
This forum is for discussing Rack Extensions. Devs are all welcome to show off their goods.
Competition Winner
Posts: 1042
Joined: 31 Aug 2015
Location: Melbourne, AU

05 Jul 2017

Ahh finally huh? I won 3rd place in the RE-Tron song competition and I remember the 1st place winner got a free copy of their next RE, bit of a wait there haha. Re-Tron is a quality rack extension so I'm sure this is the same.

I'm thankful for their competition prise, which included a license for the full M-Tron Pro VSTi. However after I upgraded to Reason 9.5 though I logged back in and found that my license is now considered a "promotional" license, and if I want to use it with modern systems (ie: 64bit) I'll have to pay an upgrade fee. I guess I can understand, if they put more work into it to make it 64bit, but it was a little disappointing to discover. Oh well, I still think Re-Tron is a great addition to my Reason rack. I'll have to try out Re-Strings now.

Posts: 100
Joined: 05 Nov 2017
Location: Denmark

01 Dec 2017

Has anyone been able to identify the preset containing that lush string heard in the second half of the official trailer? Regardless, many of these sounds remind me of the first Oxygene album, so that was enough to warrant my purchase. :)

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