Key Commands, Editing, Fades & Clip Gain

Have any feature requests? No promise they'll get to Reason Studios, but you can still discuss them here.
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Post 04 May 2024

I figured I might as well post this comment from the Reason 13 as a new (but edited) thread here under feature requests. All really basic features that make working in any DAW (or NLE for that matter) much more efficient.

1. I'd love to see the implementation of a dedicated and searchable key command window à la Pro Tools and DaVinci Resolve (accessible via key commands Shift + Windows Key + K and Ctrl + Alt + K respectively on Windows) that allows key command customization and creation of mapping presets.

2. I would love to see a lot more key command editing functionality being implemented.

Some commands that I find indispensable as examples (all taken from Pro Tools) and painful to not have implemented as one-button (where applicable) commands in Reason:
  • Trim clip start/end to cursor (A, S respectively)
  • Fade In From Start To Cursor/Fade Out From Cursor To End (D, G)
  • Ctrl + F to crossfade selected abutting clip seams
  • Set loop to timeline selection (O - i.e. whatever you select in timeline, just hit 'O' and loop in/out are set to that selection - would be useful for comping at the "sub-clip" level)
  • Nudge clip gain up/down (Shift + Win Key + Up/Down Arrow)
  • Nudge clips on the timeline by a given value set independently from the grid value (+/- on the keypad)
  • The ability to change the Snap value of the grid (and nudge value lol) via key command (Ctrl + Alt + '+/-' and Win Key + Alt + '+/-')
3. Granted the implementation of some of these commands would require the ability to place a cursor on the timeline. Maybe they could implement a simple cursor "tool"? Could work out perfectly since Reason's current tools span 'QWERTYU' on the keyboard and it just so happens the next available key would be 'I' (as in 'i', lol). I know 'I' is used as a key command when comping, but it could just be made to be context specific.

4. Would also be nice to see more robust options for fades and crossfades - e.g. adjustable linear, horizontal and vertical 'S' curves for fades, equal power and equal gain for crossfades all at the comp and clip level. The ability to batch fade would also be great too, lol.

5. Another CRITICAL (in my opinion) feature that is very sorely missing is the ability to automate clip gain (toggling its display on timeline via Shift + Win Key + '-', Ctrl + Click to add a point, Alt + Click to delete a point).

6. Video playback! Mentioned elsewhere but I think would be an absolutely amazing inclusion/improvement that could be a game-changer not just for work, but for the company attracting new customers.

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Joined: 20 Oct 2017
Location: Norway

Post 05 May 2024

YES to key commands and key command customisation 👍

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