That seems to have fixed it. Thanks for the fast response!AndrasHaasz wrote:This is weird. I tried to copy the Luna patches as well... the first in the rack was OK. But from the second the same error occured... something went wrong, and this error is inherited in the patch (?!)Wickline wrote: ↑21 Mar 2018
Thanks for that but still not working. The patch you made wasn’t 1 to 1, unfortunately. Diff envelop settings and a diff waveform for osc A. When I copy the patch settings to new Lunas it happens again. Pulled them out of the combi and put them each on separate tracks and still getting the error. It plays back fine so Used them as recording sources to manually bounce them.
OK, I rebuilt your patch starting from the scratch, step by step. Now it sounds the same to me. Please try it: ... rSBdxzmFGX
It works fine on my system.
I have no idea, what's this problem, anyway :-/
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