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Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 19 May 2016
by Loque
Another additive synth, BUT: it will offer resynthesis with FFT. Could be interesting. Actually no more info available.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 19 May 2016
by Majestik Monkey
Spectra offers several inbuilt waveforms for simple Subtractive patches (with an Additive bite) but also gives unrivalled control over the wave shape from the Spectrum, as well as over time with Envelopes, :puf_bigsmile: Modulations and even external CV. :mrgreen: Waves and Filters can both be Morphed.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 19 May 2016
by platzangst
I'm actually a bit intrigued by this. Will this manipulation or re-synthesis of "external sounds" be something more than the vocoding that Parsec does? Are we talking live incoming streams, or dare I hope, actual external sample loading? Now I'm curious.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 19 May 2016
by Majestik Monkey
platzangst wrote:I'm actually a bit intrigued by this. Will this manipulation or re-synthesis of "external sounds" be something more than the vocoding that Parsec does? Are we talking live incoming streams, or dare I hope, actual external sample loading? Now I'm curious.

Dare I hope, actual external sample loading? Now I'm curious

Of course you should dare to hope # its not like your asking for a Trip to Mar's :puf_bigsmile:

Here's hoping too ! :puf_wink:

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 19 May 2016
by Breach The Sky
platzangst wrote:I'm actually a bit intrigued by this. Will this manipulation or re-synthesis of "external sounds" be something more than the vocoding that Parsec does? Are we talking live incoming streams, or dare I hope, actual external sample loading? Now I'm curious.
This was discussed in the "Any news?" thread. The developer responded that you can re-synthesize (and save!) incoming audio, if I understand correctly. No sample loading it seems.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 19 May 2016
by platzangst
Breach The Sky wrote:This was discussed in the "Any news?" thread. The developer responded that you can re-synthesize (and save!) incoming audio, if I understand correctly. No sample loading it seems.
If true, that would be a huge enticement for my dollars, even without actually loading samples.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 19 May 2016
by Breach The Sky
My euros to. It will be interesting to se how you can manipulate the audio.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 22 May 2016
by RequiemMachine
This has gotten my attention...would definitely fill a spot in my rack! I'm excited to hear more!

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 31 May 2016
by spacefarmer
What do you think?
I wonder, if spectra will be like a little alchemy with two generators that are "open" for a lot of modulation.
I would like that very much if the quality of resynthesis will be good enough.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 31 May 2016
by Nirude
with a permission:
Synthetechsound RE Background.jpg
Synthetechsound RE Background.jpg (351.18 KiB) Viewed 5838 times

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 31 May 2016
by riemac
Very interesting picture. Will it be in the shop this week?
I still think there is a display on the bottom of the synth and on the display is the word spectra.
Maybe the display is used for the envelopes and the waveforms. I cannot see any envelopes elsewhere.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 01 Jun 2016
by challism
I'm pretty excited to try this synth! Looks like a sweet GUI.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 01 Jun 2016
by fieldframe
Nice render! I wonder if that big thing at the bottom is a partials/waveform display.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 01 Jun 2016
by riemac
fieldframe wrote:Nice render! I wonder if that big thing at the bottom is a partials/waveform display.
I'm wondering the same thing.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 01 Jun 2016
by decibel
riemac wrote:
fieldframe wrote:Nice render! I wonder if that big thing at the bottom is a partials/waveform display.
I'm wondering the same thing.
maybe props have been quietly working on their sdk huh ? would love see more advanced graphics being utilized in reason

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 01 Jun 2016
by Loque
decibel wrote:
riemac wrote:
fieldframe wrote:Nice render! I wonder if that big thing at the bottom is a partials/waveform display.
I'm wondering the same thing.
maybe props have been quietly working on their sdk huh ? would love see more advanced graphics being utilized in reason
I dont see every detail, but techically big displays are already possible and you can also create pseudo displays. Whats actually not possible, is to automate custom stuff on a custom display. Thats why except Movement no custom display can be automated. Thus ADSR curves without additional knobs are not automatable....

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 01 Jun 2016
by rcbuse
Loque wrote: I dont see every detail, but techically big displays are already possible and you can also create pseudo displays. Whats actually not possible, is to automate custom stuff on a custom display. Thats why except Movement no custom display can be automated. Thus ADSR curves without additional knobs are not automatable....
Well, custom displays do not have the ability to right click and select 'Edit Automatiion' or Alt-click to create the automation lane, but thats because most custom displays host multiple parameters and it isn't obvious which parameter you want to automate. But, all parameters should still automatable if you use the sequencers automation dropdown.
Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 7.59.32 AM.png
Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 7.59.32 AM.png (63.52 KiB) Viewed 5658 times

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 01 Jun 2016
Plus if you create a track for the device, arm it and record then move custom display controls, the ones which can accept automation will draw in automatically into the sequencer

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 01 Jun 2016
by Lizard
To take this one step further, as custom displays have automatable targets for values that are determined by the developer these can be controlled by remote technology as well. You can have your controller mapped to some of them. You may not be able to directly assign them by right clicking on the control however.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 01 Jun 2016
by Breach The Sky
I'm curious about the technical side. Like, how many partials can the engine handle per voice. I guess that will have an big impact on how good the overall sound quality and re-syntesis will sound for example?
Also curious how you can manipulate the waveforms in different ways... Guess I will know soon, pretty hyped actually!

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 01 Jun 2016
by Benedict
Just generally speaking: In some ways you will be surprised how good sound can be with only a few partials. Initially you think that 11ty billion would be better but so long as the engine handles things well, the sound will be smooth. After all a B3 only has about 9 partials.

Besides using lots of partials - the more you have the higher they go - leads to the perception of a "thinner" sound as the perceived weight of the sound tips onto the higher/brighter side of the balance.


Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 01 Jun 2016
by Breach The Sky
Benedict wrote:Just generally speaking: In some ways you will be surprised how good sound can be with only a few partials. Initially you think that 11ty billion would be better but so long as the engine handles things well, the sound will be smooth. After all a B3 only has about 9 partials.

Besides using lots of partials - the more you have the higher they go - leads to the perception of a "thinner" sound as the perceived weight of the sound tips onto the higher/brighter side of the balance.

You might be right about that. NI Razor "only" has a 320 partials engine but can sound so much rawer and fatter (imo) than for example parsec, which has 1024.

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 01 Jun 2016
by Benedict
It depends on so many other variables but adding another partial is simply adding another overtone. It is not like samples where more is a greater resolution overall, you are just adding another overtone on the top. Of course an infinite number would be nice in theory but in practice I find the control of particularly the high partial levels becomes problematic as the ability to work in micro db is impractical. The overall sound becomes buzzy and fizzy as the high overtones are too loud (for nature anyway).

Also with Nyquist, notes over about C3 can't really play those higher partials so the sound in the bass and treble don't really match each other as the overtones don't seem to stop playing an an entirely natural fashion, they just drop out not to note. That said Parsec does sound really smooth. There must be some other "magic" at work there - but of courese with Parsec there is no direct user control over partials.


Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 03 Jun 2016
by Reasonistas

Re: Spectra is on the way mid 2016

Posted: 04 Jun 2016
by decibel
sickness, that vid gets the pulse rate going ;)