[STOCK] Grainlink Sampler

This forum is for sharing patches created with the updated Combinator, as well as backdrops and any backdrop assets.
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This forum is for sharing patches created with the updated Combinator, as well as backdrops and any backdrop assets. If you would like to share a patch here as an attachment, you must zip it first. Otherwise you can host your patches elsewhere and share the links here.
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Post 04 Sep 2024

Hey RT

Here is a combinator that explores a lot of sounds, pads and textures that can be made when layering eight (8) grain devices.

Each of the 8 "voices" (or layers) position is randomised and spread left and right - which provides detailed and wide textures and pads (you can turn this off with the Sync and Stereo buttons respectively)

There's a good selection of controls on the front panel, in what I think is an easy to read and quick to grab layout. It's quite quick and easy to explore all the sounds you may get from a set of grain samples. That said, I have made about 100 patches to get you started.

The eight grains are split into a A/B side which you can control with the Mix knob.
Most aspects of the grain playback can be controlled, with further typical dials such as filters, envelope, amp env and delay/echo.
There is also a sub oscillator that can be used to play an additional tape style sample.

Thanks for reading, hope you have a good day and have fun these sets of sounds (and enjoy the video!)


Download link: https://deeplink.gumroad.com/l/glink?

Grainlink Preview.jpg
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