Recreate the 12-bit mpc 60 drum sound

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02 Feb 2015

Hey guys!

i would like to recreat that crunchy mpc-60 12-bit, 40 khz sound.. is there any tips or tricks that u recommed,

what rack extension should i get (if any)?

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02 Feb 2015

My favorite tool for this job is the Blamsoft Resampler. Just dial in your stuff, blend and go. Usually I tweak the knobs a bit more to taste. (for ex: 11.2 bits and 36,888 khz might sound better to me than a strict 12/40)

I like to experiment with adding stuff like Audiomatic Tape or Bottom to the chain also, to really fatten it up.
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02 Feb 2015

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02 Feb 2015

+1 for resampler, it does exactly what you need it to.  I add some light faturator first though, even if i'm already sampling vinyl.  faturator is a great little analog-ifier imo

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03 Feb 2015

i got a pretty decent sound out of the Futz Box. I used the lofi section,filters,and a tad of distortion. then you can either take the "wet" sound only or blend something back. 

I used resampler, but now i think i'll just use futz box [does a bit more].


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05 Feb 2015

How many of you have actually used an MPC 60? My 60 is sounding great, very hifi sounding compared to my other samplers. The only thing it does to the sound is rounding the high frequencies of nicely. The s900 have a more grittier sound, especially when recording the signal hot. I have never, ever, Heard anyone recreate this inside a daw that sounds as good as it does with hardware.

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05 Feb 2015

Technosphere wrote:How many of you have actually used an MPC 60? My 60 is sounding great, very hifi sounding compared to my other samplers. The only thing it does to the sound is rounding the high frequencies of nicely. The s900 have a more grittier sound, especially when recording the signal hot. I have never, ever, Heard anyone recreate this inside a daw that sounds as good as it does with hardware.
Often people associate low-bit sound with "bad quality", aliasing effects and other things while in fact it ONLY defines the signal to noise ratio of the sound (6dB per bit) while the sample rate ONLY defines the highest recorded frequency (1/2 sample rate). Otherwise even an 8bit/16kHz converter will output perfect, beautiful waves from the original material. Theres no "stair steps" or anything and the perceived difference of the quality most certainly roots in something else.

Edit: And btw the "bit crusher" and "downsampler" artifacts come from aliasing effects due to their imperfect implementation of the downsampling / bit reduction process, you wouldn't get that from a normal AD/DA chain with such bit depths / sample rates, you only hear them because they are played back on higher sample rates / bit depths.

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