Reason Rack Plugin Parameter Name Issue (Ableton)

This forum is for discussing the Reason Rack Plugin, the version of the Reason rack that runs as a VST3, AU, AAX in other DAWs.
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15 May 2020


I'm running into an issue running Reason Rack Plugin in Ableton regarding parameter naming.

I can "configure" parameters within the Reason Rack Plugin, and the selected parameters are correctly displayed.
Example: "Pitch Bend", "NN-XT 1:Master Volume", "Mixer 1:Channel 1 Level", etc.

The issue occuring happens when I save the file as my new default template. (I am trying to pre-map the desired parameters, so that I can quickly use automation lanes in the Arrangement view).

When I reopen Ableton, all of the parameters I have added to the Rack Plugin are renamed "Parameter #1", "Parameter #2", etc. They still function.

Ableton doesn't have a way to rename over 8 parameters so my workaround is limited. (You can rename them by using Macros).

This is probably an issue on the Ableton side, but I thought I would leave this here in case anyone investigates.

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15 May 2020

There is a way apparently, however it involves delving deep into preference files, away from actually making music (bit like remote really but I diverge) -
I understand that clyphX is a solution. I haven't been down this track, I do intend to at some point though....

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15 May 2020

Cool! Thanks for giving me somewhere to aim! (I like process refinement projects)

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15 May 2020

look how nice and organized it is!

Until I save the set as default.......
Screen Shot 2020-05-15 at 10.38.54 AM.png
Screen Shot 2020-05-15 at 10.38.54 AM.png (209.46 KiB) Viewed 6098 times

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15 May 2020

I found a fix for populating device parameters by clicking and dragging the device a small amount in the Reason Rack plugin. The names now populate in "Configure".

I also found a fix for populating the automation lane names in ableton by clicking and dragging the track lane to a new spot.

Is this a bug?

Dave Beep
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08 May 2023

w1pl0c wrote:
15 May 2020
I found a fix for populating device parameters by clicking and dragging the device a small amount in the Reason Rack plugin. The names now populate in "Configure".

Very late bump but thankyou for this it seems to work!

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08 May 2023

Thanks for the bump ! I haven't seen this thread and this trick. Another one is to rename the device (tape strip)
I've opened a ticket with RS then Ableton (RS said it's not them). Ableton said they know the problem. Still not corrected. I'm still on Live 10, so perhaps it's ok with 11

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