This months word is: Experiment
A word that literally allows you to experiment and make a song in whichever way you choose. It could be a new style of song, new ways of using your music gear, the world is your oyster.
There is no competition. No Prizes. Everything is for the simple joy of creating and sharing our music with others.
All tools are allowed. If you're asking yourself, can I do this, am I allowed to do that? The answer is yes, you can do whatever you want. There are no rules or creative guidelines you need to follow here. It's just the "word of the month" and what your own creativity/imagination does with it.
Word/Challenge of the Month - 'EXPERIMENT' - (March)
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This is my experiment release. Experimented with some rack extensions i have not used for ages and also with Phasers and Flangers as i have never really used these before (and even now only used them sparingly).
Another part of the experiment...well i made a bandcamp account
Another part of the experiment...well i made a bandcamp account
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- Joined: 22 Feb 2017
i experimented with the bv512 all month with some pretty interesting results
one experiment was to connect the individual band level cv outs to SineSynths 16 partial levels and control the timbre of the SineSynth from the spectral content of another synth or sample without routing the SineSynth through the vocoder. when using europa to generate the spectral content i found the phaser produced a vocal singing-like effect. when using mimic i found creating a drone from looping a sample created slowly evolving textures and when triggered in time with the groove it could be used to rhythmically control the dynamics of a melody
i spent the rest of the month using the bv512 in various ways, but extending the idea that mimic could be used to control the spectral content of a synth with often much better results than ive got from using impulse responses or the Tone Mutation devices from Numerical Sound. i started to make a combi to share but i had trouble keeping the DSP use low, in that example i set the playhead to global and each incoming gate would modulate both the playback speed and the vocoders spectral hold (gate on - play100% hold off / gate off - play0% hold on) the notes had a kind of breathing quality that was amazing but the device was too unwieldy for my laptop, i'll clear the harp sample from mimic that i was using because its not from the standard soundbanks and save it to share i think the next step for me is to create a bus effect combinator and experiment with using different samples for sections of the track, chorus / bridge etc potentially even using two Mimic devices and a mixer that can transition between them
one experiment was to connect the individual band level cv outs to SineSynths 16 partial levels and control the timbre of the SineSynth from the spectral content of another synth or sample without routing the SineSynth through the vocoder. when using europa to generate the spectral content i found the phaser produced a vocal singing-like effect. when using mimic i found creating a drone from looping a sample created slowly evolving textures and when triggered in time with the groove it could be used to rhythmically control the dynamics of a melody
i spent the rest of the month using the bv512 in various ways, but extending the idea that mimic could be used to control the spectral content of a synth with often much better results than ive got from using impulse responses or the Tone Mutation devices from Numerical Sound. i started to make a combi to share but i had trouble keeping the DSP use low, in that example i set the playhead to global and each incoming gate would modulate both the playback speed and the vocoders spectral hold (gate on - play100% hold off / gate off - play0% hold on) the notes had a kind of breathing quality that was amazing but the device was too unwieldy for my laptop, i'll clear the harp sample from mimic that i was using because its not from the standard soundbanks and save it to share i think the next step for me is to create a bus effect combinator and experiment with using different samples for sections of the track, chorus / bridge etc potentially even using two Mimic devices and a mixer that can transition between them
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oh i should add, that combinator BV512MICE has a control knob that says 'Sample Rewind' if it is set to 0 it will do nothing but otherwise it will drag the sample playhead backwards whilst the Mimic AMPENV is in Release (and the spectral hold on the vocoder is On) if however it turns out mimic really struggles if the sample is rewound completely, so maybe keep an eye on it. also if your confused my my shortening of control names AM refers to attack mimic (the attack value of the amp env), AE is attack Europa, AV is the attack on the spectral response of the vocoder and the mirror names RM, RE & RV control the release value of those devices
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what version of reason was this made in? i ask as only on 11 myself and it said bad format and corrupt when i loaded the combi
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i'm using r12.2.5 so yeah i guess that isn't going to work
it's an ugly combi anyway you don't want it in your rack
it's an ugly combi anyway you don't want it in your rack
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Ha ha should have realised it was 12 after you mentioned mimic . That's cool was just going to have a look as interested in your experiment.
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