Modular geeks and other people !! Comparator RE?!

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30 Jan 2015

Comparator RE!?

There is already one from The Chronologist which is called Truth, but I think that we don't need a device which offer four comparator on 1U. One comparator is often enough. 

I have already one in beta and which was never released because I wasn't sure if it would be well received. So I just put it aside.  But Im considering to bring it back to life and want to see if its worth the effort or not. 

My comparator have similar feature than Truth but actually offer extra feature capabilities, like a switching pass thru section, which can be triggered by results on comparator or manually. The way it works it can become a clock divider as well. And other extra feature. For those who are not familiar with comps its important to understand that it only outputs gates (except for the pass thru section, which can be any CV signal).

It was really designed to generate structured off-beat/on-beat sequence with variation on its output according to the signals being compared, event triggering, and event switching. So, for some tweaks the output turn a simple Subtractor (or any synths) in a really alive machine. It can be a bit chaotic while being structured and in sync with the sequencer (it depends on what signals you put in,unsync LFO compared to gate from sequencer will give chaotic/structured result, while 2 unsync LFO will always chaotic output).

Personally, I would not use this device in a live performance since a part of it is chaotic. It was not designed with that mindset. If you  work with modular synths you understand what I mean by chaotic. Otherwise, its really a RE utilities for sound design purpose.

Is it something you would be interested in ?

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30 Jan 2015

Another rack extension you should look at is Volt CB-1 from Zvork.
Sounds like your RE may be a bit similar to CB-1, but you may have additional features that makes it quite different.

It's unlikely that people will change from something they know to something which just a little bit different. But for new RE users it may be more interesting, and maybe makes use of SDK 2 features which wasn't there when Truth or CB-1 were designed.

However, if it's already in beta testing, why not put in some more work to get it released, and you'll see what the interest is. If nothing else you'll have your own device that you can use anytime for your own pleasure! :)

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30 Jan 2015

Its not really in beta testing ... but more in the beta phase ! But since I made this already 3 years ago, I would go back to the alpha phase and revamp it for sure. 
But its main function would stay a comparator. 

I just don't want to put to much effort in something that people won't be interested in. Developing something is a lot of work. ;)

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30 Jan 2015

Janvier wrote: I just don't want to put to much effort in something that people won't be interested in. Developing something is a lot of work. ;)
Ah, do I know what you mean!
Maybe this uncertainty you feel is a sign that you should consider putting your effort into something which is more 'reliably unique', if there's such a thing and you have an idea of what. 
I mean, to humble my understanding, it seems that the basic functionality of a comparator is already out there with both the Truth and the CB-1, but I may be wrong...
Anyway, good luck with whatever decision you make! :)

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