The challenge is to make a track with only one instance of the RX1200 12-bit Sampler Instrument and to use its Factory Collection (900+ samples sorted as kick, snare, hi-hats, bass, etc.) as the only sound material. Songs will be judged on the artists’ ability to craft complex compositions and arrangements with the RX1200. Artists can use audio and CV routings to take advantage of the 8 aux audio outputs and the full set of CV inputs of the RX1200 and Reason’s natural cabling possibilities.
- Use the trial version of the RX1200 12-bit Sampler Instrument RE
- The only samples you’re allowed to use are in the RX1200 Factory Collection. Don’t use external samples, samples from Reason’s factory sound bank, or audio recordings.
- Only one instance of RX1200 is allowed in your Reason song, and no other sound generator (no synth, no other sampler, no rompler, no audio tracks, nothing)
- Minimum song length: 1 minute
- No maximum song length
- No remixes or cover songs. Your work must be 100% original
- One entry per composer
- Entries will be submitted using this Google Form
- Entries must be submitted by June 14, 2PM (PDT) / 11PM (GMT+2)
- Effect modules:
- SSL Channel EQ, Channel Dynamics, Master Bus Compressor
- M-Class Compressor, EQ, Stereo Imager, Maximizer
- DDL-1 Delay, CF-101, RV-7 Reverb, ECF-42 Filter, D-11 Distortion, UN-16 Unison, PEQ-2 EQ, PH-90 Phaser
- Pulverizer, RV7000, The Echo, Audiomatic, Scream4, Alligator
- You can use the SSL mixer routing, EQ, comp, gate, to your liking, with as many mixer channels as you want
- Reason stock utilities (RPG-8, Matrix, Spiders, Pulsar, Mixers, Mix channels)
- Note Echo, Dual Arpeggio, Beat Map
- You will submit your entry via this Google Form
- You will send your .reason source file for validation purpose (and for showcasing your skills)
- You are welcome to share your submissions via streamable links in the ReasonTalk forum before the competition ends
- Entries must be submitted by June 14, 2PM (PDT) / 11PM (GMT+2)
- If you have any issues submitting, please send a PM here to joeyluck
- 1 grand prize winner will receive RX1200 + RX950 + RYM2612 licenses
- 4 runners-up will receive RX1200 licenses
- Winning entries will be featured on a dedicated SoundCloud playlist by Inphonik
- Inphonik and ReasonTalk teams