Note end/length quantization

Have any feature requests? No promise they'll get to Reason Studios, but you can still discuss them here.
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Joined: 30 Nov 2019

01 Apr 2023

I seem to remember talk of this feature many years ago in a previous incarnation of ReasonTalk but I'm still waiting and hoping that it might one day be implemented. I'm sure that it would involve only a minor change in the code.
My reason for wanting this feature is that I often like to deconstruct other artists' music so that I can play it myself on my keyboard. The ideal method is to record my attempt at performing the piece in Reason, edit it and export a midi file into a score editing app, the results of which I can print out and use whenever I want to reply the piece.
Naturally, quantization plays a big role in the process. Unfortunately, because the note lengths can't be quantized, the resulting music score is hopelessly jumbled as the software is attempting to display notes having complicated lengths, i.e. not your usual crotchets and quavers. My only solution at the moment is to painstakingly edit every note.
Ok, maybe only a small number of Reason users might do this sort of thing, but in the Reason sequencer itself there would be a real improvement in terms of tidyness.

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