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Cinema 4D scenegraph export?

Posted: 22 Jan 2015
by Steinholtz

I'm looking into developing rack extensions. I am a graphic designer and use Cinema 4D for my 3d work. It can export Collada 1.4 but I'm curious about generating the scenegraph files needed. 
Propellerheads recommend the OpenCOLLADA export plugin, but as far as I can see it only works with Maya and 3DS max. Does anyone have any tips on how to to this? I really want to keep using C4D and I also would like to to avoid writing the scenegraph files in hand!

Cinema 4D scenegraph export?

Posted: 22 Jan 2015
by Nymphomation
Doesn't seem like Open Collader for C4D is possible. Can you export out of C4D and then use Max/Maya to convert?

Cinema 4D scenegraph export?

Posted: 22 Jan 2015
by Steinholtz
I could but I would like to avoid adding another program to my workflow, plus it would be a bit crazy to get Maya or 3ds max just to open and export a file. 

But maybe I have misunderstood the scenegraph files: Are you supposed to write them by hand, or can they be generated/exported automatically? It's seem very cumbersome writing these scenegraph files for the dae (collada) files by hand. Im also thinking about the material files which are also just xml. Would love to just hit export in C4D and be done!

Cinema 4D scenegraph export?

Posted: 22 Jan 2015
by JiggeryPokery
Rack Extension development is under NDA. Please continue this discussion on the official RE Development Forum.