Non Facetious Requests

Have any feature requests? No promise they'll get to Reason Studios, but you can still discuss them here.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2020
Location: Canada

Post 20 Jul 2024

Bring back all the original workings of Reason 12's UI and bundle them up along with Reason 13's tagging (yawn) and whatever other "improvements" were made, and re-implement everything as optional workflows.

- Stupid free-floating browser? Boom, optional: dock that son of a b!#ch and knock it down a peg!

- Stupid claustrophobic edit view? Boom, optional: hide/collapse that cigar-smoking tycoon tool panel that's buying up all your screen's real estate! Hell, break it out as it's own free-floating island like the good ol' days!

Let users work how they want to work!

I'm not being facetious by the way and this post's subject is 100% serious - these should all just be made optional and the debates will be over!

The solution couldn't be more simple!

Along with that, implement some of the improvements to Reason 13's updates found in posts by JoeyLuck with contributions from others like Selig, Pepin, et. al. and boom, you'll make everybody marginally happy and then you can finally get to work on... well... actually working on meaningful QoL stuff we've all been waiting for!

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