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Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 08 Jul 2015
by Shokstar
I like this falloff feature, it´s nice for doing filter sweeps to see how the filter curve is working. works similar to fuzz-measure ;)

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 08 Jul 2015
by Juan Rosa
What are the purpose about spektrum? Reason have one already.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 08 Jul 2015
by Juan Rosa
In my opinion i think than Lectric Panda have 3 RE's completely useless: Skope, Skope M4 and Spektrum. we need Fx, Open samplers, New Synts, Flavored EQ's, etc.etc.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 08 Jul 2015
by paulbreeze
Care to share what you would use as a Oscillo-/Spectroscope in Reason ?

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 08 Jul 2015
by Theo.M
Please add a second set of inputs so we can check overlapping spectrums - that's the killer feature we need.

Second, does this go down to 160db or anything like that? That would be really useful for doing some null tests

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 08 Jul 2015
by Olivier
Theo.M wrote:Please add a second set of inputs so we can check overlapping spectrums - that's the killer feature we need.
rcbuse wrote:
joeyluck wrote: To distinguish it further from the built-in analyzer, would be nice if it had multiple inputs.
And each input could have an assignable color and dimmer. So that you could compare channel frequencies on the same screen.
Like Skope, I've maxed out whats currently capable with just the the one input and line. It would take an SDK update to make it possible.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 08 Jul 2015
by Theo.M
eauhm wrote:
Theo.M wrote:Please add a second set of inputs so we can check overlapping spectrums - that's the killer feature we need.
rcbuse wrote:
joeyluck wrote: To distinguish it further from the built-in analyzer, would be nice if it had multiple inputs.
And each input could have an assignable color and dimmer. So that you could compare channel frequencies on the same screen.
Like Skope, I've maxed out whats currently capable with just the the one input and line. It would take an SDK update to make it possible.

Sorry I hadn't read through the whole topic.. thanks for that.. I am not quite sure I see the point then, the props in built analyser is fine.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 08 Jul 2015
by Olivier

You can only open the buildin analyzer once. That and spektrum has adjustable zoom and falloff. So yeah, there are a few extra possibilities :)

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 08 Jul 2015
by Theo.M
eauhm wrote:@Theo,

You can only open the buildin analyzer once. That and spektrum has adjustable zoom and falloff. So yeah, there are a few extra possibilities :)
well I will test the demo now and see what cpu is like. Happy to support cheap Re's and indi devs and I can see the dev is open to adding the features when the SDK allows it, which is cool. But it will all depend on cpu usage for me. I am gritting my teeth as this will involve updating my RE license again LOL.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 09 Jul 2015
by Fretless Fingers
Juan Rosa wrote:In my opinion i think than Lectric Panda have 3 RE's completely useless: Skope, Skope M4 and Spektrum. we need Fx, Open samplers, New Synts, Flavored EQ's, etc.etc.
I use Skope allot and would find Spektrum very useful. If you don't do much with cv and don't program your own synths much you may not find it all that interesting. It adds another medium to see whats going on with your sounds.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 10 Jul 2015
by boobytrap
Juan Rosa wrote:In my opinion i think than Lectric Panda have 3 RE's completely useless: Skope, Skope M4 and Spektrum. we need Fx, Open samplers, New Synts, Flavored EQ's, etc.etc.
You are absolutely wrong. Useless things are that 2 sequencers without note to track support. We need a spectrum and signal analyzer. And now we have it. Most important RE's are Pro type wavatable synth and additive FM synth right now.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 10 Jul 2015
by Theo.M
Juan Rosa wrote:In my opinion i think than Lectric Panda have 3 RE's completely useless: Skope, Skope M4 and Spektrum. we need Fx, Open samplers, New Synts, Flavored EQ's, etc.etc.

skope specifically I have to disagree with. I use it all the time.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 10 Jul 2015
by Olivier
tibah wrote:
ahs wrote:the props spectrum goes from +36 db to zero and than to -36db.
spektrum goes from -6 to -54 ???
Probably because the one in Reason is a combination of analyzer + EQ, while Spektrum RE is just an analyzer.
rcbuse wrote:
ahs wrote:the props spectrum goes from +36 db to zero and than to -36db.
spektrum goes from -6 to -54 ???
The db scale in Reasons analyser is there measure the gain of EQ adjustments (when enabled). Spektrum uses the fullscale from 0db to -60db.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 10 Jul 2015
by Theo.M
eauhm wrote:
tibah wrote:
ahs wrote:the props spectrum goes from +36 db to zero and than to -36db.
spektrum goes from -6 to -54 ???
Probably because the one in Reason is a combination of analyzer + EQ, while Spektrum RE is just an analyzer.
rcbuse wrote:
ahs wrote:the props spectrum goes from +36 db to zero and than to -36db.
spektrum goes from -6 to -54 ???
The db scale in Reasons analyser is there measure the gain of EQ adjustments (when enabled). Spektrum uses the fullscale from 0db to -60db.

I like much lower than 60db especially if i am doing aliasing tests. Can spektrum show lower than that?

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 11 Jul 2015
by softska
selig wrote:
softska wrote:Will it be possible to have adjustable per octave slope (e.g. 3dB per octave so pink noise is flat) ? That's one of the biggest thing I miss inside Reason
That's not something that is very useful for viewing audio tracks, as it won't give you a "flat" response to a "flat" input. AFAIK, it's only useful for room/acoustics testing and even then it's a very outdated method, as the Swept Sine approach has long since proven it's superiority for that type of application (and this isn't something Reason is particularly well designed for anyway).

Out of curiosity, why would you want this feature?
Personally I find 3dB slope much more useful to look at for mixing, easier to judge high vs low. YMMV I suppose, hard to convince anyone for something that's rather subjective, but it's pretty standard feature in pretty much all plugins I have with a FFT analyzer. Hope you'll have a change your heart in the future anyhow.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 11 Jul 2015
by Bonkhead
Very usefull, instabuy

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 11 Jul 2015
by O1B
I concur. LP is on a roll. Great addition to the rack. the multi track analysis idea is also very good. I have a few capable vsts for the purpose, but loathe to leave Reason. Crashes and instability in other daws - usually due to 3rd party vsts - keeps me in Reason.

I believe such specificity is a masterig thing anyway. If the conflicting frequencies are so bad during mixing, then maybe turn their input volumes DOWN. Such early micromanagement will only make the mix perfectly flat, IMO.

I hope this puts some friendly competitive pressure on Props to update the SDK to allow simultaneous spectral viewing of different tracks....

Any one see any reason why they couldn't (SDK update to allow Multi track analysis) ?
Reason's cabling system thwarts ADC, It would seem. Any issue with MTA?
Bonkhead wrote:Very usefull, instabuy

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 11 Jul 2015
by zeebot
Useless to some, useful to others..that is what personal choice is all about. Personally have no real use for any of the panda products but happy that other users get great mileage out of them.
Same with CV devices, they dont really interest me but others find them at the heart of their use of Reason.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 20 Aug 2015
by siln
Hi I would suggest to have a more define grid for frequencies when u zoom , for example i want to find the exact frequency of a kick for fine tuning so grid 2x or 4x more precise would be awesom.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 20 Aug 2015
by Faastwalker
I'd like Skope to have more Spektrum like features. Spektrum is more like a piece of analytical lab equipment. Skope feels like it needs more control. I'd certainly like to to be faster so you could really zero in on a waveform shape. Skope Is still very cool & really useful. But after seeing Spektrum I think there's room for improvement. elextric Panda's RE's have been absolutely fantastic so far. Really good stuff.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 21 Aug 2015
by Last Alternative
I'm waiting for PH to add a spatial analyzer.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 05 Sep 2015
by ljekio
Skope feels like it needs more control. I'd certainly like to to be faster so you could really zero in on a waveform shape.
I'll buy Skope when tempo sync option will be there.

Re: Spektrum is in the shop

Posted: 05 Sep 2015
by jfrichards
The link between hearing and seeing during mixing can be a great benefit for solving issues of muddiness. It can help you to maintain distinct sounds while cutting overlapping frequencies. Used with an EQ and a compressor on each channel, you can fix, perfect or explore creative ideas in your mix quicker. Spektrum can be opened for several channels at the same time, very different from the stock analyzer, allowing real-time comparisons. You can even put one on the left side and one on the right, not possible with the analyzer. You can even drag them all to be in a stack, like the most expensive real studios. Having different colors for this is very useful.

Edit: Spektrum in a serious CPU hog, so having more than two open at the same time will cause the third and fourth instances to freeze on my computer, so I set them all up and only enable the two I want to compare.
