Blocks store SSL mixer informations

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12 Jun 2017

So one way is to automate all volume parameters in the mixer section, and annotate the automation in the sequencer section.
Draw your automation levels for different block parts.
This method is kinda ok, but there is a problem when the loop restart, the recorded automation looses the encoder information.

The alternative method involves creating a gain device per channel, that can be automated by a reason device cv, to keep a certain level different for each block. this is the better way. I mean it's persistent when looping and you still need to automate another cv anyway, but in the loop reset it will keep the desired level.

So SSL to store info on the seq it must have an automation pattern or lane, but what if this automation lanes for the SSL could read all the levels in one block and store that information without them?

Food for thoughts. What are your ideas?

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12 Jun 2017

What do you mean? Automation from blocks is stored in blocks or you can have it in the sequencer it doesn't reset the info when the loop restarts. All automation needs a lane. Just having trouble following your idea could you explain it again?
It is not too much of an ask for people or things to be the best version of itself!

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12 Jun 2017

Included in 10 requests:
Re8et wrote:
cryonicPAX wrote:-Sequenzer

4. Autosave & Restore-Function after a crash (after Reason 9.5 Update a must-have)

background-image or color)

That's a must have, totally agree with that.

I 'd add to your list the Block section

Blocks with SSL mixer:
1) Store SSL mixer variation information in blocks separated from song SSL parameters (gain,eq,levels,etc).

Main problem with this: You may want to maintain those separated, or say, your mixer variations when done in block mode will stay so on all blocks, otherwise you would need to copy paste your new variation to all blocks. Ok, so how do we avoid that?

2) Include a mixer patternizer default device that will store ALL SSL mixer information. :lightbulb:

like impact from Way gone Petertools, just on a right scale and side (of history).


I always wanted to know why they did not quit their work on that and joined the RE development, but they had never answered me a single e-mail.
(But mainly because I wanted to register my copy before losing it, and receive the upgrade. s****** company.)ok, skip this. LET'S JUMP TO USEFUL INFORMATION.

My idea is that it should work like an integrated part of the mixer, and have a counterpart in the mixer, where you could recall settings and presets.
This must be done as an upgrade to the mixer first.

And then it comes the rack counterpart, fully cv automatable, that mirrors all SSL settings and stores them in patches.

We could put it inside our songs and use it live mode as well as in blocks and register different mixer variations and recall them as stored in the pattern bank.

Of course it could do more than that.

It could store ALL variation information of a project into its memory for all rack devices AND SSL mixer.

maybe two brothers? :question:

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12 Jun 2017

AttenuationHz wrote:What do you mean? Automation from blocks is stored in blocks or you can have it in the sequencer it doesn't reset the info when the loop restarts. All automation needs a lane. Just having trouble following your idea could you explain it again?

Sorry for that

I mean the knob or fader value is not read until you move it, so it read it as a "zero" at the beginning of each loop when recording/overdubbing
So recording to the sequencer your fader levels, they do not output a constant cv that can be read from the sequencer, but they will give a value once moved. the sequencer does not keep the last value known when looping, for to maintain a certain level in the automation throughout a loop, the knob adjustment must be done repeatedly throughout all the channels individually keeping the knob moving at the end/start of each loop or it will "reset" to a zero cv read value...

aah...also... doesn't reset the info, what I meant was it does not read the initial value of a parameter unless moved, instead, with a constant cv output automation (the gain method) that information is maintained at the beginning of the loop.

Whereas is a lane or a cv input involved, the lane can not read real time cv. (that is right for its concept, otherwise we would have automatically populated hundreds of cv lanes for a synth when recording, but having some internal cv input for the SSL mixer would allow the real time storing of information if the feed was a constant cc intput for instance unless the signal has a slight modulation that make it readable at the very beginning of a loop recording (almost audio rate)

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