MIDI-CV Converter: I searched, but couldn’t find a thread...

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20 May 2018

I actually OWN two hardware MIDI-CV converters, however inside of Reason this is obviously a different concept.

A: can somebody break down a usage case other than “chaining players”? In some detail please, I really want to understand the value here, as my gut tells me this could be very useful.

B: what exactly IS PolyCV? in the “real world” CV is always a single source unless you mix/merge them, and even then it’s a single voltage and monophonic in nature...in Reason we have this PolyCV idea and I don’t understand it yet. Would somebody help me to better understand this feature, please?

C: I’ve always used 10-20 EMI devices to control MIDI devices in my studio in the opposite manner——CV to MIDI CC....But with a MIDI input, I can now change that directly to a CV source? Am I on the right path?
DAW: Reason 12

SAMPLERS: Akai MPC 2000, E-mu SP1200, E-Mu e5000Ultra, Ensoniq EPS 16+, Akai S950, Maschine

SYNTHS: Mostly classic Polysynths and more modern Monosynths. All are mostly food for my samplers!


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20 May 2018

You have a midi note, which lets you control CV. Just image you want to play a high resonating BP filter of an EQ. No you want to play a chord? Send one midi note to a Scales%Chords, grab all CV fro this PLayer and send them to a differen EQ bands or separted filters.

Want to play a song from one press of a key? Use the note->cv to control devices, trigger other notes, scale CVs or what ever.

You now can mix midi notes (and chords) from keybnoard or arpagiators with CV signals and vice versa.

Send a randomly slowly changing LFO to a Scales%Chords controling a synth. You have music for years.

I expect much more ideas and devices in future here.

Check this out:http://blamsoft.com/polycv/. It sends out all pressed notes over CV by a defined protocol. The notes are send each after each AFAIK.

Yes. And you can manipulate it like a CV, like calculating, filtering, echoing, modulating and send it back to a midi if you like.

If yo are interested in this stuff, you might want to check out this:
https://shop.propellerheads.se/rack-ext ... layer-tap/
https://shop.propellerheads.se/rack-ext ... onverter/c
https://shop.propellerheads.se/browse/? ... 0Bean%20AB
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21 May 2018

jimmyklane wrote:
20 May 2018
B: what exactly IS PolyCV? in the “real world” CV is always a single source unless you mix/merge them, and even then it’s a single voltage and monophonic in nature...in Reason we have this PolyCV idea and I don’t understand it yet. Would somebody help me to better understand this feature, please?
Blamsoft might want to chime in on this but for me, the main difference between Reason's built-in CV protocol (for triggering notes) and Poly CV is this: In the built-in protocol the note CV cable is used to transmit pitch and the gate CV cable is used to transmit velocity for the last note played. When the gate value goes back to 0, all notes that are currently playing are released.

That is, while Reason's built-in protocol allows you to play chords, releasing one of the keys in the chord will automatically release all of them. PolyCV, however, uses some clever tricks to keep track of individual note releases. So with PolyCV, releasing one of the notes in a chord won't automatically release the other notes. (PolyCV has other features too but that's the highlight, IMO).

The MIDI-CV Converter Player device allows you to send notes from anywhere in a Player stack to anywhere in another Player stack, or to send notes from a Player stack to a CV utility device (or vice-versa). I think of it as a "MIDI Cable" that allows you to transmit notes from anywhere to anywhere in Reason's rack environment.

Best regards,

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21 May 2018

hamzter wrote:
21 May 2018
jimmyklane wrote:
20 May 2018
B: what exactly IS PolyCV? in the “real world” CV is always a single source unless you mix/merge them, and even then it’s a single voltage and monophonic in nature...in Reason we have this PolyCV idea and I don’t understand it yet. Would somebody help me to better understand this feature, please?
Blamsoft might want to chime in on this but for me, the main difference between Reason's built-in CV protocol (for triggering notes) and Poly CV is this: In the built-in protocol the note CV cable is used to transmit pitch and the gate CV cable is used to transmit velocity for the last note played. When the gate value goes back to 0, all notes that are currently playing are released.

That is, while Reason's built-in protocol allows you to play chords, releasing one of the keys in the chord will automatically release all of them. PolyCV, however, uses some clever tricks to keep track of individual note releases. So with PolyCV, releasing one of the notes in a chord won't automatically release the other notes. (PolyCV has other features too but that's the highlight, IMO).

The MIDI-CV Converter Player device allows you to send notes from anywhere in a Player stack to anywhere in another Player stack, or to send notes from a Player stack to a CV utility device (or vice-versa). I think of it as a "MIDI Cable" that allows you to transmit notes from anywhere to anywhere in Reason's rack environment.

Best regards,
THAT makes sense. Thank you. Once in a while I come upon a concept I’ve never run into and it’s nice to have it explained to me in simpler terms!
DAW: Reason 12

SAMPLERS: Akai MPC 2000, E-mu SP1200, E-Mu e5000Ultra, Ensoniq EPS 16+, Akai S950, Maschine

SYNTHS: Mostly classic Polysynths and more modern Monosynths. All are mostly food for my samplers!


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21 May 2018

I’m finding many uses for this RE, including creating splits/stacks in the MIDI world, using MIDI to control other Players not in the current stack (like using notes on one keyboard to live transpose notes on another track/sequencer etc.), using MIDI notes (sequencer tracks) as a source to control devices via CV, or vise versa using CV to control or play devices via MIDI.

It’s a simple concept, but as such has many potential applications IMO.

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25 May 2018

hamzter wrote:
21 May 2018
jimmyklane wrote:
20 May 2018
B: what exactly IS PolyCV? in the “real world” CV is always a single source unless you mix/merge them, and even then it’s a single voltage and monophonic in nature...in Reason we have this PolyCV idea and I don’t understand it yet. Would somebody help me to better understand this feature, please?
Blamsoft might want to chime in on this but for me, the main difference between Reason's built-in CV protocol (for triggering notes) and Poly CV is this: In the built-in protocol the note CV cable is used to transmit pitch and the gate CV cable is used to transmit velocity for the last note played. When the gate value goes back to 0, all notes that are currently playing are released.

That is, while Reason's built-in protocol allows you to play chords, releasing one of the keys in the chord will automatically release all of them. PolyCV, however, uses some clever tricks to keep track of individual note releases. So with PolyCV, releasing one of the notes in a chord won't automatically release the other notes. (PolyCV has other features too but that's the highlight, IMO).

The MIDI-CV Converter Player device allows you to send notes from anywhere in a Player stack to anywhere in another Player stack, or to send notes from a Player stack to a CV utility device (or vice-versa). I think of it as a "MIDI Cable" that allows you to transmit notes from anywhere to anywhere in Reason's rack environment.

Best regards,
This is a good explanation describing the problem and need for PolyCV. Thanks Gustav!

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27 May 2018

You can also use CVA-7 https://pongasoft.com/rack-extensions/CVA7.html (which is free) to "see" what note or gate value a CV signal would trigger were you to plug it in the Note/Gate CV input of another device. The documentation page has also some details on the math to interpret a CV signal as a note or a gate which may be useful to understand.


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31 May 2018

pongasoft wrote:
27 May 2018
You can also use CVA-7 https://pongasoft.com/rack-extensions/CVA7.html (which is free) to "see" what note or gate value a CV signal would trigger were you to plug it in the Note/Gate CV input of another device. The documentation page has also some details on the math to interpret a CV signal as a note or a gate which may be useful to understand.

I did not know that...thanks and downloaded!!!
DAW: Reason 12

SAMPLERS: Akai MPC 2000, E-mu SP1200, E-Mu e5000Ultra, Ensoniq EPS 16+, Akai S950, Maschine

SYNTHS: Mostly classic Polysynths and more modern Monosynths. All are mostly food for my samplers!


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31 May 2018

Some examples ....

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09 May 2019

Why this MIDI-CV Converter send any gates (with standard, no POLY mode) with 127 (full) velocities and can't send incoming velocity from keys?

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27 May 2019

UPD: 1.01 version works well with velocity. Shop don't showed to me update info.

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31 May 2019

Do CVPT and Mopol combined do essentially the same as Midi Cv converter? Or is there more to it?
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31 May 2019

CVPT+MoPol have limit by 8 voices only.
But theoretically if CVPT send 16 channels to 2 MoPol and couple it to extra Mopol... I spent $9 for dont test it :)
Last edited by ljekio on 31 May 2019, edited 1 time in total.

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31 May 2019

ljekio wrote:
31 May 2019
CVPT+MoPol have limit by 8 voices only.
Aaa. Thanks.
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