Here is a free combinator - this time taking inspiration from the Vermona Kick Lancet - a specialized hardware device aimed and doing one thing, generating kick drums. (https://www.vermona.com/en/products/dru ... ck-lancet/)
It features very simple and straight forward controls, getting you quickly into drum designing action.
It's a single osc, where you control the pitch, decay, pitch mod and time to scalp your kick drum. Then there are more fine tune controls for some FM modulation, wave type, attack/click amount, saturation and other bells and whistles.
I've also included two different gate modes (either sustained with midi note), or trigger+hold - so you can adjust the length of your kick to your requirements. There is also a stability control, when reduced, it increased analog style randomization in the kick.
Will hopefully do a demo video soon, but for now, check out the preview and download link below.
Download link: https://deeplink.gumroad.com/l/klancet
[STOCK] Kick Lancet
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Music/Video preview for those who are curious! 

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- Joined: 13 May 2016
Bought the everything bundle and have been using your devices in my new EP

Bought the everything bundle and have been using your devices in my new EP
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Thanks Otto! Would love to hear your EP when it gets released!
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Got it right now with the 20 patches. Can't wait to try it. Thank you for making Reason even better
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Awesome, thank you for the support as always Quarmat!
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This looks really good, looking forward to trying this weekend. Thank you
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