"Meteora Sample Based Rompler" in the shop

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14 Mar 2015

Yay, another piece of half-assed junk polluting the shop.

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14 Mar 2015

I might get it just to support a new developer, it's also a new kind of device in RE form. 
Anyway I've added the remote/scope list to my dropbox 

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14 Mar 2015

Turn2on, Thanks for explaining!
I'm still doing it wrong.
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14 Mar 2015

turn2on wrote: PPS: METEORA have nothing in common with Linkin Park, sorry. It is play with words.
Hahahahaha. I didn't actually expect an answer to that. Some/one of the demo songs did remind me of them a bit though. 

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14 Mar 2015

Interesting device. Definitely different.

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15 Mar 2015

40 patches? The dev is not understanding rompler correctly. Romplers are by design supposed to provide tons of ready made patches to play.. won't waste my trial on it till it's a lot bigger, cause then i won't be able to test it when it might be what I have been waiting for down the track! Anyway good luck to the Dev but i'd expect something like this at the absolute minimum to have 1024 patches.
I have seen this trend from Bitley lately as well... a lot of talk about how easy to is to create one's own patches with the waveforms provided.. but my question is, if it is that easy why don't the devs provide tons of their own?
Nexus is a rompler, Luxonix Purity is a rompler (over 1000 quality patches and barely more than this, and cheaper if one owns ravity or previous luxonix customer.
Halion Sonic is a rompler, etc. Halion sonic SE comes with over 500 sounds in even the baby versions of Cubase.. Anyway, just my take, but i suspect I am not the target audience in this case.

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15 Mar 2015

By the way, if you want romplers in the meantime with alot of patches, i suggest a bundle of soundcells products for the same price, way beyond fairlight, or pink noise stuff. All provide ALOT of ready to play and use patches.

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15 Mar 2015

Theo.M - thank You for your opinion.
But we understand what is rompler. 

Our 40 patches in first release - only for start. You must understand that device can much more!   :s0511:  
Now we concentrate work on patches (its now task #1 for us) and about a week have plan to release 1.0.2 update with CPU/RAM using optimization. After it add new patches in every update releases.

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15 Mar 2015

turn2on wrote:Theo.M - thank You for your opinion.
But we understand what is rompler. 

Our 40 patches in first release - only for start. You must understand that device can much more!   :s0511:  
Now we concentrate work on patches (its now task #1 for us) and about a week have plan to release 1.0.2 update with CPU/RAM using optimization. After it add new patches in every update releases.

Ok well that sounds very promising then. I look forwarding to trying it in a few versions :)
If it can be anything like purity i will be very excited, as that one is a very small download and has hundreds of amazing patches, and is great value for money. Something like that on reason would be fantastic. Good luck! Cheers

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15 Mar 2015

Tried this device. First of all, fair price, that I admit. But not very flexible as is. The drums I think are the most usable if you like quirky sounds, the other samples or ROMs are not so much for my taste.
I would really like to use it as an FX section so that kind of an update (audio input) could make me buy it. However, it does use a lot of CPU as is. Another problem is that the amp envelope does not cover all ROMs but only the basic sound, which limits its possibilities a lot (for example to make bells, percussive sounds or pads) .
I think the FX are kind of nice and cover most areas. okay sound with minimal rotaries, something like the red devices of old in Reason. if they could be a bit more modular that would be welcome (it would be like an expanded version of Thor's FX).

Overall, the idea about this device is not bad at all, with some improvements it would be able to do a lot, at least for me

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15 Mar 2015

Hi there, 
I thought I would quickly help you out with your English description:
(I have simply fixed your description without changing it too much)
(anyone feel free to correct my changes.. i only made a very quick run through)

I figure we should help new devs rather than trash them, whether you like the RE or not. More is always better at this stage.

Turn2on Meteora is a new software sample based rompler for Reason. Meteora has quality sample based elements created with well known hardware synthesizers. These elements are presented as instrument lines. All these lines have a FILTER section. You can mix them and change the sound with the FX-Board section. The flexibility of our rompler with 14 effects can help you to build interesting sounds in just one minute! With Meteora you can build any kind of instruments, such as leads, bass, pads, beats and much more.
All You need with Meteora is a little time to experiment with sound. In the Convolution section we use 10 impulses. Quality Impulses emulate a few presets from well known hardware fx-processors. So, why did we call our rompler "Meteora"? It gives very quick results. Experiment with Meteora and open a new universe of sounds!
Base Signal
We use a well known hardware analog synthesizer to generate a base-signal for Meteora. Additional sections have samples of analog and virtual analog synthesizers. We combine these into one small creative box as a rompler device.
Oh.. Samples? We call our device a sample-based Rompler, because the multilayered samples we used are just the base-signal. This signal is then routed through the filters and fx-sections, and can be mixed and tuned. The samples used give the Meteora Rompler its own character, that can be seriously modified to allow you to create new sounds.
LFO (base-signal) + SineOsc
In the LFO section You can select Waveforms and use them to change the base-sound. You can also select the "Sync" button to synchronize the base-sound in Beats with tempo-scale. GLIDE control, trigger, rate and phase knobs help you change the basic sound of the device. You can use additional SineOsc for better results with the base-signal of Meteora.
Filter LP24 (base-signal)
In this section we used a classic LP24 filter with ADSR. You can use the Shaper Drive control to shape the sound.
Amp (base-signal)
AMP section includes ADSR and Velocity controllers.
Instrument sections
HyperSaw: sampled Hyper waveform of Saw signal.
Liquid: sampled sound of Pad with Lead from very well known German VA-synthesizer. 
Sub-Bass and TB: sampled bass sounds from classic ’90s British analog synthesizer. 
Drums: sampled one-shot kits. 
You can enable and mix these sections with the base-signal. Every section has level knobs, cut/reso/env and tune knobs for creating variations of the base device sound. 
All samples are recorded as mono/stereo signals.
FX Board
This section includes 14 FX: Chorus, Reverb, Delay, Phaser, Flanger, Lo-Fi, Rotary, Overdrive, Distortion, Compressor, Limiter, EQ, Multiband, End Filter. 
Adjustable settings of the effect sections can create variations of sounds that You build.
End Filter
This is the last FX unit in the FX section of the device. Here You can choose the type of filter: LP12, LP24, LP+, BP6, HP12, HP+ and control the filter with Cutoff and Resonance. 
Note: LP+ and HP+ are controlled only by Cutoff (Resonance is not active). 
After the End-Filter, the signal is routed into the Convolution section.
Convolution section includes 10 emulated impulses from a few popular hardware fx-processors. Note: For better DSP level use minimum on the Quality parameter knob.
All of Meteora's controls can be automated. 
Current version 1.0.1 contains 40 patches and 7 Combinators.
More patches for Meteora are planned for future updates.

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15 Mar 2015

You've seen this trend from me as well Theo? ;) My latest refill comes with about 300 patches and WBF comes with 3,500 patches, and you've seen this trend from me... as well...? Not very fair.

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15 Mar 2015

Ronin - thank You very much for your corrections. We use it on product page soon.

PS: we can add 5000 samples. But how it can helped users with 2/4Gb RAM? Play few layers of samples from 5000 samples when it need? Its way for samplers and refills. Not for device of this kind. 
Of course  we can play this 5000 samples into device. But we go other way - no quantity by samples.. More sound-modify elements. And we not say that never add anything into Meteora ;)  
Its not only box for samples. We work on patches - its what must known about Meteora today.. 

In future major update we add something for make Meteora more useful.

PPS: We create on our site page for Upload  Meteora`s Patches. 
If anybody interesting help to us create patch-library for Meteora, just upload patch and we add it to device library with Your name or artist nickname in next updates.

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15 Mar 2015

Many people nowadays are maybe too young to really experience the old romplers, but i remember them, and even still own some.
Unfortunately, reason REs are very limited in this respect, because it would seem the RE must load the full sample bank for each instance of the RE. So if you have a massive sample library you would need a super computer, not to mention the fact you double the samples each time you create a new instance of the RE in your project. These are failings/limitations of the RE SDK not the 3rd party devs.
Turn2on is correct in saying that some of things people want are more suited to refills for nnxt sampler, since RE cannot use the same functionality.

@turn2on no problems, i only took 5 minutes to correct some of your grammar, it was no trouble.

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15 Mar 2015

Ronin wrote:Many people nowadays are maybe too young to really experience the old romplers, but i remember them, and even still own some.
Unfortunately, reason REs are very limited in this respect, because it would seem the RE must load the full sample bank for each instance of the RE. So if you have a massive sample library you would need a super computer, not to mention the fact you double the samples each time you create a new instance of the RE in your project.
I don't think this makes any sense, as Reason shares all samples in the sample pool - no need to load the exact same samples twice! The SDK isn't THAT stupid…

And having a massive sample library vs a single device that loads your entire sample library are two entirely different things IMO. There's no need for a single RE to load every sample you own. ;)

Of COURSE an RE must load all samples at the time of creation, how else would you have a Rompler like immediate access to them? Some REs work around this by having the option to load additional samples, such as the Acoustic Guitar instrument from the Props via a back panel switch.
Selig Audio, LLC

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15 Mar 2015

Hello turn2on..is there a way to pitch bed the device?
Also ..It seems that you might be running out of screen area on the device...is there a way instead of an on/off switch for the convolution effects...you can add a wet/dry knob? with an additional OFF indicator bellow the ZERO mark of the wet/dry knob? 
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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15 Mar 2015

Ronin wrote:Many people nowadays are maybe too young to really experience the old romplers, but i remember them, and even still own some.
Unfortunately, reason REs are very limited in this respect, because it would seem the RE must load the full sample bank for each instance of the RE. So if you have a massive sample library you would need a super computer, not to mention the fact you double the samples each time you create a new instance of the RE in your project.
selig wrote:
I don't think this makes any sense, as Reason shares all samples in the sample pool - no need to load the exact same samples twice! The SDK isn't THAT stupid…
oh, thanks for the clarification, i was sure i read that's how it works somewhere.. sorry for that then, but the idea about loading all the samples still stands with regards to computer performance.

I guess the basic point i was making is that the more samples people want, the more dsp is used each time, because reason forces the RE to load them all? Is that more correct selig?

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15 Mar 2015

Ronin wrote:Many people nowadays are maybe too young to really experience the old romplers, but i remember them, and even still own some.
Unfortunately, reason REs are very limited in this respect, because it would seem the RE must load the full sample bank for each instance of the RE. So if you have a massive sample library you would need a super computer, not to mention the fact you double the samples each time you create a new instance of the RE in your project.
selig wrote:
I don't think this makes any sense, as Reason shares all samples in the sample pool - no need to load the exact same samples twice! The SDK isn't THAT stupid…
Ronin wrote:
oh, thanks for the clarification, i was sure i read that's how it works somewhere.. sorry for that then, but the idea about loading all the samples still stands with regards to computer performance.

I guess the basic point i was making is that the more samples people want, the more dsp is used each time, because reason forces the RE to load them all? Is that more correct selig?
Samples use RAM, not DSP (well, some DSP, but not compared to RAM). Things like filters or reverbs use DSP.

The only feature I'm aware of that would help in this regard (RAM usage) is disk streaming, something Reason users have been asking about for years now! :)
Selig Audio, LLC

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15 Mar 2015

yes sorry meant ram (or just pc power in general), im distracted :P

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15 Mar 2015

pjeudy wrote:...is there a way instead of an on/off switch for the convolution effects...
Testing you're device right now...Let me say this in all caps "WE NEED A LEVEL CONTROL FOR THE CONVOLUTION EFFECT!!!!!"

I', trying the first OSC playing with EKO Plate..it sound cool...but I can't lower the convolution!
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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15 Mar 2015

last line of concolution police caracter are cutted by rack, sry for my english

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16 Mar 2015

SLOW COMPUTER message at start
We recieve few emails from users about "why at start of open project we have window Your computer - slow."
Its problem of small RAM on PC. If You have 2 or 4 Gb RAM - you can work with IDT RE fine, but only at start have this window with message about slow computer...
When Reason open project with RE, you can see calculation status of loading samples and reserve space into RAM. Reason calculating test and can understand that you have slow PC (2-4 gb RAM), after calculating - DSP level jump to Max red section, after it Reason open dialog window "your computer slow".   You can work fine with RE if close this window and press STOP/PLAY buttons. 
Its problem only if you have 1-4Gb RAM. But after close this window - you can work fine.

Now we optimze samples for better DSP level at start for slow PCs in coming update. 

Hello turn2on..is there a way to pitch bed the device?

Sorry for bad english, try to ask more understandable please. 
May be You talk about on/off instrument lines into device for DSP (RAM use) economy? When You on/off lines, all samples of this line - used or not used physically. More lines active - more RAM need. 

Today for work with sample-libraries with multilayered samples needs from 8Gb / 16 Gb better. We test our device on laptop i5, 2 cores, 8gb. All work fine!

As sayd upper, yes - samples use RAM, FXs - use CPU.

So, we must talk about why it ROMLER device for better understand!
As you can see, Orange IDT product - intresting synth. But it IDT.
When we work on Meteora - we named our product story:
- Meteora Synthesizer
- Meteora Sample-based Synthesizer
- and after on pre-release we understand. This kind of IDT device wrong called SYNTH!
Why? As fact, IDT - box with own elements, but based on samples... IDT not have elements for generate sound, IDT use sample-library. Only one element into IDT have generate function. Its SineOSC element. And its - one element for IDT, that can help call device - SYNTH.

We talk about it, for better understand IDT devices. We can named them SYNTH but its really not. 
In this way we search adecvate name for description of our device. We work in 2000 with hardware romplers =) And ROMPLER - its better name for this kind of RE. Because device use base of samples library as hardware rompler. We can add effects, LFO, filters! Yes - its all characterely for old hardware ROMPLERS. 
We think that any IDT RE - is rompler type device. Its more right for any IDT RE as we see it.
We think at start called SYNTH, but its wrong way.. 
We named device ROMPLER, because at fact -  IDT just rompler-type devices any way.

Users not fully understand what it mean. One said its box for Refiil, other said its synth. We said IDT - is rompler devices.

So, You can named that class of devices how You can whant. Its not important. Its only IDT RE with same functions and various elements and architect structure.  

More SAMPLES for device?
Its not Refill. We can add something to device from time to time upgarding device for better ways of device evolution. But we need more effectly use structure of device, then just add more samples of any kind... its good way - open horizons of architecture scheme of device then just use more samples..

Also ..It seems that you might be running out of screen area on the device...is there a way instead of an on/off switch for the convolution effects...you can add a wet/dry knob? with an additional OFF indicator bellow the ZERO mark of the wet/dry knob? 
last line of concolution police caracter are cutted by rack, sry for my english

Convlution section now have last line out of screen in GUI. We resolve this problem soon when easy-restructurize this section.
We talk on this topic that we work on Dry/Wet knobs for Convolutions. Now in current developed build it work unstable and we work on it. In future updates we have plans to add Dry/Wet for Convolution!  8-)  Its must have function!!!

Testing you're device right now...Let me say this in all caps "WE NEED A LEVEL CONTROL FOR THE CONVOLUTION EFFECT!!!!!"
Yes. We add this function anyway in future. Now its work unsatble and at start 1.0.1 version we not include it. But its must have. Please wait it =) work on it.

What waiting in future from this device?
We have big plans to upgrade architecture scheme of device from time to time as major free updates. What we have now in current 1.0.1 - its not final in devise-scheme!  :)
We not only developers. We musicians and love instruments! And create this instrument for musicians with love.

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16 Mar 2015

stratatonic wrote:Looks cool. Would be nice to have Audio In jacks so you could access the FX/convolution section....
I would be cool, however at the moment the IDT SDK does not have that option.

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16 Mar 2015

I would be cool, however at the moment the IDT SDK does not have that option.
We cant talk about SDK nuances. But now - IDT no have Audio-Input. But if You have dev acc, you can read wishlist.

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