Parsec has a greate vocoder, but its a bit limited in the sound.

C1-L1 is a great mastering compressor, but C670 is much easier to use and sometimes fits better. The Mace is my goto for mid/side shaping and compressing.

For filters PMS-20 is smooth and F-16 more aggressive and fat,especially when doubled. GQ7 is my goto LP and HP and mid/side EQing.

MP5 is great for mastering EQ, Trident for voices and instruments, RE3Q great to fix mud in bass. Carve to create room in the frequencies.

TSAR is best real stereo reverb to create a room, where others create more fx reverbs.

Same goes for phasers, delays, chorus, limiters... Some synths offer audio in that enables access to their build in FX and sometimes to the filters like JPS.

For sound destroying Scream4, GClip, Decimort, Kuassa

You are finally right with endless possibilities, but hard to start somewhere... Reason and its RE are great, i love it...
Reason12, Win10

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08 Sep 2016

Well, that gives me a lot to think about - thanks for the in-depth reply! I am just starting out and I'd have to say what I'm creating is experimental electro/house if anything, it's all very synth driven, but I want to make some nice gritty alternative influenced guitar driven sound as well, so those AMP tips might be the best place for me to start. If you had to pick 1 synth, what would it be? eXpanse?

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08 Sep 2016

My default answer to the "just 1 synth RE" is Predator or maybe Antidote if that's more to your taste.
Both have great synth engines and good effects which can be used for external sounds as well.
Predator is more versatile and "deep, and has the huuuge preset library. Antidote is easier to use, more immediate in a way, and has the amazing DR-1 deep reverb built in.

This was before eXpand came along though, it kind of blows the others away in terms of sound but is also heavier on DSP so I wouldn't want to rely solely on eXpanse as my only RE synth if DSP usage is a concern at all.

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08 Sep 2016

ThisIsNotTheMusic wrote:Well, that gives me a lot to think about - thanks for the in-depth reply! I am just starting out and I'd have to say what I'm creating is experimental electro/house if anything, it's all very synth driven, but I want to make some nice gritty alternative influenced guitar driven sound as well, so those AMP tips might be the best place for me to start. If you had to pick 1 synth, what would it be? eXpanse?
The nost weird thing for electro could be https://shop.propellerheads.se/product/ ... rum-synth/

For fat sounds eXpanse or Zero with its FM capabilities.
Reason12, Win10

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08 Sep 2016

how on earth can I work out what to buy first?!
30 days trials.

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08 Sep 2016

Yes, definitely Try before you buy^^

There is so much choice now, that I would definitely suggest trying to limit the number of REs you TRY at once and focus on just one or two devices at a time. Otherwise you may just overlook something great or maybe not TRY out something that doesn't really work for you enough to know that, and buy it prematurely.

If you are going to try a synth first, make sure you've learned how SubTractor, Malstrom and Thor work first so you know what they are capable of (they are enough for some people anyway) and can really put any RE synths through their paces.

I'm so glad REs weren't available when I was first learning how to use Reason as I wouldn't have focused on the native synths and devices and would have got lost in the dense woods of REs!

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08 Sep 2016

I have 265 rack extensions.

I made a big long write-up but deleted it.

Start where you need, not what you want!

My first rack extension purchase was Blamsoft DC-1 Distortion in 2013. I still use it today.

My first synth was ST-1, speak and tweak, its still a great RE today! Purchased in 2014

In the middle of 2015 i purchased the Synthetic Rig, and i've been buying up every rack extension i like since then.

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08 Sep 2016

Get Selig Gain. It'll raise your level-awareness. It'll help you mix better!



It may seem like the most boring tool to buy, but to me it's the most useful tool for mixing I have ever bought. It has made my music better - without any magic fairy dust, but just by doing what it does. Like a hammer. And the hammer has been around for thousands of years! Comparing it to a hammer is the greatest compliment I can give.

It synergizes with other tools, like compressors and distortions. I looked at those from a new perspective armed with Gain. Knowing what level comes in, and what level comes out of a device and being able to adjust that can make all the difference in getting the mix right.

Metering, fading, panning, one-click mono-checking, phase inversion - it does so much and I use it all over the place.

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08 Sep 2016

No one can tell you what you miss with the stock devices, but this also has to do with many more aspects. Sometimes, something just gives you a better "vibe", even if in theory they could do the same. Thor is a great example. In theory, it could be the only synth you could ever need, but in reality you may not always want it or it always puts you in a certain direction, so you always end up with the same things over and over. Picking out the things that let you work better or give you a new sound color or can put you into a new mind set is really important. Use your trial time wisely and never forget to compare it to your existing tools deep enough to make a solid purchase and not so much instant/mood purchases.

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08 Sep 2016

My favorites are 1. Decimort2 2. Chip64 3. Zero 4. Eve-mp5 5. iZotope maximizer 6. Stereo splitter 7. Viking 8. Propulsion
I have a bunch more but these are the ones I run out most frequently. I have a shitload of compressors too but always find myself crawling back to the comfort of reason stock compressors, particularly the m-class and the ssl

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08 Sep 2016

Get the Saturation Knob.
It's free, super useful and couldn't be any simpler to learn and work with. It's great for everything from very subtle to heavy distortion. Scream4 is good for what it is but it's far from subtle. It's either on or off with that thing.

Saturation Knob works great on pretty much everything.
I use it mostly for drums and bass sounds, but I've found myself using it for strings, synths and even on the master bus.

I would also get GQ-7 for an all round EQ. To me it sounds better (clearer/cleaner) then the Mclass EQ in Reason. It's also a lot more versatile than both Mclass and the SSL EQ in Reason. A lot of options. You get a bunch of filter slopes that doesn't come with the stock stuff. It's a bit pricey, but to me it's been totally worth it. It's on sale pretty often, sometimes half the price.
Since EQ is so fundamental, this is probably the RE I use the most. I still use the SSL EQ but it's completely replaced Mclass EQ.
But try it out first, I've heard a few who people don't like it. Most people do though.

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08 Sep 2016

If you're just starting out the ...rig bundles offer the best value for money esp. when they are on sale.

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08 Sep 2016

jam-s wrote:If you're just starting out the ...rig bundles offer the best value for money esp. when they are on sale.
Listen to this guy.. He is right :)

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08 Sep 2016

Thanks so much everyone. These are the most helpful forums I've ever come across. Awesome community! I will definitely trial a couple of the recommended synths, and the mix and saturation tools sound great too. I can't wait to try this stuff out! I have some tracks up on Soundcloud under this username, and I'd appreciate any feedback, good, bad or indifferent, as I know there is so much to learn, especially with mix and mastering ... Thanks again ... :re:

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08 Sep 2016

EDS06 looks pretty interesting as well, and won't break the bank!

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08 Sep 2016

ThisIsNotTheMusic wrote:EDS06 looks pretty interesting as well, and won't break the bank!
EDS06 would be my ideal weird percussion machine, but tuning samples by ears alone is time consuming. I wish I could just choose the note. I know this is not a deal breaker for most people and some percussion sounds aren't tonal, but I prefer tuned percussion in my tracks. It just sounds better that way.

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08 Sep 2016

tibah wrote:No one can tell you what you miss with the stock devices, but this also has to do with many more aspects. Sometimes, something just gives you a better "vibe", even if in theory they could do the same. Thor is a great example. In theory, it could be the only synth you could ever need, but in reality you may not always want it or it always puts you in a certain direction, so you always end up with the same things over and over. Picking out the things that let you work better or give you a new sound color or can put you into a new mind set is really important. Use your trial time wisely and never forget to compare it to your existing tools deep enough to make a solid purchase and not so much instant/mood purchases.
Really great advice - I totally get what you mean. A lot of the tracks/loops on allihoopa have a very similar vibe and it is I guess lots of beginners like me learning their way and using the easiest to grasp tools first. The more variety that is fairly easily accessible can only benefit the learning curve.

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09 Sep 2016

Exowildebeest wrote:Get Selig Gain. It'll raise your level-awareness. It'll help you mix better!



It may seem like the most boring tool to buy, but to me it's the most useful tool for mixing I have ever bought. It has made my music better - without any magic fairy dust, but just by doing what it does. Like a hammer. And the hammer has been around for thousands of years! Comparing it to a hammer is the greatest compliment I can give.

It synergizes with other tools, like compressors and distortions. I looked at those from a new perspective armed with Gain. Knowing what level comes in, and what level comes out of a device and being able to adjust that can make all the difference in getting the mix right.

Metering, fading, panning, one-click mono-checking, phase inversion - it does so much and I use it all over the place.
I will definitely get this! Thank you.

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09 Sep 2016

eXpanse is amazing ... nice fat bass sounds and complete control, I love it!

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10 Sep 2016

ThisIsNotTheMusic wrote:eXpanse is amazing ... nice fat bass sounds and complete control, I love it!
Expanse can definitely do things that the stock synths can't. Pretty DSP heavy but still something I really want to have in my rack.
If I'm not one of the lucky winners in the Song challenge I'll buy it for sure.

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10 Sep 2016

For synths, give Nostromo a try and see how you like it. It's unique, and really fun to program. Also, everybody loves Antidote for good reason, it sounds fantastic and has a top quality FX bank that you can run other devices through

Etch Red is one of the most versatile filters, it does everything from simple filter duties to wildly complex weirdness and it's still my favourite distortion/saturation unit. Only downside is that it's a bit of a CPU hog

C1-L1 is a good workhorse compressor, Synapse GQ-7 is a good workhorse EQ, EVE-MP5 is a brilliant mastering EQ

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10 Sep 2016

dvdrtldg wrote:For synths, give Nostromo a try and see how you like it. It's unique, and really fun to program. Also, everybody loves Antidote for good reason, it sounds fantastic and has a top quality FX bank that you can run other devices through

Etch Red is one of the most versatile filters, it does everything from simple filter duties to wildly complex weirdness and it's still my favourite distortion/saturation unit. Only downside is that it's a bit of a CPU hog

C1-L1 is a good workhorse compressor, Synapse GQ-7 is a good workhorse EQ, EVE-MP5 is a brilliant mastering EQ
Sounds like I have some more explore play to do tomorrow! Thanks man.

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10 Sep 2016

Oh and check out Korg MonoPoly, at $49 it's one of the best value synths in the shop for "classic" sort of sounds

You might also like Revival, which has a bunch of great organ presets but is also a really cool synth for the weirder end of the sonic spectrum. Revival also has a great FX bank which you can route external audio through. Its preamp section is particularly nice. The GUI is a bit fiddly but apparently it's going to be getting a more user-friendly overhaul at some point (I think I read on these forums somewhere)

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11 Sep 2016

dvdrtldg wrote:Oh and check out Korg MonoPoly, at $49 it's one of the best value synths in the shop for "classic" sort of sounds
Monopoly definitely has some great sounds ... I will be using this for sure. It seems my hobby is turning out to be quite expensive! :geek:

In space, no one can hear your song ....

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