Jiggle gate

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07 Feb 2015

I dunno how I'd explain this in technical terms so here's what I want it to do. I'd like to take a rotary value and turn any rapid movements into triggers, so a gentle sweep from 0-127 wouldn't trigger anything but a sudden jump or chage of direction would.
My idea is to come up with some sort of pitch variable air drum using a distance sensor. I dunno if it could be done with stock devices, maybe it'll take an Re,
@pushedbutton on twitter, add me, send me a message, but don't try to sell me stuff cos I'm skint.
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07 Feb 2015

i try the Re Volt SL-1 , we can do this quickly
with the new update , we got more flexibility to fix the siwtch between 2 stages .

we can do also this with stocks devices
use the curve cv from the step sequenceur from the thor to tiggrer your rotary

an oher way is to use a square Lfo to trigg your rotary and setup the speed switch per the Freq of the lfo .

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electrochoc (PRX-A)
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07 Feb 2015

pushedbutton wrote:I dunno how I'd explain this in technical terms so here's what I want it to do. I'd like to take a rotary value and turn any rapid movements into triggers, so a gentle sweep from 0-127 wouldn't trigger anything but a sudden jump or chage of direction would. My idea is to come up with some sort of pitch variable air drum using a distance sensor. I dunno if it could be done with stock devices, maybe it'll take an Re,
This is the kind of CV puzzle I like!

I just tried some stuff, and it worked, but not as well as I wished. I don't have time this afternoon to make more tests, but I'll give you what I've tried up to now. Note that, for experiment purposes, I've made my tests with Rack Extensions, without seriously looking if it was reproductible with stock devices.

Two REs needed: ReVolt and a CV delay (like Jiggery-Pokery's Lolth or Quadelectra's Beat Repeater).

The basic idea behind my tests was to find a way to set your CV setting so that it will "know" at which speed a rotary value is turned, and reject a CV value that will will reflect the speed at which you turned your knob. I've used as a rotary source a Thor rotary knob with the following setting: Source: Rotary1 -> 100 -> Destination: CV out 1. Turning the knob sends a CV signal through CV out 1.

Then, the CV signal goes into a CV splitter. The first CV splitted signal goes into CV1 in of a ReVolt. The second CV splitted signal goes into a CV delay unit set to a few milliseconds, and the resulted CV signal then goes to CV2 in of ReVolt. The CV2 Influence knob is then set to Subtract 2 from 1. Why doing so? Because, this way, ReVolt calculates the value of your initial CV signal minus the value that your CV signal had, let's say, 35 ms before. If you turn the knob very fast, the resulting value will be higher. If you turn it slow, the value will be smaller. Here's an example of the math:

Fast-turning knob, at one precise moment:
  • CV1 signal (95) - CV2 signal (CV1 signal as it was 35 ms ago) (35) = 60 (CV out value of ReVolt)
Slow-turning knob, at one precise moment:
  • CV1 signal (95) - CV2 signal (CV1 signal as it was 35 ms ago) (75) = 20 (CV out value of ReVolt)
The good thing with ReVolt is that you have a CV threshold switch, which allow you to send all CV value above or below a threshold value to different CV outs. Since, in the steps above, we have set a way to assign different CV values to the speed at which you turn your rotary knob, you can then use the threshold switch of ReVolt to send, for example, all the values over 50 to a CV out (a signal that you can then use to trigger something: I used it in my tests to trigger a snare sound on one of my drum modules!), while all the values under 50 will be ignored (sent to an inactive CV out)! This way, the speed at which you turn your initial knob will effectively determine if a CV signal is sent to trigger an external device!

I don't know if it helps, or even if it's clear enough (that's a pretty technical thing to explain in not-my-native-language!), but this is what I've done up to now. In fact, you'd need three things to reproduce that: 1) a CV device capable of CV subtraction (maybe a simple merger spider could do the job using a inverted signal for the value to be subtracted), 2) a CV delay (I'm really not sure this is available within stock devices) and 3) a CV threshold switch (I'm wondering if that would be possible to make one with Thor...). Anyways, tell me if it's useful; I'll try to make more tests tonight, because the setting I'm proposing to you is not always very stable, and don't allow to send a triggering CV signal when the rotary is turned backwards... It works only when it's turned clockwise at nice speed! But the key ideas are there I think! :D

By the way, if I think I get what you're looking for as a result in CV terms, I have no idea what you meant with a "pitch variable air drum using a distance sensor", which seems to be your goal... So I am maybe way off with my suggestions... :crazy:
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07 Feb 2015

I sort of understand your approach, I'll have a play and see what happens. Thanks :)
@pushedbutton on twitter, add me, send me a message, but don't try to sell me stuff cos I'm skint.
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electrochoc (PRX-A)
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08 Feb 2015

Just as some kind of demonstration that this can work, here's some very simple (and messy, and not artistically usable "as is") combis, in which a Kong's snare is triggered by the speed at which you play with the modulation wheel. The .zip contains two combis, that are exactly the same except for the REs used in them. The first one needs ReVolt and Lolth, the second needs ReVolt and Signal Repeater.

At least, that gives an idea of how such a setting is possible... but it sure should be edited and reworked to be used the way you initially wanted it to!

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