Parsec 2 is in the shop!

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08 Oct 2016

Offcourse an update like this will not be totally free. But I do agree that €40 is way too much for many to just pay without even being able to try what´s in it. For me, this is maximum €20 upgrade. I already paid €99 and wont pay way over the standard non-sale price. It´s just dont make sense, even in an commercial manner. But I do think it´s great to see an improvement of this lovely synth. But I will wait for a sale on this one. Had I had the economy, I would have pushed the button at first sight though. we all have different finances and what is ok for some, might be steeper for others. We no live in a just world, so better we respect our different points of view on this one.
Last edited by Yonatan on 08 Oct 2016, edited 2 times in total.

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08 Oct 2016

woozy wrote:Some my old patches are totally messed up and sounds very different this is really bad, because i put a lot work to make them sound good, some are really silent, prop should make update for compatibility mode for old version, because it's like pay 39euro to mess up your sounds what a shame hope they will do something about it.I'm really stressed about it and disappointed. :(
Wow that's kinda scary...
However I noticed they said on their facebook page that Parsec 2 is compatible with Parsec 1 patches, to me that means that previuosly released patches and refills should work as expected.
Maybe you stumbled upon some bug? Try to contact them directly via support and/or via facebook page!
The best things happen after reading the manual. ;)
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08 Oct 2016

I like the idea of Parsec 2 but the pricing penalizes the existing user.

If I originally paid $119 for Parsec and then have to pay an additional $39 for the upgrade (Parsec2) where is the financial incentive? A new user get's a better Parsec 2 at the same price of $119 existing users paid. Again, current users are being up-charged.

Not sure how Props didn't see this. Or, maybe they did!

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08 Oct 2016

woozy wrote:Some my old patches are totally messed up and sounds very different this is really bad, because i put a lot work to make them sound good, some are really silent, prop should make update for compatibility mode for old version, because it's like pay 39euro to mess up your sounds what a shame hope they will do something about it.I'm really stressed about it and disappointed. :(
Can you zip one that is messed up and attach it here so we can see what is happening?

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08 Oct 2016

ClassickHitz wrote:I like the idea of Parsec 2 but the pricing penalizes the existing user.

If I originally paid $119 for Parsec and then have to pay an additional $39 for the upgrade (Parsec2) where is the financial incentive? A new user get's a better Parsec 2 at the same price of $119 existing users paid. Again, current users are being up-charged.

Not sure how Props didn't see this. Or, maybe they did!
That's how it works with most paid upgrades and new versions though. What the person has gotten who already purchased version 1 is that they have used that version over a period of time; a time in which the customer purchasing now did not have it. Parsec has been out for about 3 years. Not saying everyone who owns it has owned it that long, but it would be like someone arguing that they could've waited 3 years to 'get the same deal as everyone else' (when clearly having it for that much longer is the better deal). As far as a grace period however, I haven't seen any mention... But if someone was concerned with having just paid $119 within the last month or so, I would contact Propellerhead. No promises, but worth a shot.

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08 Oct 2016

glad I don't own parsec !! expensive device to start with now they wanna charge that amount for upgrade lol id say cheeky f+*+ers lol.
people really do want to take mugs for a ride now days .

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08 Oct 2016

Parsec is my go-to, so I upgraded and I'm delighted with the new version, well done PH, fine work. I do also agree that the upgrade price, and no trial options for existing users, is a total liberty by PH. Many users are clearly not happy and judging by the PH response they don't actually seem to be listening to their loyal customers. What can you do though? I find Reason and many of the in-house RE's invaluable, I also only use Reason, it doesn't mean I think they're a great company and clearly my opinion doesn't really matter too much to them, hey ho. One thing's for sure, they definitely won't sell Reason 10 without offering a trial for existing Reason users, way too risky and too much money to lose - after all, that is what it's about.

Tell you what though, I'm blown away by how much free stuff Lectric Panda have dished out recently. Their stuff is just awesome if anyone is wondering, if they made a DAW I think it would be a very different experience to any other out there - very cool. The PSQ-1684 is now fixed in my rack permanently, how was I ever going to deny it playing with Parsec 2? I'm happy to be a sucker this time around!

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08 Oct 2016

joeyluck wrote:
ClassickHitz wrote:I like the idea of Parsec 2 but the pricing penalizes the existing user.

If I originally paid $119 for Parsec and then have to pay an additional $39 for the upgrade (Parsec2) where is the financial incentive? A new user get's a better Parsec 2 at the same price of $119 existing users paid. Again, current users are being up-charged.

Not sure how Props didn't see this. Or, maybe they did!
That's how it works with most paid upgrades and new versions though.
Just think about Reason itself - a new user can just pay $399 for Reason 9! But someone who's had Reason since 4 might have had to pay $399 + five other upgrade prices! Obviously a scam, and we should all get on PH's case for not dropping free product in our laps, the scoundrels!

...You know, I know times can be tough, but I really have to resist the implications that when someone can't afford something it's somehow someone else's moral failing to have not priced things within their budget.

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08 Oct 2016

dvdrtldg wrote:I'm a little mystified by all this whining about not being able to trial Parsec 2. If you've got Parsec, then you know basically what you're dealing with. The new features on P2 are well explained, and it shouldn't be too hard to see that they amount to a whole bunch of goodness. If it were an entirely new synth or a radical redesign, I'd say Yeah maybe it should be open to another trial. But it's pretty clear what this is: Parsec, with added Parsec-style awesomeness. Is it $40 worth of awesomeness? that's the big question. But I bought it figuring that even if the new features are over-hyped, I'd still be getting $20 worth of awesomeness at least (turns out I think it's worth every penny)

In short: it's Parsec. If already have it, or you've trialled version 1, then you get the idea. If you love Parsec, then you'll love this, and all for considerably less than the price of a medium-sized night out
I'm completely shocked they are attempting to charge for an upgrade to a synth! If I owned this synth I'd be one unhappy panda right now. At this rate I won't even trial Parsec because I am fundamentally against it. Let's see here: Ableton Link and an overpricecd upgrade to a synth... Should I be worried?

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08 Oct 2016

alex wrote:
woozy wrote:Some my old patches are totally messed up and sounds very different this is really bad, because i put a lot work to make them sound good, some are really silent, prop should make update for compatibility mode for old version, because it's like pay 39euro to mess up your sounds what a shame hope they will do something about it.I'm really stressed about it and disappointed. :(
Wow that's kinda scary...
However I noticed they said on their facebook page that Parsec 2 is compatible with Parsec 1 patches, to me that means that previuosly released patches and refills should work as expected.
Maybe you stumbled upon some bug? Try to contact them directly via support and/or via facebook page!
I will contact them now i'm sorting out good from bad ones and trying fix them some are fixable but still not 100% sounds like it should, the problem is comb+ filter all patches are messed up with comb filter and some are strangely silent. To my knowledge the frequencies are off like it should be in original and it's really hard to correct them because of very fine control with comb filters.

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08 Oct 2016

jfrichards wrote:
woozy wrote:Some my old patches are totally messed up and sounds very different this is really bad, because i put a lot work to make them sound good, some are really silent, prop should make update for compatibility mode for old version, because it's like pay 39euro to mess up your sounds what a shame hope they will do something about it.I'm really stressed about it and disappointed. :(
Can you zip one that is messed up and attach it here so we can see what is happening?
i could but what's the point if i can't compare it to original because already upgraded to v2. I only know how it should sound in my head, i'll sent some patches to props i think.

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08 Oct 2016

woozy wrote:
jfrichards wrote:
woozy wrote:Some my old patches are totally messed up and sounds very different this is really bad, because i put a lot work to make them sound good, some are really silent, prop should make update for compatibility mode for old version, because it's like pay 39euro to mess up your sounds what a shame hope they will do something about it.I'm really stressed about it and disappointed. :(
Can you zip one that is messed up and attach it here so we can see what is happening?
i could but what's the point if i can't compare it to original because already upgraded to v2. I only know how it should sound in my head, i'll sent some patches to props i think.
Do you have any computers you have worked on where you sync'd your REs previously. I have my REs on every work computer at every theatre in which I work, so I know they all aren't up to date. You could check there without syncing Parsec again.

Or I'm sure if you want to post a few patches in question here within a song or with MIDI file any of us still with version 1 can export and share with you so you can compare.

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08 Oct 2016

stp2015 wrote:I just realized there is no stereo spread on the unison...That is a bit of a let down.
That's not correct, there is a spread function and you can spread the unison really wide with it.
What is really amazing about the spread function is, that it is 100% mono compatible, which you doen't get with any other synth out there!!!
This is because the Spread function spreads the partials and not voices, see manual:
Spread.jpg (264.94 KiB) Viewed 2244 times

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08 Oct 2016

Price for the upgrade seemed fair enough to me - Of course I had to get V2

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08 Oct 2016

riemac wrote:
stp2015 wrote:I just realized there is no stereo spread on the unison...That is a bit of a let down.
That's not correct, there is a spread function and you can spread the unison really wide with it.
What is really amazing about the spread function is, that it is 100% mono compatible, which you doen't get with any other synth out there!!!
This is because the Spread function spreads the partials and not voices
Noxious also does this. I think I mightve made a post about it once. Here's something I do with it that always sounds cool. The same applies to Parsec.
A cool thing i discovered was splitting the Noxious stereo out into 2 separate mono signals. With a different FX chain on each mono signal, playing with the Width sounds cool. Since the partials are individually panned, the width knob changes the timbre of each FX chain.

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08 Oct 2016

I see, thanks for explaining. I had played around with the spread button, and it seemed to me that it worked only when both operators were switched on. Will look at it again :)

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08 Oct 2016

Smart move by the props to put parsec on sale a few months before they drop a new version to increase the user base. I picked it up on sale and when I got a mail about the upgrade my first thought was "shit they're probably going to charge full price for this". So I'm happy enough that they offer a decent upgrade price.
Now get to work on updating the stock devices gosh dummit and make sure to include them for everyone at no cost (except the reason update price ofc). Stock devices are important due to the refill ecosystem, which could do with some revitalizing.

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08 Oct 2016

platzangst wrote:
joeyluck wrote:
ClassickHitz wrote:I like the idea of Parsec 2 but the pricing penalizes the existing user.

If I originally paid $119 for Parsec and then have to pay an additional $39 for the upgrade (Parsec2) where is the financial incentive? A new user get's a better Parsec 2 at the same price of $119 existing users paid. Again, current users are being up-charged.

Not sure how Props didn't see this. Or, maybe they did!
That's how it works with most paid upgrades and new versions though.
Just think about Reason itself - a new user can just pay $399 for Reason 9! But someone who's had Reason since 4 might have had to pay $399 + five other upgrade prices! Obviously a scam, and we should all get on PH's case for not dropping free product in our laps, the scoundrels!
That's one way of looking at it. But another way would be to say someone who's had Reason since 4 can upgrade to R9 for just $129. Anyone can then see the financial upside to that. If a person chooses to keep upgrading an entire DAW version after version there must be some apparent benefits.

It doesn't make sense for me to pay for an update on a device I already have especially if I'm paying more than a new customer. And I'm definitely making a distinction between a single device and an entire DAW.

If this is the new business model then I'll be the first to go on the record saying I won't be buying Reason single device plugins and paying for updates too.

And for the record Native Instruments and Logic have been cranking out free upgrades for their entire platform that past fews updates.

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08 Oct 2016

ClassickHitz wrote:
platzangst wrote:
joeyluck wrote:
ClassickHitz wrote:I like the idea of Parsec 2 but the pricing penalizes the existing user.

If I originally paid $119 for Parsec and then have to pay an additional $39 for the upgrade (Parsec2) where is the financial incentive? A new user get's a better Parsec 2 at the same price of $119 existing users paid. Again, current users are being up-charged.

Not sure how Props didn't see this. Or, maybe they did!
That's how it works with most paid upgrades and new versions though.
Just think about Reason itself - a new user can just pay $399 for Reason 9! But someone who's had Reason since 4 might have had to pay $399 + five other upgrade prices! Obviously a scam, and we should all get on PH's case for not dropping free product in our laps, the scoundrels!
That's one way of looking at it. But another way would be to say someone who's had Reason since 4 can upgrade to R9 for just $129. Anyone can then see the financial upside to that. If a person chooses to keep upgrading an entire DAW version after version there must be some apparent benefits.

It doesn't make sense for me to pay for an update on a device I already have especially if I'm paying more than a new customer. And I'm definitely making a distinction between a single device and an entire DAW.

If this is the new business model then I'll be the first to go on the record saying I won't be buying Reason single device plugins and paying for updates too.

And for the record Native Instruments and Logic have been cranking out free upgrades for their entire platform that past fews updates.
Just playing devil's advocate here…

Logic doens't let you upgrade though, you have to purchase a new version every time one is released. How is that any more fair?

I've paid for almost every NI upgrade for the past 10+ years now. In my experience I'd say the Props have given me far more free upgrades than NI and definitely more than Logic!

And one can also argue that you are not paying more than a new customer, you are paying LESS than a new customer which has to purchase the RE at full price. So would you rather have the "Logic" model where EVERYONE pays full price for new versions, or get the loyal user discount?

I'm sure there are some holes in my logic, so fire away if you see any!

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08 Oct 2016

ClassickHitz wrote:And for the record Native Instruments and Logic have been cranking out free upgrades for their entire platform that past fews updates.
Apple is a special case. They clearly make little to no money on Logic. It's there to advance the Mac platform. As for Native Instruments, the update is to Komplete is not free. it costs roughly 50% the price of the full version.
Last edited by jonheal on 08 Oct 2016, edited 1 time in total.
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08 Oct 2016

golddustwoman wrote:Parsec is my go-to...

Tell you what though, I'm blown away by how much free stuff Lectric Panda have dished out recently. Their stuff is just awesome if anyone is wondering, if they made a DAW I think it would be a very different experience to any other out there - very cool. The PSQ-1684 is now fixed in my rack permanently, how was I ever going to deny it playing with Parsec 2? I'm happy to be a sucker this time around!
This seems appropriate for you. :lol:

Lectric Panda Generates Parsec (148M)

But be warned, with Nostromo, I can run all my generated patches though a process that levels the patch volume and removes silent patches. I don't have this ability with parsec so about 5% of these patches will be silent, but many more will be awesome!

Edit: These were generated a few weeks ago, so they are for Parsec v1.
Last edited by rcbuse on 08 Oct 2016, edited 1 time in total.

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08 Oct 2016

ClassickHitz wrote: It doesn't make sense for me to pay for an update on a device I already have especially if I'm paying more than a new customer. And I'm definitely making a distinction between a single device and an entire DAW.

If this is the new business model then I'll be the first to go on the record saying I won't be buying Reason single device plugins and paying for updates too.

And for the record Native Instruments and Logic have been cranking out free upgrades for their entire platform that past fews updates.
Well, and Reason 9.1 was a free upgrade (from 9) - and they tried out a pay-what-you-want upgrade some time back. So there's that.

And, you know, if you don't see the value in what Parsec 2 offers over the original Parsec, that's fine, I don't have any problem when someone just says, "well, this isn't for me".

What I object to is framing it as a moral issue - that is to say, because PH isn't offering an upgrade for free, that's somehow a sign of PH disrespecting their customers, or showing some kind of bad and wrong behavior. I roll my eyes at the mumming of outrage, as people are shocked, shocked!--

--when a company asks them to pay something for their work. If it's not worth it to you, don't buy it, but I can do without the pontificating once again from some folks about how PH are violating some kind of unspoken rule of music software sales etiquette when they don't just sling out free stuff 24/7 (while conveniently forgetting when PH has given gifts and perks).

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08 Oct 2016

Man, everyone complaining about the price and I'm here, paid the update hoping I might finally like it and I still think it sound bad. There's something about Parsec that just doesn't jive with me.

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08 Oct 2016

:clap: And yet most of the People who purchased/demoed Parsec 2 day 1 have yet to even talk about there experiences with the new features. might be busy messing around with it ? Fighting about someones opinion about price is more fun then actually talking about the Plugins new features to the RACK EXTENSION format.
...Yea I know..why don't I try it my self right? ....sigh
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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08 Oct 2016

This should be a free upgrade. Money grubbing swedish bastards.
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