Fritz Granular Engine is in the Shop!

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19 Aug 2016

jfrichards wrote:
jfrichards wrote:I have a sneaking suspicion that Fritz will be 50 guitar effects and 50 vocal effects right out of the device (intended or unintended), then the sky's the limit.
Hot damn! This may be the best guitar pedal ever made! I have it running right after the amp/cab sims like Revival, Kuassa, and Softube. It's way beyond my expectations.
Jiminy crickets, adding this on electric guitar produces some neat, unexpected stuff! It sounds especially nice when mixing back some of the original guitar with the Dry/Wet knob. The grain display is awesome while the dynamic effects just wash, rinse and repeat. Instabuy! :puf_smile:
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20 Aug 2016

To randomize patches was my favorite feature in the MicroKorg XL software, and ever since the start of Rack Extentions have i wished for this feature on a RE. Lectric Panda you beautiful bastard! Keep up the great work :)

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20 Aug 2016

jonheal wrote:How long is the input buffer?
As far as I can tell the input buffer should be as big as the knob delay value, which ranges from 10msec to 4sec when in free mode,
and from 1/128 to 4/4 (full bar) when in sync mode.
The delay value can be further controlled by the "scale" knob which act as multplier for it, and can bring it up to 200%, i.e. 8sec if I'm not mistaken...
Lots of stuff with this device! :)
The best things happen after reading the manual. ;)
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20 Aug 2016

WongoTheSane wrote:
Jmax wrote:Pretty kewl.. I haven't trialed it yet but will shortly. But can't help asking does it come with some patches? if so how many?
There are 30 patches, but honestly, it's one of those devices where patches are mostly only useful in the context of your own workflow. The actual output of Fritz is extremely dependant on the source audio, so creating "meaningful" patches would require either to provide full songs, or detailed instructions (like "this patch expects a drums pattern in 1/16th with as little tail as possible") which can't fit in a patch name and are rather difficult to embed even in a combi, as you can't guarantee the users will have Selig's ReMark or Jiggery-Pokery's TMA.

Additionally, the "Randomize" button is pretty much an instant patch creator, so the lack of "official" presets shouldn't be a problem. From my own experience and what I've read in this thread, the "common" way to use it is to insert it in an FX chain and click "Random" a few times until you find something you like. The Randomizer is "intelligent" and yields very good and usable results almost everytime.[/quote

Thanks for the info! can't wait to grab this thing, but once it goes on sale sometime. Wallet is empty already lol

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20 Aug 2016

Another great RE by Lectric Panda!

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20 Aug 2016

What a beautiful device. Here it's adding numerous subtle and strong effects at the same time to two simple guitar lines (Creme):

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22 Aug 2016

I made a clip for this cool rack extension.
The is start with the tip of Rob and Challism.
challism wrote: And here is something that Rob came up with.... try it out:
reset the device.
set the delay to 4 seconds.
record some variable audio like someone talking.
freeze the input.
sweep the scale from 0% to 200%, watch the grains float on the display and notice how it matches up with the audio scrubbing.
Change the spray and watch them dance around where you set the scale.
Change pitch and watch the grains flow in either direction.
Up the length and watch more grains appear.
An quietly began and later with the random button.
Also i try the OBS Studio.

A Controle Freak. Loves Logic&Reason&Luna ;) , remote controllers.

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25 Aug 2016

How does this compare to the Neuron RE? Is it similar in concept with more control, or is it a totally different monster all together?

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25 Aug 2016

K1TTENM1TTEN wrote:How does this compare to the Neuron RE? Is it similar in concept with more control, or is it a totally different monster all together?
Looks like Neutron 4.0
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25 Aug 2016

Similar concept, I guess, but it behaves differently and it has way more knobs. Buy both and call it a day! :puf_smile:
Jon Heal:reason: :re: :refill:Do not click this link!

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Last Alternative
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25 Aug 2016

Looks awesome but no one answered the questions of latency. That's a very important factor.
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25 Aug 2016

I'm not sure this is the sort of device where latency is even a consideration. I suppose there are "conventional" studio uses for it, but for me, it's a massive sound mangler where normal concepts of space and time lose all meaning.
Last edited by jonheal on 25 Aug 2016, edited 2 times in total.
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25 Aug 2016

Last Alternative wrote:Looks awesome but no one answered the questions of latency. That's a very important factor.
There is always some latency. At its core is a input history buffer the grains play out of.

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25 Aug 2016

^I don't understand what that means.
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25 Aug 2016

Last Alternative wrote:^I don't understand what that means.
Well, you have all these short snippets of sound called grains. These little snippets of audio have to come from somewhere, and that is the past audio was put into the device. So they play from a point in history set by the delay parameter.

If you slam the delay down to zero, you get "real time" playback, but if you pitch the grain down, its playing slower than the input, so thats a delay, if you pitch the grain up, it has to start with a delay so it doesn't run out of audio.

It is at its core a device that plays back delayed audio, so I can't say there isn't any latency, its effects are achieved by introducing latency. 1000's of little snippets of latency.

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25 Aug 2016

Here's my monies !! instabought, without trying even .... was disappoint by neutron (no high freqs) so this filled the spot, and much more ! Randomizing my balls off, saving lots of patches allready.

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25 Aug 2016

OK you guys... it does the transformers voice---SOLD! ...when I have the money.
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25 Aug 2016

Last Alternative wrote:^I don't understand what that means.
I guess you worry about latency because you want to avoid phasing issues, but there aren't any here, as in normal conditions the delay between the input and the output is way too long to cause them on one hand (up to 8 seconds more or less, as opposed to a few dozens samples for those devices which can cause phasing problems), and that delay is often variable (either because you move/automate a control, or you modulate it through any number of settings) on the other.

Generally speaking, even when using it on a parallel channel, I wouldn't worry about phase or latency, as Fritz operates way outside that range.

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25 Aug 2016

Last Alternative wrote:OK you guys... it does the transformers voice---SOLD! ...when I have the money.
(1.71 KiB) Downloaded 128 times

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26 Aug 2016

Great device! I like what i hear and it looks great. I have one question: When ph will allow sample import and saving samples will there an update on fritz? -》granular sampler?


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26 Aug 2016

Looks like another brilliant plugin from LP. Instant buy.

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30 Aug 2016

Would it make sense to add a note and gate input or use it as an instrument? A transpose to midi notes could be interesting, even if it is mono (with Distributor i can make it poly)
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30 Aug 2016

Loque wrote:Would it make sense to add a note and gate input or use it as an instrument? A transpose to midi notes could be interesting, even if it is mono (with Distributor i can make it poly)
It can be played as an instrument, here's how! (actual song files and demo can be found at the end of the next post below).

We're going to actually "play" grains by using Gate and CV signals from a Thor to control Fritz's Semitone function. The range is C1 to C5.

The Note CV doesn't map to a 24 semitones scale, so we're going to use a little trick to coerce one into the other: we will take the Note CV output from Thor, split it in 4, then merge those 4 signals together to add them (which is equivalent to multiplying the CV by 4). Once that is done, we'll scale the result by 95% to fit perfectly to the 25 steps scale of the Semitone knob (one middle note, 12 above and 12 below).

Create a Combinator. Inside, drag a Fritz, a Spider CV and a Thor (in this order). Flip the rack around, and unfold the combi's programmer.

On Thor:
- Drag CV1 Modulation Output to the Spider's Split A Input.
- Drag CV2 Modulation Output to the combi's Programmer CV In 2 and set it to "Unipolar".

On Spider:
- Split A Output 1 goes to Merge Input 1
- Split A Output 2 goes to Merge Input 2
- Split A Output 3 goes to Split B Input 1
- Split B Output 1 goes to Merge Input 3
- Split B Output 2 goes to Merge Input 4
- Merge Out goes to the combi's programmer CV In 1.

It should look like this:
playable1.PNG (655.22 KiB) Viewed 2506 times
Flip the rack back.

On Thor:
- Reset Thor (right-click and choose "Reset Device").
- In the Modulation Matrix section, route "Midi Key -> Note" to "CV Output 1" with an amount of 95, and route "Midi Key -> Gate" to "CV Output 2" with an amount of 100.
playable2.PNG (12.3 KiB) Viewed 2506 times
On the Combinator:
- Open the combi's programmer by clicking on "show Programmer".
- In the "Key Mapping" list on the left, select Fritz (it should show the name of the currently selected patch).
- In the list on the right, change the first source to "CV In 1" and set it to "Pitch Semitone"; change the second source to "CV In 2" and set it to "Emit Gate".

It should look like this:
playable3.PNG (87.13 KiB) Viewed 2506 times
(to be continued in next message because of attachments limit)

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30 Aug 2016

We're almost done.
- Connect any audio source to the combi's "Combi Input" and connect its "Combi output" to a Mixer track.
- Create a sequencer track for the combi or the Thor inside (either one works).
- Make sure that the "Pitch Prob" section on Fritz has only the middle C enabled, and that "Semi" is not modulated by anything:
playable4.PNG (18.42 KiB) Viewed 2506 times
- Note that those are the only two parameters on Fritz that must be set this way. You can for instance use the die to randomize everything, and then reset only Pitch Prob to middle C and make sure Semi is not modulated.
- Press Play on the Transport bar (so Fritz has some audio to feed on).
- Play on your keyboard.

It works best with audio sources that have a constant pitch. Experiment!

Here is the song with the mono patch in R8 format (I'd rather post a song than a combi patch so it's playable out of the box, but obviously you can replace my source audio with yours):
Playable Fritz (Mono).zip
(5.99 MiB) Downloaded 112 times
Here is the poly patch one in R8 format as well. Warning: it requires Blamsoft's Distributor to allocate voices to six instances of Fritz, which share the same audio source (it can be changed so that each Fritz has a different audio source for instance).
Playable Fritz (Poly with Distributor).zip
(6.3 MiB) Downloaded 114 times
Finally, here is what the poly patch sounds like. First twenty seconds is the raw source audio (some random free vocals found on the Net, repitched wih R9), then the Fritz treatment. I added a light reverb at the end of the chain. If it reminds you of something, well... #YetSomeMoreIdleChatter #PaulLansky

Edit: Following Grifty remark below, there's no reason to limit it to 6 voices when you can have 8, so I've posted the updated 8-voices version here: ... 79#p282479
Last edited by WongoTheSane on 14 Sep 2016, edited 1 time in total.

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30 Aug 2016

Ok, thanks for the reply Wongo. Awsome (but insane) stuff. That means, it would be a useful feature, but is not possible atm with build-in feature. Can you maybe provide a audio example with a chord played?

I will give your stuff a try asap.
Reason13, Win10

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