crimsonwarlock wrote: ↑19 Feb 2024
selig wrote: ↑19 Feb 2024
This is how it is NOW, no?
No, it's not. In Reason there is no specific location-relation between a bus or group (whatever you name it) and the mixer-channels feeding into it (same as with hardware). To have "groups = buses = show/hide = folders" (as you stated), the channels must be adjacent to the containing folder/bus/group (as they are in EVERY DAW that implements collapsible folders).
selig wrote: ↑19 Feb 2024
Option–Edit Group:
all bus tracks in the sequencer are edited as one, such as drum tracks or multi-mic'ed guitar setups
This is another problem with the idea of folders in Reason: There are no "bus tracks" in the sequencer, unless you create a sequencer track for a mixer-channel for automation etc. You can have an arbitrary combination of tracks that are only in the sequencer but not on the mixer, and channels on the mixer that have no tracks in the sequencer. You can do things in Reason that are simple and efficient, yet in other DAWs require a mashup of mixer-channels, audio and MIDI-tracks. This is why e.g., Reaper has a track manager where you can hide unused sequencer tracks that are there because you need the mixer channels, and hide mixer-channels because they are there only because you need the sequencer track. Implementing folders in Reason would either take away a whole lot of flexibility that we currently have, or be crazy complex to implement (and probably to use as well).
It's bewildering to me that people think this stuff is easy to implement or even to architect.
Please don't be bewildered on my account - I'm happy to clarify what I mean, and I also thought I was extremely careful to avoid saying crap like "this stuff is easy to implement" on any level. In fact, I'm presenting the "keep it simple, stupid" approach, knowing Reason is not going to go the "full feature" route any time soon IMO, and knowing as a small developer myself I'd like to think I am well aware of what all is involved in a feature beyond just saying "make it so". But I digress…
Channels wouldn't have to be adjacent. Even now I could put all my bus channels in the right (or left) side of the mixer and things would still work as expected. Maybe it's because you're expecting it to work like "collapse", and I'm expecting it to work like "hide". In other DAWs you can hide a group or individual channels and they don't have to be physically related. To clarify, I don't want a "collapse" feature, I want "show/hide".
Allow me to present some examples in an effort to clarify my ideas.
Lets say you have 8 drum channels feeding a drum bus, coming from Retro Umph. In the mixer that's 9 channels, but in the sequencer there is one (a note track) since mixer Chanels are not 1:1 with sequencer tracks as is the case in some DAWs. So what would happen if you "hid" the group? The 8 drum channels would be hidden in the mixer (and rack) while the bus channel would remain. The bus channel is where the "show/hide" button is located, so it must stay in view in this case.
What would happen in the sequencer? Nothing, I would think, right? This is a simple example of "tracks that are only in the sequencer but not on the mixer, and channels on the mixer that have no tracks in the sequencer."
For audio tracks it's even simpler since there IS a 1:1 relationship with tracks and channels for audio.
Rack View would follow Mixer View easily enough since there is a 1:1 relationship between Mixer Channels and Rack Channels. Following the example, the 8 Mix Channels would be hidden but the Bus Channel and Retro Umpf device would stay in view.
We already have a way to collapse multiple note lanes and audio takes in the sequencer, so that is not needed.
No flexibility is removed, and there is one additional button on bus channels (as far as complexity goes), and that's it. This more simple approach avoids having separate mix/edit groups or the need for a separate window for showing/hiding individual tracks. Combine with a "show all hidden tracks and channels" command sillier to "ALL OFF" for mutes and solos and you're never more than one button away from finding anything that is currently hidden.
As a bonus, all grouped channels have the option of being included in Mix and Edit groups (a Pro Tools and LUNA term if it's not familiar to others).
Even at this basic level, the improvement to workflow on larger projects would be felt IMO. The "Show ALL" button is the quick way to "get out of jail" quickly when you're hearing stuff you can't see (or vice versa), as it is for the "All Off" for Mutes and Solos currently when under similar circumstances.
I'm sure it is entirely possible I've left out something super important that would cause this entire concept to fall apart, but that's part of why you share stuff with others - so they can tear it apart and reveal the flaws!